Why does this king of gods feel so artistic?


What does this mean?

People fell in love with this Buddha Palace because of the treasures of the gods inside.

And in order to achieve what he wants, he will continue to fight to the end.

But... But when it came to Fang Fan, everything was reversed.

become different.

So different!

The giant beast Xuanwu is speechless.

Is there still a lack of divine stones under the crown of the **** king?

Isn't this God King's crown a bit too miserable?

In this regard, shouldn't it be... should we follow it and keep it steady?


"Heavenly Tower! His Majesty the God King needs to reshape his body, he needs to return to his peak, and he needs a lot of God Stones!"

"That's why I went to find the Buddha Palace made of this divine stone!"

"As long as this Buddha Palace can be demolished, you will naturally be able to get a lot of divine stones!"

"When the time comes, the strength of the king's crown will be able to reach a higher level!"

A lie requires countless lies to make up.

as it is now.

At the moment, the God of Du'e can only continue to follow the bullshit.

When normal people hear these words, it is estimated that they will be a little suspicious.

If you say this twice or twice, it is still excusable.

But three or four times, I have been talking about this topic, which is a bit too much, right?

What kind of mess is this trying to express?

But obviously the giant beast Xuanwu is not a human being.

Therefore, he cannot be restrained by the way of thinking of normal people.

In his theoretical consciousness, the ancestral **** is the sky, and what the ancestral **** said is correct, and the ancestral **** cannot pit him.

After all, he has been alone since he made a sound, and no one told others that people's hearts are sinister or anything.

So in this regard, he has always had some shortcomings.

Now this shortcoming is becoming more and more obvious.

If one can't grasp it, it has to be completely turned off.

This thing is really going to follow an accident.

The situation on all fronts is a bit confusing now.

For a moment, I had a lot of thoughts, and everything in the depths of my eyes flashed in an all-round way.

it is more than words.

Right now, it's really hard to grasp.

Can't stand it, it explodes.

"I see!"

"It turns out that His Majesty the King of God is looking for the Buddha Palace to raise the sacred stone!"

"I remember that millions of years ago, I seemed to have accumulated some divine stones..."

"I just don't know where to put it."

"Your Majesty the Ancestor God, His Majesty the God King, wait a little while, I'll go look for it."

The giant beast Xuanwu shuddered, and after the editor was speaking, it began to move from side to side.

There was a trace of confusion in those eyes.

slept too long.

A lot of memory has followed a little problem, and it is normal for some to not remember for a while.

After all, it can easily sleep for millions of years, who can withstand it!


Bang bang bang!

Once the huge body of the giant beast Xuanwu moves, it will naturally shake the earth!

Immediately, the giant beast Xuanwu began to dig holes in the surrounding frantically!

"Looks like it's here..."

"No, no, it seems to be here again!"

"Hey! Where did you put it! Why don't you remember it!"


"No! That's right here!"

"It's even more wrong!"

"So anxious!"

"Did someone dig it for me?"

Bang bang bang!

The giant beast Xuanwu couldn't help but start talking to himself as he looked for it.

The stunned look on his face this time is beyond words, and the look of confusion is vividly displayed in the blink of an eye!

it is more than words!

The more I think about it, the more unnatural it feels.

There are thousands of thoughts, messy consciousness, and the rhythm is spread out little by little.

It felt uncomfortable for a while.


"Should we do something?"

"Or search with him?"

"This big guy said that he hid a group of divine stones!"

"If we can find this batch of divine stones, we will take off!"

"Such a good opportunity, you can't miss it!"


"Fang Fan boy! This thing is divided into half!"

"Even if there are only one or two God Stones, it's still **** money!"

"A complete divine stone is equivalent to 10,000 divine stone fragments!"

"Damn it! This level has been raised again!"

"Boy Fang Fan! You're just saying something!"


"Don't be silent!"

"I'm… so uncomfortable!"

"Fang Fan boy... Fang Fan boy?"

Muttering sounds followed, and various rhythms followed.

Endless brilliance flickered in his eyes, and his consciousness stabbed into place little by little.


take off!

Who the **** can stand it!

When he saw the fragments of the **** stone and the star core, Bai Piao's eyes lit up.

What's more, I heard a higher-level coin like the God Stone at this moment?

"This place is so big, where did you find it?"

"One person hides something, and ten thousand people seek it!"

"Tian Que can dig a deep pit with a radius of tens of feet with one paw. You can't find it at such a speed. How do you find it?"

"Hold on."

"It's hard to find it."

"Let's go to the Buddha Palace first."

"Anyway, these big things can't be confused."

"Things should be dealt with bit by bit."

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, his thoughts were full of thoughts, and his consciousness gradually became messy.

The corners of his mouth rose silently, without saying anything.

One hour……

two hours...

three hours.

Fang Fan's patience is being worn away little by little.

Just when he was about to call Tian Que to leave together.

"found it!"

"It's this! It's this!"



"Finally found!"

"It turned out to be hidden in my shell."

"After so many years, grass has grown here!"

"No wonder I can't find it anywhere!"

The giant beast Xuanwu lay on the ground, and then rubbed it, followed by one after another of divine stones falling down.

Originally, Fang Fan didn't care too much, thinking that there might only be dozens of divine stones worth hundreds of thousands of divine stone fragments, which would be better than none.

But gradually, Fang Fan's eyes suddenly changed, his breathing gradually became rapid, and the speed of his lips twitching increased in an all-round way, all without saying anything.

take off!

Take off right away!


Excitingly don't want it!

Now, be patient with a hammer!

Thoughts, directly followed the full flight!

Crazy thoughts are breaking out at the moment!

Destroy everything in an explosion!

With such a profound feeling, who else can I tell you!

For a time, it broke directly in place!

Excitingly don't want it!

Invincible at the moment, the idea is bursting!

"A thousand pieces..."

"Two thousand!"

"Five thousand!"

"Eight thousand!"

"Nine thousand!"

"Ten thousand!"


"Full of... more than 11,300 divine stones!"


"Get rich!"

"Oh shit!"

"A local tyrant!"

"Day! Day! Day!"

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