Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 4054: Cultivation for overall improvement

"Master... Master..."

"I...I can't do it anymore."

"I...I really...I really can't hold it anymore."


"Master, I... I'm about to show my original body!"

"I'm getting bigger!"

The basalt giant beast Tian Que twitched his lips, and then he couldn't help gasping violently.

If it can hold up, it is impossible for the basaltic giant beast to look like this.

Obviously, the basalt giant beast did indeed collapse.

Everything now seems so real.

"You let go of your consciousness."

"I'll take you to the small world of Chutian Pavilion."

"If you can't stand it, don't stand it!"

"I'll call you out when I need it."

Fang Fan groaned, and then his mind moved slightly, and he directly summoned the basalt giant beast Tianque.

At this moment, Fang Fan still showed a different expression on his face, and the complex expression on his face was beyond words.

When he stepped up this step, he didn't seem to feel any special pressure, it was very relaxed and relaxed...

Xiaoxiao is the same.

Another relatively easy is the white floating.

Xiaoxiao has a god-slaying physique, and the girl who appeared in the sky above the Buddha Palace looks exactly the same as Xiaoxiao. Maybe there is a reason for this?

That's probably how it should be.

As for Bai Piao... Is it because his God of Thunder is holding up?

As for Fang Fan himself, he also has a virtual **** of wild gods.

In the face of the coercion of those powerhouses, those with divine positions can face it calmly. Perhaps this principle is also applied at this moment?

Fang Fan's eyes flickered slightly, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

At this moment, this may be the only explanation.

It sounds like a bit of nonsense, but maybe that's it?

After all the twenty steps of the first floor were crossed, most of the people in Guangming Academy collapsed and stayed below.

About 10% or 20% of the people successfully reached the second floor.

Of course, Fang Fan's ten major legions naturally held on.

After all, they are all quasi-demigods at the moment.

At this moment, the door on the second floor is still tightly closed, and the people who come up can only stay at the door, and then look at each other, looking around, not knowing what to say for a while, and they are very numb.

The expression also seemed extremely abrupt.

"All gone?"

"What's the situation?"

"Why... why do you feel something is not right?"

"This... this thing, there is a big problem!"

"Tricked us up and stayed in this ghost place?"

"This **** place, but there is nothing."

"Let's stay here, we have a hammer!"


"Boy Fang Fan! Look! These steps...the steps have disappeared!"

Bai Piao looked around, and if something went wrong, it was the first time this guy saw it.

At this moment, Bai Piao was screaming and gritted his teeth in astonishment.

The changing expression is particularly real, black lines on the forehead flashed across the board, and his thoughts were completely messed up. At the moment, he couldn't say a word. He could only glance around ignorantly. in a state of extreme numbness.

All the messy things are bursting out of China!

"The steps...disappeared?"

"It's disappearing little by little."

"These steps seem to have turned into clumps of extraordinarily pure energy."


"These pure energies are covering us."

Fang Fan's eyes flickered instantly, and he felt extremely stabbed for a while.

At that moment, it felt as if he had lost consciousness.

I don't know how long it took, but when consciousness gradually returned to its place, the whole person was stunned.

He glanced at the surroundings at the moment, and then gasped for breath.

"My cultivation base..."

"Six-star high-level sanctuary?"

"From the first six-star Sanctuary level, it has skyrocketed by two levels?"

"And this good thing?"

"It's not a dream, is it?"

Fang Fan twitched the corners of his mouth, and then his eyes couldn't help but swept around the surroundings. During the speech, his eyes flickered, and his expression changed especially real.

This time, the thoughts are in place, and everything is silent.

Interesting, really interesting.

The more you look, the more you feel.

For a time, I wanted to say something, but I felt unable to say it.

"Have your cultivation been improved?"

Fang Fan's eyes glanced around, a playful smile appeared on his face.

"I've been promoted to the supreme holy realm!"

"Promoted a level!"

"How is this possible!"

"Why is it like this!"

"I didn't feel like I was promoted just now!"

"Suddenly increased cultivation base..."

"This is too evil!"

"This cultivation base, can't you want it?"

Chu Sisi's eyes swept around the surroundings, and then he couldn't help but move closer in Fang Fan's direction.

His eyes flashed rapidly, and the corners of his mouth twitched violently.

Messy thoughts are bursting out little by little at this moment!

messed up!

All of this is messed up!

A mess of thoughts, a mess of thoughts.

"I also feel that the cultivation base has improved a bit, but it has not yet reached the standard of breaking the order."

"At my stage, it's too difficult to go up the steps."

"However, the cultivation that I have improved is enough to save me from ten thousand years of hardship!"

"It's incredible!"

Xue Wanren, the deputy head of Guangming Academy, narrowed his eyes, and then he couldn't help but sigh with emotion. His lips moved slightly as he spoke, and his thoughts were breaking out little by little!

All the feelings are slowly sweeping through at this moment.

"Perhaps it is because the energy condensed after the smashing of the steps feeds back to us."

"This may be the initial benefit brought to us by the Buddha Palace."

"But at this time, we can't be too optimistic."

"Who can say for sure about this kind of thing. If something happens, we may sink into it completely, and then we will never be able to escape."

"So you have to be more careful."

"Opportunities and dangers have always been complementary."

"Since there is such an opportunity now, to a certain extent, there will be a great crisis!"

"That's what we need to focus on!"

Fang Fan's eyes flickered, and there were about 40,000 to 50,000 people gathered at the door of the second floor.

Originally, there were 200,000 people in the neutral camp, 100,000 people in the dark camp and 100,000 people in the light camp, plus more than 10,000 people from the Protoss, there were more than 400,000 people.

But there were only about 300,000 people who went to the Buddha Palace before.

Now 300,000 people have consumed a wave on the first floor of the Buddha Palace, and another wave has been consumed by the steps of the first floor, leaving only 40,000 to 50,000 people.

How many people are left if they pass the second floor?

But at the moment, the 40,000 to 50,000 people standing at the gate of the second floor of the Buddha Palace all had smiles on their faces.

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