These superiors decided this matter as soon as they slapped their heads.

In fact, it is the people below who suffer in the end.

It feels like nothing is right.

In the end, it will cause all kinds of trouble.

For a while, the whole body followed with anxiety.

too difficult.

It's messy, it's endless.

At the end, I was exhausted physically and mentally, and I couldn't even say a word, it was numb anyway.

"What are they doing?"

"You still have the mind to fight for power and profit here now?"

"Isn't this making the Dark Temple and the Protoss laugh?"

Xue Wanren, the vice-president of Guangming Academy, glanced in the distance, and couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth at this moment, his face speechless.


very messy!

"Vice Palace Master, should we also choose a faction to join?"

"Boy Fang Fan, Deputy Palace Master, we and that Ouyang disciple will never deal with it, otherwise we will be under the command of that Saint Yuan Jiuxiang first? He is also a first-class Saint of the Temple of Light Alliance, and his cultivation is also a strong demigod. ."

Bai Piao stroked the position of his chin, while talking, his eyes couldn't help but drift along, his thoughts fluttered, and it felt like that was the case.

At this time, after thinking about it, the presentation is quite real.

"It's not necessary."

"It's good that we gather ourselves into a small gang."

"If you are under their command, there is a high probability that you will become cannon fodder."

"Don't say anything about that Ouyang disciple. I can't wait to chop me into meat sauce."

"As for that Saint Yuan Jiuxiang, I can't tell anything from his face."

"But he is the ancestor of Feiyu Pavilion first, and then the first-class saint of the Temple of Light Alliance."

"If he really encounters something, the first thing he thinks of is to protect the Feiyu Pavilion, and he may not throw other people as cannon fodder at that time."

"If there is any benefit, if he doesn't give it to his direct line, should he still give it to us?"

"Instead of entanglement among those people, it's better to avoid it and have a rest."

Fang Fan yawned, and his eyes flashed slightly as he spoke.

At this moment, there are many other thoughts in my heart.

Thinking about it this time, everything is silent.

It feels so interesting.


"Sounds like that."

"But if that's the case, won't it look like we don't fit in well?"

"Cough! Isn't this a bit bad?"

On the side, Bai Piao couldn't help sighing while talking.

How could this guy think so much?

Fang Fan subconsciously glanced at Bai Piao, this guy is starting to grow his mind now?

"As long as you have enough strength as a guarantee, what can you do if you don't fit in?"


"It's not a big deal."

"It's good to be clear in your heart."

"On this matter, the mentality must be stable."

Fang Fan shrugged and said calmly.

There is a pure idea in my heart.

At this moment, the ten or twenty thousand practitioners of the bright camp seem a little confused.

Fortunately, the chaos started when we reached the second floor of the Buddha Palace. If the chaos started at the bottom, it would be really bad.

At the bottom, there are still 100,000 people in the bright camp...

100,000 people carried out a wave of comprehensive separation.


When I think about that scene, I feel quite frightening.

For a while, it went numb.

Messy, utterly messy, nothing.

Regarding the chaos in front of us, there has never been a lack of laughs around.

"I laughed so hard, how did they become like this ghost?"

"Ha! Hahaha! It's too sandy, isn't it?"

"Ghost knows! A group of sand sculptures are making trouble together, I laughed."

"It's nothing, it's a mess."

"Hehe, the bright camp, they are all hypocrites, and they are virtuous!"

"After they split, their strength will be completely weakened, which is a great thing for us."


The Protoss and the practitioners of the Dark Temple all showed playful smiles.


"A bunch of rabble!"

"Not enough to worry about!"

"They're all at war with themselves!"

"These foreigners look vulnerable!"

"Master Gucha this time, our God Race will definitely be able to grab all the treasures!"

"Although our Protoss has few people, everyone is elite, and we are more united!"

The second-class **** general of the God Race Tianlin City saw the chaos on the side of the Guangming camp and couldn't help sighing. Anyway, at this time, his heart was very cool!

All kinds of refreshing feelings gradually come into place, and gradually, there is a different kind of joy.



"God General Kuid!"

"Don't underestimate them!"

"Thinking like this will bring our Protoss into the abyss."

"We have to cheer up every moment!"

"When competing with these foreigners, there must be no slack!"

"Once we slack off, we are really dead!"

"God General Kuid! Think again! You must think twice!"

"God General Kuid!"

The sound of muttering followed, and the gnashing of teeth was fully displayed, and for a while, the sound of breathing gradually became faster.

Talha, the third-class **** general in Tianlin City of the God Race, said with red eyes and looking tired.

He is always watching the movement around him, especially targeting Fang Fan.

That has become his heart disease.


"Is it alright for you to be always saying these discouragements?"

"As for what?"

"The courage of my Protoss warriors has been exhausted!"

"Really boring!"

"To make it seem like our Protoss is such a waste?"

"I think you know that you are overly flattering others, and you have no confidence at all!"

Quaid waved his hand and couldn't help but frantically complained.

This is what it means.

Very real and very relevant.

The rhythm seemed more stable for a while.

In general, the problem is not very big, and they are still in a state of overall tension.

"General Kuid, it's not that I'm not confident, but the fact that countless times tell us that if we underestimate these foreigners, we will all fail!"

"Especially that guy...that guy named Fang Fan!"

"He's the scariest!"

"I can't see through him until now."

"The pace of his growth scares everyone."

Talha gritted his teeth as he spoke, his breathing gradually became rapid.

At the moment, inexplicably followed by nervousness.

The more I thought about it, the more confused my thoughts became.

Messy thoughts have a tendency to be completely ended for a while.

Kuide still wanted to continue to make noise, but was finally stopped by the first-class **** of the gods Tianlin City, the ancient temple.

The lord of Tianlin City, Cassius, is not here, and the ancient temple is the strongest and the leader of these Protoss.

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