"If Brother Shura said that, I would be relieved!"

"I especially hope to cooperate sincerely with Brother Shura."

"At that time, we will strive for the full rise and struggle of our dark temple!"

"In order to achieve this goal, even if I give everything, I think it's worth it!"

"Being able to work with Brother Shura! It's my devil's honor!"

"It is also an honor for the entire Dark Temple to have such warriors as Brother Shura!"

The first-class saint of the Dark Temple, Motian, began to compliment him a few times.

But in general, it doesn't seem to have much meaning and value.

This killing Shura looked like he was ignoring him.

You say what you say, it doesn't matter.

Not even a response.

"I don't know how to lift!"

Mo Tian gritted his teeth, feeling a little unhappy in his heart, and then he couldn't help but muttered to the side.

At this moment, I thought silently in my heart, my eyes trembled slightly, and all kinds of thoughts slowly burst out.

it is more than words.

This time, the rhythm was chaotic little by little.

It was so messed up that I couldn't even say a word at the moment.

For a time, there was a feeling of extreme numbness.

The more I think about it, the more deeply I feel.

For a moment, Wei Wei sighed, his eyes wandered, and everything was silent.

Mess! It's all a mess!

What a fool!

Get a hammer!

Thinking a thousand times, the expression is unpredictable!

This rhythm is really messed up.

"Are you scolding me?"

Killing Shura suddenly turned his head and glanced at Mo Tian, ​​his eyes looked particularly gloomy.

Devil: "???"

What's so special about me is that I cursed in my heart, how can you still read my heart?

What the **** is this?

Terrible isn't it?

Are you going to be so crazy?

Can this rhythm be maintained?

Man, you got it straight!

I'm a little nervous in my heart, okay?

Messy, endless, bells and whistles...


"I didn't speak again."

"Brother Shura, how did you know?"

As soon as Mo Tian's words came out, he basically stopped fighting himself.

But it doesn't matter now, he wants to hear how this Asura knows his inner world.

This ability is simply not too scary!

For a time, Mo Tian fell into extreme shock.

For a time, I couldn't say a word, and I could only stare at everything in front of my eyes.

His eyes flickered, and everything was silent.

Consciousness and rhythm, all followed to become extremely clear!

Stimulate! Too exciting!

It's this feeling!

"My guess."

Killing Shura continued in a cold voice.

Devil: "..."

Guess what?

Man, you are awesome!

Awesome Klass!

What the heck, this is unconvincing, it really doesn't work.

You have directly followed the suppression in place.

Others, nothing to say.

Accept it silently!

The rest have followed suit.


I feel like I'm playing...

The key is that this thing is not so fun to play...



Just when everyone around was full of emotion, the gate of the second floor of the Buddha Palace was suddenly opened little by little.

Everyone was shocked, and then their faces showed excitement.

After waiting for so long, is the second floor finally here?

Continue to climb the second floor of the Buddha Palace, and when the climb has passed, can this cultivation level be promoted to another level?

Thinking silently in my heart, my breathing gradually became more rapid.


It must be false to say that it is not exciting at all!

At this moment, the infinite light in the eyes is stabbed in place, as if everything in front of him is going to be wiped clean!

The thorns were so extreme that for a while, I didn't know how to control myself.

The rhythm is messed up, totally messed up.

The light in the eyes also spread out towards the surroundings little by little.

For a while, I was completely overwhelmed!


It's really exciting!

I want this feeling!

Everyone was ready to sprint in.

They have been waiting for this moment for a long time.

The practitioners who were close to the second floor of the Buddha Palace rushed in one after another, and then made a sound of exclamation.


"So beautiful!"

"Oh my God!"

"This... what kind of existence these are!"

"Pure white wings..."

"And...and that smooth body!"

"Perfect body!"

"Too...too attractive!"

"Oh my God!"

"Whirring whirring!"

"I...I can't control myself."

"I...I can't do it, maybe...maybe it's really not going to work."

"Everything is messed up!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"How... how can it still be like this."

"Isn't that what I want?"

"This... this is what I'm thinking about!"

The muttering sound followed, and the thoughts in the depths of the eyes burst out, and everything at the moment seemed to be destroyed and clean!

More and more people exclaimed, which naturally attracted a wave of people hurried over to see what was going on.

Fang Fan led the crowd into the second floor of the Buddha Palace. After entering, the expression on Fang Fan's face changed instantly, his eyes flickered, his expression unpredictable, and his thoughts seemed extremely chaotic for a while.

This... this is really a little different.

My mind was messed up, and I didn't know what to say at the moment.

It just doesn't feel right.

It does...does feel a little messy.

Fang Fan pursed his lips, his expression unpredictable.

On the second floor of the Buddha Palace, at a glance, they are all ice sculptures!

Inside each ice sculpture is a woman with fair skin, sweet appearance, hot body and white wings.

Some of these women have a pair of wings, and some have two pairs.

None of this matters.

Crucially, none of these women were wearing clothes.

This is the coolest!

The perfect figure was all revealed, making everyone stunned on the spot.

At the moment, his lips were trembling, his eyes were erratic, and he seemed to be completely messy.

I wanted to say something, but I felt unable to say it, my lips trembled violently, and my thoughts gradually became messy.

messed up.

Totally messed up!

A wave of bells and whistles!

In the end... in the end what will it be like to follow the toss?


Do you have to follow the flutter?

By the end, exhausted!

"What the **** is this place!"

"So many beauties."

"They're still beauties without clothes."

"This Buddha Palace is so nice!"


"Is this giving benefits to our vast number of male compatriots?"

"Perfect! It's perfect!"

"There is such a good thing!"

Bai Piao licked her lips, and her face gradually became wretched.

It's a man, I'm afraid I can't hold it.

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