Not much else to say, this thought still has to be stabilized.

The more thoughts, the more real the thoughts, and everything is silent.

Such a rhythm is being followed little by little.

The more thoughts, the deeper the feelings.

"Besides that, a lot of false god-level cards have been released from those angels before."

Fang Fan's eyes gradually shifted to the relevant introduction.

"Pseudo-God-level Divine Thunder Card: Summons a pseudo-God-level Divine Thunder to attack the enemy."

"Pseudo-god-level pet experience card: It can be used on a pet to improve the level of a pet."

At this moment, Fang Fan stepped up the steps, his eyes couldn't help but flicker.

Thoughts floated in his mind, and then he couldn't help licking his lips.

The sound of breathing gradually increased, and the smile on the corner of the mouth also increased.

What is needed is this effect.

Overall, I don't have a problem.

In all respects, it can follow and stabilize.

This idea is very appropriate.

"Choose to be promoted to the top ten legions!"

Fang Fan's eyes flashed and he said directly.

"Ding! Not enough **** stones! Can't be promoted."

Fang Fan: "???"

"Didn't you say that the heart of an angel is equivalent to a **** stone? Does it have the same energy as a **** stone?"

"Dog system, are you kidding me?"

Fang Fan's eyes followed, his expression unpredictable.

How can this thing work?

It's all bells and whistles, and it's all over the place, can it still work?

Do you have to follow the **** like this?


are you crazy? Or am I crazy?

Sand sculptures do not want.

It's a mess, it's endless.

Means nothing.

"Ding! The energy inside the Angel's Heart is indeed equivalent to the Divine Stone, but this energy needs to be decomposed before it can be used..."

"Ding! Does the host choose to decompose the internal energy of the Angel's Heart?"

The system sound rang again.

Fang Fan nodded silently, and now he naturally needs to break it down quickly.

Originally, Fang Fan felt very happy when he got these angel hearts.

He has always thought that this thing is a **** stone, a very beautiful existence.

It's just that the fairy is doing it, how can it be like this?

What the **** is going on?

Can you follow the stop point a little bit?

It's over and over, it's over?

The rhythm was chaotic, and the consciousness collapsed.

Fascinated, fascinated.

"Ding! The angel's heart is being decomposed, the two-winged angel's heart is being decomposed, and the decomposition progress is 0.01/100!"

Fang Fan: "..."

Decomposition is slow.

At this speed, it takes one hour to decompose a two-winged angel heart, and ten hours to decompose a four-winged angel heart.

Now Fang Fan has eight hundred two-winged angel hearts and one hundred four-winged angel hearts.

It takes 1,800 hours to finish it all?

good guy.

What are you kidding?

Fang Fan's mouth twitched, playing with him?

If you put it on weekdays, let alone more than a thousand hours of decomposition, even if it is divided into more than a thousand days, it will be fine, anyway, it is not short of that time.

But now, the time is very tight, okay?

So whole, no one can wait!

"Looks like it's a little hard to get into the sky."

Fang Fan exhaled a turbid breath, and his eyes couldn't help but flicker.

At this moment, his brows were wrinkled, his eyes couldn't help but flicker, and many thoughts in his mind gradually followed.

The more I think about it, the more I feel it becomes more relevant.

Everything is running at the established rhythm.

Immediately, things changed a little bit.

Consciously, the rhythm seems to be a little unstable.

With such a heart, who do you want to talk to?

Steady... Steady is the most important thing.

"Let's take a look at this pseudo-god-level pet experience card first."

"It's still the most real thing."

"If you can improve your cultivation base a little now, let's promote it a little bit."

"It's all come to this point."

Fang Fan shook his head and couldn't help but sigh.

This time, he thought silently, his eyes flickering, and the more he thought about it, the more calm his thoughts became.

it is more than words.

Gradually, it became more stable.

What is needed is this extremely clear effect.

Overall, no problem!

Don't think too much, just be safe.

Silently pondered, his eyes lit up, and gradually, he fell into a different state of thinking.


Hell's Three-Headed Dog Roaring Sky, Little Golden Dragon Ao Guang, Kunpeng Beiming, and Qilin Dark Night!

The four **** pets are in place again!

At this moment, they all crowded around Fang Fan, looking extraordinarily intimate.

At this moment, the eyes of their respective **** pets are scattered with a different kind of light, and they look extremely excited for a while.

This state is then revealed, and the posture does appear to be somewhat different.

Their thoughts were fully displayed, and the brilliance in their eyes pierced into place.

Everything is done without words, watching, don't have any meaning.

They haven't seen their master for a long time.

Now that I see it, I can't suppress the restlessness in my heart.

For a while, I wanted to jump up and down with it.

As their cultivation gradually failed to keep up with the large army, they were hidden in the snow for a long time.

Every time they want to come out and fight for their masters, they want to prove to Fang Fan that they are not waste pets who eat dry food.

But when they saw that the enemies the master was encountering were all demigods, they felt at a loss for no apparent reason.

They want to fight too!

They also want to share the worries of their masters!

But...but it's really hard to do!

Their low-level Saint Venerable Realm cultivation base, in front of the demigods, may be something that can be annihilated with a slap?

Desire to kill thieves, powerless to return to heaven.

The excitement of the four **** pets was gradually suppressed to the extreme at this moment.

They looked at each other, and then they couldn't help but start to droop their heads, and didn't want to speak at all, and the whole person fell into extreme numbness.

too difficult.

I can't do anything to say anything.

The irritable thoughts are about to blow the whole head off!

"Master, the sky is incompetent."

"Master, Xiaotian will practice hard!"


The three-headed dog of **** was roaring and talking, and the confidence was not enough.

The other three divine pets basically felt the same way.

too difficult.

Can't grasp it at all.

Cultivation and promotion, how can it be so simple.

At every turn, thousands of years or even 10,000 years are used as counting units.

The road of ascetic cultivation is so hard.

too difficult.

The more you think, the deeper you feel.

Gradually, he fell into an extreme sigh.

Numbness, gradually in place.

Very accurate and realistic.


That's it.

Anyone who understands.

If you don't understand, you can only follow and give in completely.

That's it.

"Don't be so downcast!"

"Let you come out is to improve your cultivation."

"There will be a stream of energy entering your body later."

"As for how much you can absorb, it's up to you."

Fang Fan's eyes flashed, and a look of anticipation appeared on his face.

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