Relatively speaking, some basic loopholes have already been filled.

Naturally, it won't let you find a loophole, and then take advantage of the loophole and take off.

People are really not that stupid.

Not only is he not stupid, but he is extremely clever.

Fang Fan's eyes flickered, and then he licked his lips, his eyes gradually became elegant, and his thoughts became messy little by little.

Feeling so, and who to tell.

Everything, given the moment.

The mess is here, and it explodes completely!

This kind of feeling is about to oppress the whole person to the extreme!

The pain doesn't stop.

"Give up! Don't toss! You'll be exhausted if you go on like this!"

"That's right, get out of here quickly, aren't you wasting our time by doing this?"

"We still have to head towards the third floor of the Buddha Palace!"

"It's boring for you to do this. It looks like you are cheating on us, but isn't it actually cheating yourself?"

"Hey! Why doesn't it make sense? What are you thinking in your heart!"

"Get off! Grass! You can't let all of us be delayed here because of you!"

"Axi! Dog thing!"


Complaints rang out from the surrounding area.

Their faces didn't look very good.

He also seemed extremely anxious in his heart, and while talking, he kept gnashing his teeth.

Such a posture is abusive to the extreme.

It seems very real and very comfortable.

For a time, the rhythm was being suppressed little by little.

The feeling was completely annihilated.

At the moment, not a word could be said.

He could only feel all this silently, and the killing intent in his eyes burst out little by little.


"I control my own life!"

"Me! Xingtian! Never give up!"

At this time, Fang Fan knew that the low-level saint of this dark temple was called Xingtian.

Although they didn't know each other, Fang Fan had to admire their perseverance.


It's just that sometimes it's too much.

In a matter, it is not good to go through a lot of tossing, and it is easy to make yourself seriously injured.

Then slowly, some can't climb up.

Falling into such a situation, gradually, the whole person became numb.

With such a state of mind, who is more likely to talk to.

Unlimited tyranny will tear up a person's whole heart.

It's just that the stairs of the Buddha Palace are not so easy to cross!

This low-level saint named Xingtian couldn't move his left leg at all.

At this moment, his right leg has already stepped up, and his left leg is missing.

In front of everyone's eyes, this guy took out a sharp knife, and then a red light flashed in his eyes, followed by the leg that was directly facing him and slashed viciously.



The pain of a broken leg is heartbreaking.

This guy actually cut off his left leg abruptly.

In this case, due to inertia, his body crawls directly on the ground.

In this way, it really came up.

Fang Fan opened his mouth, his expression a bit complicated.

This rhythm... a bit chaotic!

In this confused rhythm, it seems extremely crazy.

Is this... worth it?

The severed leg fell madly at the moment, and he couldn't get it back up.

If the original leg is still there, it will have no effect if it is directly connected.

It's just that the original leg is gone. Although it can be reborn with some elixir in the later stage, the reborn from the severed limb is the original one, okay?

What's going on here, in fact, they both know each other in their hearts.

It's all well-known things, so naturally there's no need to talk nonsense.

Because this time he cut off his left leg, which is equivalent to swinging a knife from the palace, and he may not be able to advance in the future.

After all, this is a very serious demon!

Fang Fan shook his head, and then he admired this guy's courage, but it didn't mean that he felt that this guy's behavior was correct.

In a way, it does seem a little too crazy.

Too reckless.

At this moment, everyone is eagerly waiting for the stairs on the second floor of the Buddha Palace to dissipate directly. In this case, they can follow a wave of cultivation.

When they were on the first floor of the Buddha Palace before, they had already enjoyed this benefit.

At this time, they still want to continue to enjoy it.

For a while, the sound of breathing gradually became rapid, and then he couldn't help swallowing saliva frantically, the light in his eyes lit up little by little, and his thoughts expanded little by little.

Excitingly don't want it.

The rhythm is very clear!

Invincible at the moment, and who else to talk to.

Sharpened his head, feeling all this silently.

Inexplicably exciting!

Comfort is enough!

Just waited for a long time, nothing happened.

The stairs on the second floor of the Buddha Palace have never wavered in the slightest from beginning to end.

The scene was a little awkward.

All are fully prepared, this? That's it?

bells and whistles...

Originally, there were more than 20,000 people at the bottom.

In the last selection, there were only about five or six thousand people who were able to climb up, and most of them were wiped out.

The team, followed by a sharp decline again!

There are only less than 2,000 people who belong to the bright camp!

"What's the situation? No promotion?"

"Where is the cultivation base improvement?"

"Shit! Isn't this playing with us?"

"I've taken all kinds of medicines, just to improve my cultivation. Now... how did it become like this now?"


"If I knew it was this ghost, I wouldn't have come up at that time!"

"Isn't this kidding?"

"Damn it! Unhappy! So unhappy!"

"It's getting old for the huskies! What the **** is this Buddha Palace!"

"Doesn't that mean that I'm here... I didn't get any benefits from the second floor of the Buddha Palace?"

"Well! That's about it!"

"Grass! If you say that, but I might as well stay where I am!"

"Dog thing! I vomited!"

"Go! Go!"

"It's too stretched! I can't stand it now! What the **** is going on!"

"Ah! Ah ah ah!"


All kinds of shouts gathered in an all-round way, and this mentality was bursting little by little at this moment.

The messy thoughts are about to completely cover the whole person.

Mood, anxious to the extreme!

horrible! It's really scary!

The more I think about it, the more uncomfortable it gets!

The more I think about it, the more humble I feel!

damn thing! It's all dog stuff!


Play a chicken!

Many cultivators' mentality collapsed at this moment, and immediately began to scream wildly.

The awareness of advances is being dragged down step by step.

Nothing, just play.

Of course, even if there is no heaven-sent blessing, and there is no comprehensive promotion in cultivation, at this time they are not willing to just follow.

It's hard to come up, naturally I hope to see it again.

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