Don't you want to put so many **** stones?

This is equivalent to picking it up for nothing!


Strange indeed!



"I know you must have your reasons."

"But... but these divine stones can't be faked!"

"This energy fluctuation is very real!"

Tai Shujie couldn't help but reminded.

"Well! The **** stone is indeed real."

"It's just that this **** stone is too spiritual!"

Fang Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, and then suddenly followed.

Everyone: "???"

What do you mean?

God Stone...too spiritual?

Is this to be personified?

"Boy Fang Fan!"

"Don't say anything!"

"I see through you boy!"

"You kid is not at ease!"


"It's clear that I want to cut off my way of making a fortune!"


"You kid, you actually cheated me like that!"

"You kid is not human!"

"How can it be like this!"

"Fang Fan boy! Too immoral!"

"Boy Fang Fan, I can't take it anymore, I want to die with you boy!"

"Fang Fan boy! My **** stone!"


"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Bai Piao was there crying for his father and mother, causing Fang Fan's brain to burst little by little.

As for what?

Why is this kid so greedy for money?

What have you done yourself to, and still be so greedy for money?

This temperament, when the time is right, should also be gathered up.

If you go on like this, won't this mentality have to follow the blood collapse?

Fang Fan let out a sigh of turbidity, but he didn't have the energy to deal with Bai Piao at the moment.

At this moment, Fang Fan's whole body was condensed on these sacred stones on the third floor of the Buddha Palace, and his face showed a different look.


This is not as expected.

Among them, there must be tricks!

It's just that I haven't revealed all the tricks now.

Fang Fan's eyes flashed, his thoughts fluttered silently, thinking to himself, his lips twitched slightly.

On the third floor of the Buddha Palace, countless practitioners crawl on these sacred stones, rejoicing.

They frantically filled these divine stones into their storage rings.

But gradually, their hands and feet suddenly became stiff.

It seems that they have filled the storage ring with the **** stones, but at this moment, they glanced at the storage ring and found that there is nothing in it!


away from the big spectrum!

What is rhythm?

What about the noisy people?

"Where's my **** stone?"

"Where's the **** stone I put in the storage ring? Who took it?"

"Day! Bring it out to labor and capital!"

"Sand sculpture! Your storage ring, unless someone else robs it, you can't take it from the air!"

"Sun! There is no **** stone in the labor storage ring!"

"Did you pick up a loneliness just now?"

"Dude, what have we been through?"

"I... I suddenly felt a little flustered."

"Grass! I'm also a little flustered! The huskies are dying! Could it be that some idiot suddenly robbed the divine stone in our storage ring?"

"Strange power and chaos! There are only true gods in this world, how can there be any ghosts!"

"Then... how do you explain this now? What the hell, I can't explain it at all!"

"It's cold! Maybe it's really going to be cold!"

"my heart is so cold……"

"You… you hurry… hurry… hurry…"

"Hurry up? Sand sculpture! Why are you still stuttering?"

"Look ahead!"

"These divine stones...the divine stones actually moved... by themselves!"


"It's so scary!"

"What the **** did we encounter!"

"Crazy! Really crazy!"

"I can't take it anymore! Someone give me a knife!"

"Sacred Stones...Sacred Stones are gathered together!"

"Huh? Why does it feel like you're creating a human shape!"

"It's not like, it's shaping a person!"

"Crap! Still shaping swords? Divine Stone Swords?"

"God stone has become human!"

"Ah! Ahhh! My stomach! My stomach was pierced! This...the people shaped by these divine stones actually attacked us!"

"Crazy! All crazy! What the **** is this!"

"I can't take it... I can't take it anymore! Who... who can save me! I... I feel my scalp tingling now!"

"You... do you think you're the only one with a tingling scalp? Me too!"

"This is the God Stone Warrior!"

"The gods were reorganized, turned into gods warriors, and then attacked us?"

"This Buddha Palace is really a ghost place! There are these ghosts on every floor!"

"Japanese! Originally thought that after climbing the stairs on the second floor of the Buddha Palace, I didn't get divine empowerment, and I thought that when we reached the third floor, some benefits would be given to us. Now, it seems that we think too much?"

"Indeed! Don't think too much!"

"In this case, our fate is completely ended."

"I don't see any hope anyway."

"It's cold! Cool moonlight!"


There were all kinds of shouting around, and for a while, the whole head was about to burst.

At this moment, in the depths of the eye sockets, there are flashes of bright light.

Anxious thoughts are about to crush themselves to the end!

Those cultivators who have penetrated into the sacred stone area on the third floor of the Buddha Palace are now in bad luck, and have been beaten up by the sacred stone warriors gathered around!

The blood soaked on these **** stone warriors, making the **** stone on them more lustrous.


The entrance to the third floor of the Buddha Palace.

Everyone in Guangming Academy looked at each other, then looked at each other.

For a while, not a word could be said.

There is only extreme clutter throughout.

His lips were trembling, and he wanted to say something, but it was difficult to maintain it.

Deep in his heart, an extreme sense of chaos swept into place, and his eyes completely followed.

I couldn't say what I wanted to say, and I could only stare blankly at all this in front of me.

Immediately, I felt this extremely anxious thought silently.

Mess... What a mess!


"Can a **** stone become a warrior?"

"This Buddha Palace is too outrageous, isn't it?"

"If you want to continue to climb the stairs on the third floor of the Buddha Palace, do you have to kill all these **** stone warriors?"

"There are nine floors above this Buddha Palace."

"If you keep doing this, who can stand it!"

"Good guy...good guy..."

"How can I have no culture, I'm Cao Xing the world!"

Bai Piao glanced at the front, while talking, the whole person fell into a messy state.

At this moment, he couldn't help but glance at Fang Fan's position, the corner of his mouth was slightly bitter.


Just now he shouted that he was going to rush in to make a fortune.

Fortunately, Fang Fan stopped him at a critical moment.

Otherwise, he might be hanged and beaten inside now.

Although he is rough-skinned and thick-skinned, who wants to be beaten?

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