The first-class saint of the Dark Temple, Motian, directly pointed out the words.

It seems very direct now.

Very pure.

That's how things are, that's how things are.

What's there to say?

The present has followed the full end!

Killing Shura listened to his ears, how could he still feel a sense of extreme righteousness?


"You're right."

Killing Shura is serious.


Mo Tian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, it's good that it makes sense.

As long as this guy can be arranged, the next thing will be easy to do.

This Asura Killer usually doesn't like to talk, and he is not very willing to clarify his attitude.

But once there is an attitude, the attitude is basically stable.

Very realistic and very real.

Basically that's what happened.

Perfectly fitting.

"Then the Asura Saint is willing to help me kill Fang Fan together?"

"Thank you for the help of the saint who killed Shura!"

"Don't worry about killing the Asura! After this, I will definitely ask for your credit in front of the Pope!"

"This time, you have entered the Buddha Palace to capture the divine ladder, and you have gained something. You must be the first!"

"To kill the Asura saint, we should have cooperated with each other!"

"If we can cooperate with each other, the future of our dark temple can be expected!"

"Kill the Asura saint..."

The first-class saint of the Dark Temple, Motian, was gradually excited. At this moment, his face became flushed a little bit, and then he frantically licked his lips, and his eyes flashed with a different kind of brilliance.

For a time, the footsteps could not help but tremble slightly.

Exciting and surprising.

it is more than words.


"You think too much."

"When did I say I was going to help you?"

"You are a little mentally retarded."

Killing Shura pouted and stood there calmly, looking very calm at the moment.

His posture was silent, his eyes floated, and his thoughts were being oppressed little by little.

Overall, no problem.

I didn't even think about it in my mind.

What a lot to think about.

Take it lightly, better than anything.

Devil: "???"


What did you say?

Why did he feel that he didn't hear very clearly?

What's the matter, calling him mentally retarded?

He understands, what's wrong?


At this moment, the first God Son of the Dark Temple, Madman, couldn't help laughing out loud.

Fun, so much fun.

Inexplicably very interesting.

At this moment, the eyeballs trembled, and the thoughts flew in all directions, and everything was silent.

As for the other ones that don't, what else is there to say? Take it lightly, no problem!


"Magic Heavenly Saint, I didn't mean it."

"It's just feels so interesting."

"So... so I couldn't hold back for a while."

"I don't laugh anymore, never again."

"Cough! Cough-cough-cough!"

Aside, the madman coughed crazily.

At this moment, Mo Tian felt that his entire face had been lost.

For a while, his complexion looked a little dark.

In the blink of an eye, the gnashing of teeth followed to the extreme.

The extreme thoughts burst into place little by little, and some couldn't control their extreme emotions.

The mood is very chaotic, the consciousness is very collapsed, there is nothing to say, nothing to say!





It's all bullshit!

Kill Shura!

You don't give labor and capital face!

Damn it!

Non-my family, its heart must be different!

The Shura clan should perish!

The first-class saint of the Dark Temple, Mo Tian, ​​gritted his teeth, thinking silently in his heart that the black lines on his forehead flickered wildly.

At this moment, I have such an idea in my heart, and for a while, the feeling of gnashing my teeth rushed to the extreme.


That's about it.

Gradually, it became a lot more comfortable.

Rhythmic, extremely stable!

Thoughts gradually revolved in my mind, consciousness gradually expanded, and ideas also increased.

"Kill the Asura saint!"

"What do you mean, just say it!"

"Since you entered this Buddha Palace, you have been ignoring it."

"I know you have a real temper on weekdays, but it's really bad at this time! It's disgusting!"

"I think you'd better think about it!"

"Some things, don't overdo it!"

"It's not good! It's really not good!"

"We are all members of the Dark Temple! We should all fight to the end for the benefit of the Dark Temple!"

"Instead of choosing to fight each other here!"




The attitude of gnashing his teeth was fully displayed, and for a while, the killing intent in his eyes was suddenly revealed, and this idea suddenly became appropriate.

The devil is angry!

Can't go on like this anymore.

I feel like my face is about to be swollen!

How can this work?

Make yourself like a piece of trash!



"What about the Demon Heaven Saint?"


"Otherwise, let's also learn the operation of those people in the Temple of Light Alliance?"

"Since we can't talk together, why don't we just separate!"

"In this way, it can also be cleaner once."

Killing Shura yawned with a look of disapproval on his face. At this moment, when he was talking, his eyebrows were raised, his eyes flickered, and his thoughts were flying. What he wanted was such a taste.

Very direct, very calm and indifferent, how big of a deal?

Sensitive mind and calm.

Mo Tian opened his mouth, the corners of his mouth crooked with anger.

He wanted to get angry, but the words came to his mouth and couldn't come out.

Damn it!

Say a hammer!


"I persuade the Asura saint to be more stable!"

"With such a demeanor, I have reason to doubt whether the saint who killed Shura is still loyal to my dark temple!"

"When the ruins of the gods are out, I must discuss this matter with my brother!"

The first-class saint of the Dark Temple, Motian, was talking, and then he was crushing his posture.

Very calm, very casual, very silent.

That's it.

Overall, it's not a big problem.

Moderation is very necessary.

Don't make those chaotic rhythms that don't make sense.

Killing Shura felt a little funny when he heard this.

How old are you?

Still saying this?

What do you mean?

If you were bullied, do you still want to go back to your parents to avenge yourself?


"welcome any time!"

"So...are we going to split?"

Killing Shura continued with a nonchalant expression on his face.

There's no need to get too involved in this matter.

Psychologically, Baba is the best.

How big is it?

There is really no need for nonsense.

Living in peace is the number one priority.

This can be regarded as a counter-attack against Motian, a counter-general.

"Split what!"



"If it splits, it will be broken by others!"

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