Fang Fan's eyes flashed, and he thought to himself, his eyes flashing with a different kind of brilliance.

it is more than words.

It seemed like that for a while.

Full of truth, thoughts are erratic, and everything is silent.

Invisibly, there is a strong sense of relaxation.

If the rhythm and consciousness are stable, it is not a big problem.

"This is just rushing to the third floor of the Buddha Palace."

"There are six floors above and nine floors below."

"Aren't there more surprises?"


"Surprises are hidden in these trumped-up things?"

"Although it is said that the harvest has been full until now, I have never seen the divine ladder until now!"

"When I looked at it from a distance before, there was not only the phantom of the Buddha Palace, but also the phantom of the divine ladder."

"Now that the Buddha Palace is already in front of us, that divine ladder can never be just the moon in the mirror."

"There must be some connection."

Fang Fan's eyes flickered, and then he couldn't help licking his lips, with a lot of thoughts hidden in his heart.

The more he thought about it, the whole person's eyes became erratic.

it is more than words!

It's really interesting right now.

At this moment, a comprehensive expansion is slowly being carried out!

Consciousness, quite real.

This higher level, will there be some surprises?

After the gods and stone warriors on the third floor of the Buddha Temple were completely eliminated, the stairs that climbed from the third floor to the fourth floor gradually appeared in front of everyone.

As long as you climb up the stairs, you can directly enter the fourth floor of the Buddha Palace.

Maybe when you reach the fourth floor, you can see the **** ladder!

At the same time, there were still 3,000 people left in the audience!

These 3,000 people continued to climb towards the fourth floor, and in the end they didn't know how many people could climb up.

In each round, too many people are screened.

Fang Fan took the people and began to climb the fourth floor of the Buddha Palace.

Fang Fan, like before, didn't feel anything.

The same goes for Bai Piao.

They all have **** positions, and this special pressure level basically has no effect on them.

Appeared to be at ease from beginning to end.

An attitude that doesn't matter at all.

Demeanor, calm to the extreme.

Basically no problem.

Psychologically, it can be accepted slowly.

It's always been such a calm attitude

Thoughts are flying, everything is silent.


"There's something wrong with this ladder..."

Suddenly, Tai Shujie said a word.

Immediately, everyone looked at each other, and some inexplicable expressions could be seen in their eyes.

"What's the meaning?"

Fang Fan raised his eyebrows with a strange look on his face.

"There is no pressure here!"

"When I climbed to the third floor of the Buddha Palace before, I could obviously feel some pressure."

"But at this moment, this sense of oppression disappeared without a trace!"

"There is a problem! There is absolutely a problem!"

"Absolutely... definitely not that simple!"

As Taishu Jie spoke, the strange color on his face became more and more obvious.

There is a problem here! And the problem is huge.

At this moment, his eyes widened, just staring like this, feeling inexplicably full of interest.

interesting! Really fun!

"I feel it too."

"It's easy to walk."

Xue Wanren, the deputy head of Guangming Academy, nodded and agreed.

The others looked at each other and nodded.

They feel the same way at the moment.

No pressure at all anyway.

From beginning to end, it was such a calm attitude.

Angrily, I don't know what to say.

A sense of elegance, condensed in the heart.

Basically, there won't be too much pressure.

Very casual, very calm.

"This Buddha Palace is really an evil place."

"God, go to hell."

"Could it be that this game is really the welfare bureau?"

"Why do I feel like it's not that simple?"

"Is it true that we passed it so easily?"

"It's unlikely..."

"I think there might be something else going on later."

"If there's that deep sense of oppression, we probably don't have to be so nervous."

"It's good now, without the sense of oppression, it will definitely target us in other directions!"


"It seems like a good thing, but it's actually the hardest!"

Bai Piao waved a big hand, and then said solemnly.

Sounds like a very enlightened feeling.

But I have to say, what he said does make some sense.

Even if it is just a few words, but the truth is there, it is so clear and direct for a while.

Deportment, everything feels there.

The thoughts are flying, the rhythm is clear, and the consciousness gradually becomes sober.

Basically that's what happened.

Small problems are small problems.

On weekdays, Bai Piao looks like a fool, but today what he said was unanimously recognized.

Everyone looked at each other with a different look on their faces.

Right now, I feel a little nervous.

What kind of pie is there in the world!

This is clearly a trap!

If you are not careful, you may fall directly into it.

The pressure from the heart brought an extremely strong sense of haze to everyone.

I wanted to say something for a while, but couldn't say it.

His lips cracked little by little, and his breathing gradually became more rapid.

They all watched the changes in their surroundings cautiously, as if they were afraid that they would be attacked immediately.

If something like this gets hit, it's not a trivial matter.

At that time, it is really necessary to lie on the coffin board.

Right now, you have to pay full attention.

At least the depths of my heart must gradually become silent.

Hold on tight and you'll have everything to gain!

Otherwise, they will all be blinded!

Everyone in the Guangming Academy can discover this problem, and the rest of the people naturally become anxious.

There are many people with an optimistic attitude, who take this as a gift from the true God to them, and feel good about it.

There are also some cultivators whose minds are too sensitive. When there is no pressure at this moment, their whole body is already shaking.

The extreme sense of panic in my heart swept through my whole body and mind. At the moment, my lips were trembling, I couldn't say a word, my eyes were fluttering, and my thoughts were broken.

At this time, say a hammer!

A heart has long been broken into pieces.

Then he put it in front of his eyes, unable to say a word, and the numbness swept through his whole body.

Nothing, just playing around there.

"It's cold! We're cold, there's no hope! I feel the presence of death, right in front of me!"

"This is a set! It doesn't look like there's anything blocking it, but it's actually sending us to hell!"

"No way! The entrance to **** is right in front of you! If you go up, you will die! The labor and capital will not go!"

"Grass! Treasures are good, but life is more important!"

"Run away, run away, **** it! It's boring!"

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