"Learn from him!"

"Burning incense! Then pray devoutly!"

"Definitely useful!"

Suddenly, Talha, the third-class **** general in Tianlin City of the God Race, shouted loudly.

Suddenly, he seemed to have some divine help.

For a time, the light in his eyes flickered frantically little by little.

The more I thought about it, the more excited I became, and the more I thought about it, the more excited I became, I couldn't help swallowing frantically for a while.

The world in front of me is also changing little by little.

For a while, it was completely unknown.

The rhythm is chaotic, the consciousness drifts, and the whole person trembles!

Protoss people: "..."

Sand sculpture?

One sand sculpture left, another came?

Kuide, the second-class **** general in Tianlin City of the Protoss, spat out directly.


"Don't be like a mad dog barking around here, okay?"

"Listen! Listen to what this is!"

"Oh shit!"

"Too loud, isn't it?"

"What the hell!"

"It's gibberish, isn't it endless?"


"Can you not be so confused?"

"damn thing!"

"If you don't understand, you don't understand. Wouldn't it be fine if you just admit it here?"

"Speaking nonsense, it means a hammer!"

"Damn it! In order to pretend, you really don't care about anything?"


"Is it okay to kill us all?"

"Do you think that the entire Protoss is a fool, and you are the only one who is smart?"


"I'm afraid that's what you think?"

"I've already seen it through!"

"What a dog thing!"

"Son of a bitch!"

Tucao sound, gradually in place.

Eyeballs followed frantically, while talking, his face gradually became gloomy to the extreme!

It is conceivable how bursting of that crazy idea!

damn thing! It's all dog stuff!

The second-class **** general of the God Race Tianlin City, Kuid, directly began to provoke Talha, and his words could clearly show his contempt for Talha!

Although the other cultivators of the Protoss did not speak, they could already show some attitudes from their faces and expressions.

They all felt that Talha was too sandy this time.

Originally, they felt particularly contemptuous when they saw that Ouyang Tu, the first-class saint in the Temple of the Light Alliance from the foreign race, was doing three kowtows and nine bows.

Okay now, is it possible that they all need to do these actions?

What has it become?

Is this face still needed?


Is it like rubbish, just throw it away?

What a bastard!

The more I think about it, the more restless I feel in my heart!

damn thing! It's all dog stuff!

The face of the whole person turned dark, and the breathing gradually became faster.

Talha's eyes glanced around, and no one wanted to believe him.

He is lonely right now.

Even his best brother, Rugas, has turned his face away at this moment, as if he feels that it is a great insult to have a relationship with him.

Anyway, there are such thoughts and ideas in my heart.

Gradually, it got to the point.

"Master Ancient Temple God General!"

"You have always been wise."

"You are still wise!"

"Believe me!"

"Trust me, okay?"

"You...you must believe me!"

"This matter is not easy... It's really not easy!"

"Master Ancient Temple God General!"

"Quick... quick!"

"It will be too late when that foreigner takes away the divine ladder with such a ceremony!"

"At that time, if you want to take this divine ladder from them, it will definitely kill and injure our Protoss too many..."

"It will be completely messed up by then!"

"Master Ancient Temple God General!"

"Please, just trust me this time, okay?"

"I won't lie to you!"

"There must be various deep meanings in this..."

The muttering sound followed, and the eyes flickered involuntarily, and the whole person was completely dumbfounded while the thoughts were flying.

As he spoke at this moment, his lips gradually cracked.

The whole person is numb.

This...it's not too painful at all!

Talha also suddenly got such a prompt, and for a while, his thoughts broke out completely!

"Shut up!"

"You talk too much!"

God Quide couldn't help but continue to criticize.

As for the ancient temple, the first-class **** general of the God Race Tianlin City, he was standing there with a gloomy face at the moment.

Obviously, he didn't quite believe what Talha said.


"It's all a bunch of idiots!"

"The Protoss has your group of ignorant people. In the future... sooner or later, the dead race will be wiped out!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Every time you don't believe me!"

"But ask yourselves! Do you regret each time? Missed it?"

"Although I, Talha, don't have much ability, but I'm much smarter than you guys!"

"You are all fools! All of you!"

"Greetings to you, it's not an exaggeration at all!"

"You don't listen to me, I will execute it myself!"

Talha took a deep breath, then tremblingly took out an incense burner, and was ready to burn incense!

It was just at this time that there was a sudden burst of oppression, and the oppressed people were a little breathless. They always felt that the breathing was extremely rapid, and they didn't know how to call.


Consciousness gradually became less clear.

I saw that Kuide, the second-class **** general of the God Race Tianlin City, had already rushed forward and directly strangled his fate by the throat!

This wave, directly made the whole person about to collapse!

After all, Talha is only a quasi-demigod, while Qued is a weak demigod.

There is a gap between the two.

When he was suddenly attacked by Quaid, Talha didn't even have the ability to resist.


"let me go!"

"You lunatic!"

"What do you want to do!"

"What the **** do you want to do!"

"damn thing!"

"Go! Go!"

"Bastard! It's all bastards!"


"Turtle son!"


A burst of roars followed, and the black lines in the eyes gathered together in an all-round way.

Talha rolled his eyes, and then he couldn't help but curse.


"You call! You keep calling!"

"If you call labor and capital again, I will kill you!"

"Oh shit!"

"Labor and management do what they say!"


"There's a lot of nonsense!"

"Shut up!"

"Shut up okay?"

"Isn't what I just said pleasant enough?"

"Do you want me to help you a little more?"

A cold snort came, and a sullen look flashed in Kuid's eyes.

If it really makes him uncomfortable, he will attack directly and kill him directly.

Talha swallowed a mouthful of saliva and did not dare to scream.

After all, my life is still in the hands of others!

It's just that the feeling of speechlessness in the depths of my heart is getting stronger now.


It's all dog stuff!

Oh shit!

What an asshole!

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