Everyone was shocked!

Could such a bizarre thing be true?

If it wasn't really revealed in front of me, I wouldn't believe it if I killed it!

But... But now, if I don't believe... I can't believe it!


In a moment of extreme numbness, I couldn't say a word.

There was a little bit of sadness in my heart.

The cool moonlight was completely numb, and it was nothing, so I knew how many times I was screaming.

"What are you still doing?"

"Didn't you see it?"

"Such a good chance to make a fortune!"


"I really don't know how to get rich!"

"I really don't know what to say about you..."

"Why can't this brain turn around!"

"Sand sculptures! All are sand sculptures!"

"Go! Go!"

"Quick... get out the incense burner!"

"Quickly bathe and burn incense!"

"Quick three knocks and nine bows!"

"Speed ​​up!"

"You must be pious!"

"Otherwise, you will be preempted!"

"Then play a few more games!"

"In the end, it doesn't make any sense!"

"Speed! The speed is in place!"


All kinds of shouts swept around.

Gradually, a large number of follower parties gathered.

The person who insulted this stupid behavior before can't help but start to act now.

Capture the treasure ladder without stumbling!

You must do your best!

There can be no delay at this point!

Speed...speed has to be boosted!

This wave seems so appropriate!

For a while, the sound of breathing gradually reached the extreme, and then he started to stab ahead frantically!



"My hunch is right!"


"I succeeded!"

"The ladder will be mine soon!"

"There is indeed a great fate between this Buddha Palace and my Ouyang Tuo!"

"Before... I have wasted all these fates before!"

"Now... Now that I have finally grasped this wave of opportunities, how can I miss it at will?"

"Yes... yes! We must hold on to the present moment!"

"Seize the opportunity! Seize this wave of opportunities, keep... keep walking forward!"


"The only opportunity for me to honor is here!"

"Cool! It's really cool!"

"I can not stand it any more!"

"Invincible! Let's fight blood!"




Ouyang Tu, the first-class saint of the Temple of Light, trembled slightly, and his whole body gradually began to shake!

Unexpectedly, he is really the son of luck!

His future will be extremely bright!

Everyone will be his wedding dress!

This time, I have such an idea in my heart, and I suddenly feel a little lack of grasp!

When the full thrust is in place, everything will be wiped out!

Scratch endlessly!

The tremor is boundless!

Invincible now! Who else to talk to!

Too surprised!

Yes, maybe that's how it feels?


Maybe... it's all true?

Exciting...and real?

it is more than words!

Ouyang Tu held his head up and couldn't help but glanced at Yuan Jiuxiang's position not far away, the whole person seemed even more proud.

At this moment, Yuan Jiuxiang, another saint in the Temple of the Light Alliance, was full of disbelief. A thin face was not only horrified, but also terrified from the bottom of his heart!

The whole person is in total numbness.

Has not moved!

Totally bewildered!

This is also a chicken!

At the moment of complete end, let all this be followed by total silence!

Basically, that's it!

"how can that be possible!"

"How could this divine ladder be taken down by Ouyang Tu!"

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it will!"

"Fake!! It's all fake!"

"If it's really a **** ladder that Ouyang Tu can get down, it's also a fake **** ladder!"

"How can you use this method of bathing and burning incense to make the **** ladder fall?

Nonsense! Simply nonsense!

Foolishness! more stupid!


The gnashing of teeth followed in place, and for a while, the complexion gradually turned red, and the lips gradually turned purple, and the will of the whole person was about to be completely suppressed!

damn thing! It's all dog stuff!

Son of a bitch!

What **** are these!

Play some games!

After tossing to the end, this mentality has already collapsed on the spot!

In the moment of numbness, who do you want to talk to!

The sand sculpture time has come!

"This **** ladder... is really falling."

"When it falls...into Ouyang Tu's hands, I...I can't...Is it possible that I really want to surrender to him and be a slave to him?"

"Just by virtue of this guy's attitude towards me, I'm afraid he has long been extremely dissatisfied with me!"


"In this case, I... what am I going to do!"



"Damn! Damn! It's all nasty bastards!"

"When I'm under his hands, won't I be tossed to death?"



"I shouldn't have been so impulsive at the beginning, I just ran to bet!"

"Okay now, just hang yourself in!"

"too difficult!"

"Tossed to the end, but I was directly cold!"

The surrounding muttering sound followed, and the thoughts were flying, as if to completely contain everything around!

Yuan Jiuxiang, the first-class saint of the Temple of the Light Alliance, had a livid face, and was already thinking about his future.

Now it seems that his back path has been completely copied.

If you go on like this, there will be big problems!


"Good guy!"

"How did this guy really take off?"

"Did this guy really get some special tips?"

"Then...then the ladder is really going to fall into his hands?"

"Oh shit!"

"Anyone can take this divine ladder, but if this guy gets it, the labor and capital are unhappy!"

Bai Piao gritted her teeth, looked at Ouyang Tu's position, and couldn't help roaring along at this moment.

There is such and such dissatisfaction in my heart, it can only be said that it is too normal!

Son of a bitch!

damn thing!

It's all messed up!

"Boy Fang Fan!"

"We have to do something too!"

"Otherwise, let's just follow suit..."

"Who can't burn incense and bathe?"

"It's not difficult to make three kowtows and nine bows!"

"Boy Fang Fan, what do you think?"

Bai Piao was talking, but couldn't help reminding him at the moment.

"Even if this bathing and burning incense is really useful, there are already so many people bathing and burning incense three times and nine worships. Do you think it's our turn?"

"Even if it's useful, it's useful to someone doing it for the first time."

"Why do I think there is a hint of evil in this matter?"

Fang Fan narrowed his eyes, thinking to himself, his thoughts gradually floated, his hands folded in front of him, his brows furrowed, his expression strange.

too difficult.

Messy, I don't know.

What are you going to do!

Too abrupt!

He felt that this matter was definitely not that simple!

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