The second-class **** general of the God Race Tianlin City, Kuide, thought to himself, his teeth were shaking little by little.

The more I think about it, the more my mind becomes numb.

It's a hammer!

The bells and whistles make no sense.

Toss to the end, completely cool and thin.

The sense of sand sculpture invades the whole body.

Stupid, no sense.

"But if I directly transfer to the command of the ancient temple **** general, in this Buddha Palace and even in the entire god's ruins, my life will indeed be easier."

"But...but it's only better than that."


"In the the's still not good enough."

"Maybe... Maybe it will be even worse."

"Then...then there is no future."

"Wait out of the Buddha Palace and the ruins of the gods, will the ancient temple **** be the opponent of Lord Cassius?"

"Although their realm is the same now, but... but Lord City Lord has already stepped into the ultimate demigod realm tens of thousands of years ago!"

"It's been a long time since I practiced, maybe it's much stronger than... than the ancient temple **** who has just been promoted to the demigod realm?"

"Whirring whirring!"

"If...if that's the case, then...then there's nothing to say."

"This wave... is basically a dead end!"

"It's still playing with a hammer!"

"It's nothing!"

The muttering sound followed, and while the thoughts were flying, I couldn't help swallowing saliva frantically.

Totally don't know why.

The more you think about it, the more messy it becomes!

Mess! It's a mess now!

At the moment when the thoughts gathered together, it seemed even more anxious.

His hands trembled slightly, his eyes flickered, and he really wanted to lie down.


Being human is really painful!

These bastards!

What are you doing!

"No matter what, it's a death."


"It's the difference between dying early and dying late!"

"Oh shit!"

"Turtle son's!"

"These things! It's too painful!"

"My mind is broken!"

"It's still playing with a hammer!"

"I'll kill you in minutes!"

The muttering sound followed, and Kuid's eyes couldn't help flipping frantically. The more he thought about it, the more uncontrollable his state of mind became.


"It's just for you to say a name, is this so difficult?"

The mad crushing feeling invaded, and the gaze of the first-class **** general of the God Race Tianlin City, the ancient temple, became sharper and more abrupt.

For a time, Quaid hesitated, unable to speak.

"My subordinates are willing to dedicate all their loyalty to Lord Gusha!"

"From today onwards, my subordinates are the most loyal lackeys and servants of Lord Gucha!"

"Master Gu Temple's Bing Feng is pointing to the direction I'm fighting for!"

"Master Gucha..."


There were bursts of excited shouts, and the breathing gradually became faster.

The picture in front of him is being stabbed little by little.

it is more than words.

So conscious, swept in place, and said a hammer?

Just follow the hemp, right?

Quaid chose to lie down.

Relatively speaking, if you choose the ancient temple gods, you can die a little later, at least you have to wait until you get out of the ruins of the gods before being revenge by the Cassius city lord.

But if you don't choose to surrender now, you will suffer the revenge of the Cassius City Lord now!

In such a situation, what else is there to say?

Don't you just follow the hemp? Is that basically what it is?

The thoughts gathered in place, and inexplicably a bitter feeling was born.

But now that the choice has been made, there is no regret.

Anyway, regret is a dead end in the end.

At that time, he still felt restless and painful in his heart.

In the end, it means nothing.

Just follow the toss and go, the meaning of a hammer?

The last, the last, will only follow the full end!

that is it!

Really full!

Safe as ever!

The first-class **** general of the God Race Tianlin City, Gu Sha, raised his gaze slightly, with a satisfied look on his face.

This wave feels so cool.

"Good, very good!"

"Ha ha!"

"You're funny! You're also funny!"

"What I admire most is people like you!"

"Don't worry, when I become the city lord, you will be the deputy city lord!"

The **** general of the ancient temple nodded with deep conviction, and at this moment, he naturally wanted a thousand dollars to buy a wave of horse bones.

Just like now, the sense of ritual must be strong.

His eyes flickered, and the corners of his mouth were still smiling.

Sincere and beautiful!

After a good start with Kuid, the ancient temple seems to be more confident

His gaze turned to the other cultivators of the Protoss.

"Everyone, what is your choice?"

"Do you want me to ask them one by one in person?"


"Can you stop pretending to be deaf?"

"To tell you the truth, if you dare to talk nonsense, pay attention to your flesh and blood!"

The cold snort swept into place, and the picture in front of him also cracked little by little.

While the thoughts are flying, the feeling of suppression is full!

Crazy consciousness has long since burst out!

It's nothing, I feel like I'm just playing around!

"God General Talha!"

"God General Rugas!"

"God General Kanu!"


The ancient temples began to shout their names one by one.

The Protoss God General whose name was called suddenly had a desperate expression.

too difficult.

Every moment is so special that Wang Bang starts!

There is simply no good way to follow it, right?

Deep down, there is only extreme unease.

too difficult!

It's hard to get to the sky!

This wave, but also play a few!

Nothing, just a few bullshit!

The point is, this calf is really meaningless!

"The ancient temple **** general!"

"You're a little obsessed now!"

"Is it because there are some special substances in this Buddha Palace that can confuse one's mind and stimulate the extreme desires hidden deep in everyone's heart?"

"You look like this now, it's actually a bit similar!"

"It's not so good! Just thinking about fighting for power and profit? Even want to replace the Lord of the City?"

"First of all, it's one thing to be able to escape from this ghost place!"

"Can't we focus all our energy on capturing the treasure and killing those foreigners?"

"What's the point of arguing at this time?"


"Did you not hear what I said? Or what?"

"I said, isn't it clear enough?"




"Is it still possible!"

Talham stood up silently and directly turned against the guest.

As he spoke, the tyranny on his face was beyond words.

Sad! It's really sad now!

At the beginning, although the number of Protoss was small, compared with those foreigners, the biggest advantage was unity!

But now it's alright, why have you lost even the biggest advantage?


This wave, how is it still fluttering?

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