The arrogant guy will not end well after all!

In the end, everything here has to be brought to an end!

Whirring whirring! It is! That's it!

For a time, the whole person was swaying along!

I was very angry, but I didn't dare to take the last step!


If this is the case, even if you are angry, what can you do?

Last last, hold back! All hold back!

Do not wave! Can't wave!

Of course, don't move!

"In the future, I will have your good fruit to eat!"

Mo Tian clenched his fists and couldn't help but secretly hated in his heart.

Mo Tian's eyes continued to focus on Fang Fan, and he was now looking for an actual stab to get a bargain.

For a time, the light in his eyes became more and more turbulent!

This wave is very exciting! Very thorny! very excited!

Directly invincible at the moment, let alone talk to someone.

As for the other first-class saint who killed Shura in the dark temple, he focused all his attention on Mo Tian at this moment.

Whenever Motian does anything that will endanger Fang Fan's life, he will choose to do it!

Is this almost an instinct? Instinctively to protect one's own kind? Instinctively support higher bloodlines?

Such thoughts gradually drifted away in his mind, and then he walked forward silently, unable to help but nodded slightly, and everything was silent.

It still tastes so real.

That's it, safe and sound, isn't it good?

There is no need to go sand sculpture all the time.

The feeling of sighing came immediately.


Protoss, the grievances at this moment are put down.

All attention was on the ladder.

Among the Protoss, strength is respected!

Gu Sha is the strongest existence in this group of Protoss practitioners, so no matter what happened, Gu Sha is still presiding over the audience at this moment!

"I am now in the same realm as Cassius, the lord of Tianlin City."

"I am not taking the ladder now to complete the desperate mission left by Cassius, I am for myself!"


"There are so many mysteries in this divine ladder. It is conceivable that this thing is not simple! It is not simple!"

"In this case, I need to be more vigilant. If there is a slight change, the whole game will be lost! Then it will be even more meaningless."

"In the end, it will still be fully opened."

"It's boring, it doesn't make any sense at all."

"What's the point of fluttering around like that?"

"Either don't shoot, if you choose to shoot, you must kill with one hit!"

"It's too bad to fail now!"

"Any failure will destroy everything!"

"No! This can't be done!"

"It's's not what I want!"


The sound of swallowing saliva followed, and Gu Sha, the first-class **** general in Tianlin City of the God Race, clenched his fists tightly, and the bones all over his body felt cracked a little bit.

There seem to be many gaps in the bones.

That feeling, that taste, gradually became numb to the extreme.

It's nothing, just a few flutters.

After tossing and turning, the whole person went crazy.


Sand sculpture!


"Master Gusha! As long as you give an order, we will rush out directly, and we will kill all these bastards!"

"Master Gucha!"

"We are all willing to die for you!"

"Lord Gucha, in fact, I have already seen it, you are the real Son of Heaven!"

"Really! This is true!"

"Master Gusha! What do you think we are going to do next?"

"I'll listen to you!"

"Master Gusha! Just follow the established steps!"

"Master Gucha..."


There was a sense of anxiety in the surroundings, and for a while, the picture in front of me was also updated and iterated bit by bit!

The second-class **** general of the God Race Tianlin City, Kuide, has fully demonstrated his responsibilities as a dog-leg at this moment.

When you choose to turn your back on Castle Lord Cassius and serve under the command of the ancient temple, there is no turning back!

It's a gamble anyway!

Since it is a gamble, then there is the possibility of winning the gamble!

As long as... as long as you can win the bet, it's not a problem.

But if you lose the bet, it's really over.

Now... now keep that firmly in mind.

For a time, the lips were cracked little by little, and the breathing gradually became extremely rapid.

The feeling of ecstasy is about to be pressed directly!


Too exciting!

Invincible at the moment, and who else to talk to.

The rest, don't care, don't care at all.

Sincerely, invincible!

Keep going in this direction!

In the face of Kuid's flattery, the ancient temple seemed to have no response.

I'm probably used to it, and I think this is what Quaid should say and do.

If Kuid doesn't say so in the future, maybe he will react accordingly.

As it is now, more wonderful thoughts can't help but spawn in my heart.

Weird, no brains.

According to the established rhythm, basically no problem!

The ancient temple seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and then suddenly focused his attention on Talha, who was dying on the ground!

"Don't die first!"

"Your brain is very useful!"

"Tell me! Tell me now! I'm… what should I do now?"

"Whirring whirring!"

"Talk to you! Talk to you!"

"Don't pretend to be deaf!"

"Say it!"

"How can I **** the ladder under the eyes of so many people, and then they won't ask me for it!"



"Aren't you very smart?"

"Aren't you very smart?"

"Isn't that what I said before?"


"Now I give you a chance, you don't speak again!"

"hurry up!"

The patience of the ancient temple is emerging.

A pair of fists were clenched, and blood was about to seep out.

The more he talked, the more excited he became, the more dull his face became.

For a time, the whole person was about to be crushed!

Extreme resentment, direct suppression!

Such a feeling, what a fool!

It's a hammer!





Even more surprising!

Gu Sha stared at Talha with great hope, he was here to ask!

Although the ancient temple also hates this Talha now, but I have to admit that after several verifications, it has been shown that this guy's brain is really good.

In many cases, some key information can be captured according to some details!

This is no ordinary person!

This is the boss! This is the real boss!

At this point, the sense of hope in Gu Sha's eyes became stronger.


"What do you mean, if you get the **** ladder, those people won't be looking for you to **** it?"

"Is that so?"

Talha insisted and said a few words.




"That's it!"

"Speak quickly!"

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