Xue Wanren, the deputy head of Guangming Academy, ignored Bai Piao, then frowned and began to analyze the current messy situation.

If this situation is not grasped, things will happen.

When something happens, it won't be a trivial matter.

"Let's fight!"

"If you want to escape now, there is no chance."

"Leave our backs to these weird bugs, and we're afraid we'll all be devoured."

"Now there is no other way than to gamble."

"If you take a gamble, there may be hope."

Fang Fan shook his head, and then followed the analysis.

At this time, I can only bite the bullet.

Each of these levels is not so easy to pass.

In the Buddha Palace, the upper floors are more terrifying, and there will be some more crazy challenges!

Fang Fan is very clear about these, and he already has many thoughts and consciousness in his heart.

This wave can only be stable! Must also be stable!

Unable to stabilize, it was completely torn apart, and it was meaningless.

Fang Fan gritted his teeth, his eyes flickered slightly, and his footsteps began to move forward little by little.

"Goth Destroyer Gatling Legion!"

"All out!"

"Don't save energy!"

"Surround around and fire like crazy!"

"Destroy these beetles as far away as possible."

"Keep it as close as possible."

Fang Fan shook his head, while talking, his expression slowly became weird.

The messy thoughts followed little by little in my mind.

Next, is the most exciting moment!

According to this awareness and rhythm, there won't be any big problems!

As for the remaining fiery red beetles, when the remaining fiery red beetles approached, the other legionnaires could still kill them little by little!

As long as it is swept and filtered by twelve Gatling machine guns, most of the Beetles can basically be filtered out!

In the end, there will be no surprises!

Everything can be smoothly followed and stabilized.


Da da da!

After the twelve Gothic Gatling Gunners opened fire, the surrounding war was completely ignited!

In the midst of the raging war, there is a great sense of oppression invisibly.

Immediately, I can't control myself at all, and I can't contain my mentality at all!

In this way, Pu Ling tossed to the end, completely followed by numbness.

Right now, the area around Fang Fan should be considered the safest. ,

The surrounding beetles were basically swept away.

At this moment, many people began to move closer to where Fang Fan was.

Of course, he would also choose to avoid the guns of the Goth Gatling machine gunners, otherwise, wouldn't he be courting death?

When these fiery red beetles were killed, their bodies suddenly began to gather in the distance.

"Is this dead or not?"


"This... this is really incomprehensible!"

"I go!"

"According to this situation, let's play a hammer!"

"This... this is all messed up, isn't it?"

"Is this bug so evil?"

"What's the matter, you can still flutter when you're dead!"

"You can still play like this!"

"If you play like this, it's really meaningless!"

"This has become an indestructible cockroach?"

Bai Piao paced back and forth, and then began to make some weird remarks.

The more I talked, the more excited I became, and then I thought of running away again.

Of course, he also knew that relying on his own strength, he couldn't run away, and he didn't even have the chance to run away.

So at this time, he wanted to drag Fang Fan to run together.

If Fang Fan was taking care of him in front of him, he would feel more at ease when he stood at Bai Piao's point of view.

At the very least, I feel like I have someone to rely on, so I won't be fighting alone!

And he feels that Fang Fan is a lucky star, this guy is the son of destiny!

If you hang out with such a Son of Destiny, the benefits are too many!

Otherwise, just based on the things he did, it would not be an exaggeration to be struck by the sky a hundred times!

"The corpses of these weird bugs are actually building themselves into ladders!"

"Really extraordinary!"

Fang Fan licked his lips, his thoughts were flying, and a strange expression gradually appeared on his face.

Thinking about it this time, it's even more interesting!

"No wonder there are no stairs on the fifth floor of the Buddha Palace!"

"It turns out that this layer of deep meaning is still hidden!"

Fang Fan took two steps around the surroundings, while speaking, his eyes flew, and his thoughts gradually drifted in his mind.

The more I thought about it, the stronger my feelings became, and everything was silent.

The consciousness deep in my heart is expanding little by little.

Interesting, really interesting.

"what's the situation?"

"How many worm corpses would be needed to build a floating ladder on the corpses of these worms!"

"It's not a small amount."

"This... no way!"

"So exaggerated?"

"That bug is just that big..."

Tai Shujie was stunned for a moment, and seemed a little stunned for a while. This is far from what he expected!

has a problem! Absolutely wrong!

Once it can't be stabilized, it will collapse completely!

"If you can kill all the bugs in the air on the fifth floor of the Buddha Palace, maybe that's enough."

"It seems that this is the so-called assessment on the fifth floor of the Buddha Palace!"

"Interesting, really interesting."

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, his thoughts floated, and his facial expressions changed even more wonderfully.

While talking at this moment, the thoughts in my mind are rushing into place more and more!

The rhythm gradually stabilized, and the consciousness gradually became awake.

Fang Fan was able to see the mystery of this weird bug, and even more so for other people.

For a while, there were bursts of anxious shouting around, which seemed quite messy and noisy.

All kinds of consciousness and rhythm also appear to be extremely disordered.

Once these things can't be grasped, everything will collapse!

"Let's kill all these weird bugs?"

"I am Cao!"

"The point is, can this thing be killed?"

"Once this goes up, isn't it a dead end?"

"This is so...and play with a hammer!"

"It's ruined, it's completely ruined!"

"Make a hammer! Go up and do it!"

"Grass! Labor and management can't escape from here now! It's nothing!"

"It's messed up! It's all messed up!"

"Hey! What kind of ghostly place is this Buddha Palace?"

"I really don't want to bury my life in this ghost place! I'm going to die!"

"Run, keep running!"


All kinds of shouting around him followed in a messy place, and for a while, he was completely at a loss.

damn thing! It's all dog stuff!

Running is the first choice!

Many people have the idea of ​​wanting to escape.

Although the treasure is good, it must be enjoyed with life!

Otherwise, it's all for nothing!

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