

"It hurts... it hurts to death!"



"Go! Go!"

"Dog stuff! It's all dog stuff!"

"I will kill you! I will kill you!"

"Die! Die! Die!"

The roar is about to break through the surroundings!

The second-class **** of the Protoss, Quaid, had his right leg cut off by Keegan.

At this moment, the blood donation flowed out turbulently, and the ground was full of blood.

The blood has completely defiled this space!

At a glance, the whole person is stupid.

At the moment, I can only pursed my lips, my body and mind are shaking a little bit.

It's numb, it's completely numb!

But fortunately, he also recovered a life, he is not dead yet.

This is the luckiest thing.

For a time, the body could not stop shaking frantically, and the gasping sound gradually came into place.

Tears flowed constantly, the feeling of regaining a life was so exciting!

The messy heart is about to completely suppress him!

Too much bitterness!

Almost, almost died!

"It was all you just now! It was all you! It was all because of you!"


"Why didn't you stop me?"

"If you stopped me, wouldn't these things be gone?"

"Asshole! Asshole!"

"It's you!"

"You pit me! You harm me!"

"Are you expecting me to die soon!"

"Talha! You bastard! Why is your mind so vicious?"

"I will kill you! I will kill you!"

"Dog thing! You're a dog thing!"


The frantic roar swept across the board, and for a while, the whole person was about to burst!

That kind of extremely gloomy mood made Quaid wicked and courageous!

At this moment, he is staring at Talha fiercely, and he is about to rush over to kill Talha!

That kind of cold killing intent is about to condense into substance!

The extreme feeling is being torn apart little by little.

True and clear!

Talha was seriously injured at the moment, and he couldn't move his body at the moment, so he could only stay there numbly and wait to die.

Quide Chen Dehong came up and could kill him in minutes.

Talha seems to be able to feel that the **** of death is waving towards him, and the **** of death is in front of him, that guy seems to have come.


At a critical moment, a cold hum came, interrupting the scene.

The God Race Tianlin City first-class **** general Gu Sha walked over with a cold face, and then gave Kuide a vicious look, and a gloomy color flashed in his eyes.

"Gu... Lord Gu Sha, he... he..."

Kuid gritted his teeth, and the black lines on his forehead flickered across the board. His lips trembled, and his complexion became red little by little.

"Master Gusha, this guy is a disaster!"

"He's not at ease!"

"Master Gu Sha, it's better to kill him earlier! It's useless to keep him here!"

"What do you think, Lord Gucha?"

"This... this is still a quick solution!"

Quaid lowered his head and forced a smile on his face.

Although he is not stingy, he is also measured.

No matter what, he can't go and mess with his master, can he?

If this is really done, he will be killed in minutes, and then he will be playing with a chicken and directly crushed into place, without even a chance to resist, then just wait to die!

The gloomy heart gradually felt in the bottom of my heart, and the picture in front of me seemed to be torn apart for a while.

Feeling in place, everything is there!

"When is it your turn to talk nonsense here?"


"Who said Talha was a calamity?"

"He is a lucky star! He is a real lucky star!"


"If anyone dares to say that he is a disaster star in the future, don't blame me for being rude!"

"If you want to die, just say it, I won't stop it!"

The gnashing of teeth followed in place, and for a while, the picture in front of him gradually became beautiful.

The first-class **** of the God Race Tianlin City looked at the ancient temple and looked at Talha's eyes changed.

At this moment, the so-called hatred has long disappeared, and some are full of joy and respect.

To put it bluntly, it was Talha who saved him.

If it wasn't for Talha who stopped the wave from the side, just by his temperament, I'm afraid he would have rushed to the gap long ago, and then got into it directly.

Fortunately... Fortunately, at the critical moment, he followed Gou for a wave and grasped everything, so that there would be no major changes.

Although it may not be safe to continue to stay in the Buddha Palace, it is more comfortable to stay here than to be swallowed up by those disgusting black worms.


"How on earth did you know there was danger in there?"

"Don't try to hide!"

"Don't make up some random things to deceive me."

"You know, I'm not that stupid!"

"I want to know a fact now...now!"

"How about it?"

"Can...can this little wish of mine be fulfilled?"

"Satisfy me! Satisfy me, okay?"


"I know you're not an ordinary person!"

"As long as you are willing to assist me, from now on, everything I get will be divided equally with you!"

"How about you and I sworn brothers of the opposite sex?"


"I've said all my words to this point, it's already... I'm already very sincere, right?"


"Don't you still...haven't responded yet?"

"Do you have to rush me to death?"

The excited shouts swept across the board, and while talking, the eyes were about to pop out.

How anxious to be anxious now!

The more you think about it, the more chaotic it becomes, the more complicated your thoughts become!

Gu Sha walked to Tarha's side, and those eyes were about to shoot out flames!

High and crazy!

it is more than words!

When the mind is inflated, who is to talk to!

"I said, I never wanted to save you, I just don't want the elites of my Protoss to be buried by you!"

"If you have to think wildly, then I can't help it."

"This is your freedom!"

"You are sculpting in sand yourself, what can you do?"

"Anyway, I have a clear conscience on this matter, and that's enough."

"The rest, it's not important."

"Whether you want to kill me or trap me, I don't care."

"As for how I knew that the gap was dangerous, I can only say that I guessed it too."

"Maybe it's because I'm more open-minded than you guys!"

Talha smiled, looking very miserable, his eyes flickering, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and a gloomy look appeared on his face.

Those eyes seemed to be mixed with infinite misfortune. Gradually, this round of misfortune was spread.

The surging feeling is gradually in place, making people feel the extreme sense of oppression from the bottom of their hearts.

The pressure on his entire chest was painful and uncomfortable.

His body trembled, and he couldn't even utter a word.

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