The ghost knows how long this Buddha Palace has existed.

If you have a stronger sense of security, there is always no problem.

After all the fiery red beetles were eliminated, at a glance, the corpses of those fiery red beetles had completely connected the fifth and sixth floors of the Buddha Palace.

The stairs, made entirely of dead bodies, look a bit Victorian.

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and they didn't dare to climb up directly for a while.

I'm afraid it's another conspiracy.

This wave is really scary.

I have been pitted too many times in this Buddha Palace.

Gradually, a deep shadow has been left in this heart.

Looking at this thing at the moment, the body can't help but sway.

The extremely trembling heart slowly became numb.

The more I think about it, the more my mind trembles and the more messy my mind becomes.

"Fang Fan boy."

"If you walk up, does it count as climbing on a flesh and blood corpse?"

"I always feel a little panicky."

"Although this worm is annoying, it is also a living creature after all!"

"Kill it, kill it, let them die and can't rest in peace!"

"Hey! This is so inappropriate!"

"It's so hard!"


Bai Piao didn't know if he was being serious or he really had that kind heart, but at this time he was still feeling sad for those bugs.

Fang Fan shook his head and sighed silently.

bells and whistles!

I don't even know what I'm messing with!

It was a mess, and there was no sense of proportion or restraint.

Disorder in chaos!

"We've come to this point, other than walking up and taking a look, is there any other choice?"

"Anyway, there is no way out."

"At the moment, there is only one way to go to the dark."

Fang Fan licked his chapped lips, looked upwards, and his thoughts were soaring.

What the **** is going on at the top?

Hundreds of thousands of people originally entered the Buddha Palace.

When they entered the fifth floor, there were actually several thousand people.

But after a wave of fiery red Beetle collisions, only a thousand people remained!

The light camp, the dark camp, the neutral camp, plus the Protoss...

The remaining numbers of the four major forces are relatively average.

Of course, at this time, Fang Fan's ten major legion hundred people plus almost a hundred people from Guangming Academy, these two hundred people seem to be more abrupt.

In the past, if it was among hundreds of thousands of people, the attention was not as strong, and it felt like that.

But now the cultivators of the major forces are declining sharply, but the sharp decline on Fang Fan's side seems to be much better!

Especially those elites under Fang Fan's command, it seems that none of them are damaged?

When hundreds of thousands of people were there before, I didn't think Fang Fan's existence was a great hidden danger.

"Raising tigers is a problem!"


"We've reached this point, there's nothing we can do!"

"It's cold! It's really cold!"

"This...what is this!"

"I told you a long time ago that if you get rid of this little brat, Fang Fan, he will be your biggest competitor in the future!"

"What about you? I don't believe it!"

"Everyone wants to preserve their strength, and everyone wants to go to the fisherman to benefit!"

"Ha ha! Ha ha ha! How is it now? Are you in the trap?"

"Today, I'll put my words here. There is only one winner in this trip to the Buddha Palace, and that is Fang Fan!"

"All the divine ladders will also be taken away by him, so just follow along with tears in your eyes!"

"It's really impossible to talk to you idiots!"

Ouyang Tu, the first-class saint of the Temple of the Light Alliance, couldn't help but curse.

At this moment, it is aimed at those supreme demigods here!

One is counted as one, and all of them are idiots!

Stupid home!

I have never seen such a fool!

Ouyang Tu felt that among so many supreme demigods present, he was the only one with a slightly better brain.

Of the rest of these people, one is counted as one, and they are nothing like dragons!

When insulting, Ouyang Tu was naturally targeted.

At this moment, he stared fiercely at Yuan Jiuxiang, another first-class saint in the Temple of Light Alliance, and he felt that this **** had ruined his own affairs!

As long as he is smart, as long as he is obedient, why bother to this point.

Do it over and over, is it really over?

Do you have to follow PuLeng here?

Sand sculpture?

My mind is broken!

"Ouyang Tu, don't blame Sang and scold Huai!"

"If you want to target me, just say it directly. What are you doing with so much nonsense?"

"This saint is just unhappy with seeing you, but he doesn't want to obey your orders, what's wrong?"

"Do you really think you are a character?"

"You don't even have a little self-knowledge, so much nonsense?"

"Give you a face?"

"damn thing!"

"You're not the only one who scolds people!"

Yuan Jiuxiang has a dark face. He usually doesn't scold people easily. After all, he has reached this position, and he must have a pattern and image.

But today he really couldn't hold back!

I was so angry that I was speechless.

Sand sculpture!

It's all sand sculptures!

If you have the ability, you can fight directly?

Beat your head bloody!


"Actually, if you have the idea to kill Fang Fan, this competitor, it may not be impossible."

"As long as the operation is done well, there are actually opportunities."

"The key depends on how you want to operate it."

As his eyes flickered, his thoughts drifted into place.

The first-class saint of the Dark Temple, Motian, wanted to come and join in again.

At this moment, the expression changed very real.

"Saint of Demon Heaven, are you sure? If I attack Fang Fan, would your dark temple be willing to take action? Your dark temple has two supreme demigods..."

Ouyang Tu, the first-class saint of the Temple of the Bright Alliance, lit up, and was no longer sleepy. At this moment, he was licking his lips, his expression was unpredictable, and his thoughts were flying, and his footsteps gradually became much faster.


"I'm sure it's fine here..."

"If you kill the Asura saint..."

The corners of Mo Tian's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but glance at Mo Tian's position, his expression seemed a bit complicated, his thoughts drifted, and his consciousness seemed a little awake.

This thing has a big problem.

"You can't deal with Fang Fan."

"Otherwise I will kill you."

"I'm only targeting you."

The first-class saint of the Dark Temple killed Shura, raised his **** eyes and looked at Motian, then said coldly.

Devil: "???"

At this moment, he was stunned!



what do you mean?

Oh shit!

Is this... threatening me? coerce me?

damn thing! Total dog stuff! I'm fidgeting all over my body!

Damn it!

Kill you in minutes!

What tone is this?

What do I mean only for you?

As long as you deal with Fang Fan, I will kill you?

Are you drifting, or am I unable to hold the knife?

Labor is the brother of the Dark Pope! And it's still a demigod!

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