You know, there are hundreds of monuments of this man!

Understanding one is really just the beginning.

I don't know what will happen next.

There was a little bit of anxiety in the hearts of everyone.

But at least it's off to a good start.

At least it proves that this Buddha statue can still be enlightened.

At the same time, Fang Fan found that the basalt giant beast Tian Que was leaning in front of a human monument, and he was looking at it with relish.

"You also understand?"

Fang Fan was immediately surprised.

Just to Fang Fan's inquiry, the basalt giant beast Tian Que didn't respond at all, just looked at the stone tablet blankly, looking very obsessed.

Fang Fan knew very well that Tian Que, the basalt giant beast, couldn't hear his voice and didn't respond.

Now the basalt giant beast Tian Que's posture can only show one reason, that is, he is completely immersed in this kind of world and cannot extricate himself.

The body and mind trembled in place, the eyeballs turned frantically, and the consciousness gradually expanded!

Scratch endlessly!

With such thoughts and feelings, who else can I tell you!

"It seems that this Buddha statue is aimed at all living beings."

"Not necessarily a primate creature."


Fang Fan groaned, then gritted his teeth, and reached a monument in front of a man, forcing himself to calm down and come to enlightenment.


The pressure on the crowd at the moment is actually quite large.

You chase after me, for fear of being caught up.

Everyone is trying their best to do their best.

It's just that in many cases it's not what you want to be.

There's too much involved here.

If you are not careful, you may be suppressed.

At that time, if you want to flutter, you won't be able to get it up, and unfortunately you don't want it.

There are thousands of thoughts, messy consciousness, and the rhythm is unsteady. This is playing with a hammer.

Nothing, just fluttering like a sand sculpture.

With the tremors in his head, he couldn't even speak the most basic language.

Sand sculpture awareness, and who else to talk to!

"Hurry up! Hurry up and comprehend!"

"Among that group of foreigners, someone has already comprehended the first human monument!"

"We're already behind!"

"Can you guys work harder?"

"Especially you Talha!"


"Now... now it's time to focus all hope on you."

" must...don't let me down!"

"I can't stand those blows!"

"You must come steadily!"

"Develop slowly, plan slowly, you know?"

"You are the wise man of our Protoss!"

"All hope is now on you!"

"If you are successful, then everything is easy to say!"

"If you fail, it's all over! It's all over!"

"Talking to you...talking to you! Did you hear it! Did you hear it!"

The babbling voice followed, and the eye circles gradually became rosy.

During the speech, the expression was unpredictable, and the extreme will was bursting little by little.

it is more than words.

Going along the way to develop, it feels pretty good.

How it should be, how it should be!

Talha, who was originally weak, has now become the hope of these Protoss!

Protoss practitioners actually have one characteristic, that is, most of them are muscular beings.

The muscles are very developed, but the brain is not very easy to use in many cases.

From time to time, some jokes will come out.

The sense of sand sculpture increased a little bit, the brain was buzzing with tremors, and the rest, there was nothing to say at all.

Nothing, just fluff.

"Can you shut up!"

Tarha, the third-rank **** general of the gods' Tianlin City, gave Gu Sha a glance, and his tone was impatient.

Ancient Temple: "???"


Dare to kill him?

Damn it! Is this still great?

floated! It's really pretty!

What a bastard! It will directly suppress you in minutes!

Oh shit!

Damn! Too nasty!

I'll beat you to death in minutes!

After three days without beating, the skin starts to itch?

Thoughts drifted, and consciousness trembled slightly.

Nothing, just play.

It's boring, it doesn't really mean anything.

The sand sculpture consciousness has been gathering all the time.

Basically, that's it.


"My patience is limited!"

"Don't treat me like this!"

Gu Sha reminded.

"Please shut up!"

"You have been talking nonsense here, how can I feel at ease about this Buddha statue?"

"If you want me to comprehend this Buddha statue earlier, don't say anything?"

"Actually, there is nothing difficult about this monument."

"The key is that sometimes it's too noisy!"

"This is really too much nonsense!"

"My brain is about to burst!"

"Nonsense, a little less!"

Talha is now picking up the ancient temple, and there is nothing wrong with it.

The ancient temple was burning with anger, but he could only endure it.

Because he did not have the patience to comprehend the Buddha statue, and Tarha was indeed a special existence among these Protoss practitioners.

To say that their Protoss and those outsiders have any advantages in comprehending the Divine Stele, in fact, there is one more Talha.

The rest are all disadvantages!

With such an advantage, this wave must be fully grasped!

Don't dare to be messy at the moment!

A little careless, really pull the hip!

This is so special, who can stand it?

The mind is messy, and I don't know what it means at all.

The sense of sand sculpture continues to strengthen.

The rest are basically not a problem.

Steady is the first!

"Let you be presumptuous for a while!"

"Humph! It's okay to comprehend the Buddha statue for me obediently!"

"If you can't figure it out, see how I clean up you!"

"There is a limit to the patience of this general!"

"Let me be patient, but there must be results!"

Gu Sha thought to himself, he couldn't help clenching his teeth at this moment, and insisted again.

"You guys, stop talking nonsense!"

"Let him give me a good insight!"

"If anyone disturbs Talha, I'll be the first to abolish him!"

Gu Sha was talking, and then he glanced at Kuid on the side, even if it was a hint.

Quaid opened his mouth, confused.

Oh shit! what do you watch me do?

The whole audience was comprehending the Buddha Monument.

After all, the comprehension of this divine monument represents the divine ladder, and even the divine personality!

A lot of rewards, really don't want it?

At this moment, their respective eyeballs are about to take off.

At the moment when the thoughts gathered, the state of mind floated to the extreme.

The more I thought about it, the more excited I became, the more I thought about it, the more excited I became.

According to the established rhythm, here it is!


This is what I want!


"The bright camp has already taken the lead! Our dark temple cannot be left behind!"

"Mad, you work harder!"

The first-class saint of the Dark Temple, Mo Tian, ​​is staring at the first-class God Son of the Dark Temple, Madman, and now it is up to him.

One depends on the other.

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