No matter how much hatred there was between Quidd and Talha before.

But at least at this time, their purpose is unprecedentedly unified!

Their wills also trembled at this moment!

Invincible! Invincible!

Stab to the extreme!

The more I think about it, the more excited I become, the more I think about it!

The rest, say a few more!

Just cool!

Cool, isn't that enough?

The rest, don't care! It doesn't matter!

Just keep following the sand sculptures!

war! war! war! Invincible!

Invincible now, and who to talk to!

List of Buddha statues:

The first place: Tianque, there are 70 monuments to enlightened people!

Second place: Ouyang Tu, a monument to the enlightened person!

3rd place: Talha! A monument of enlightenment!


A flash of light flashed again,

The list of Buddha statues has changed again!

All eyes were attracted.

At this moment, everyone couldn't help but start to take a breath!

This wave is indeed stimulated!

More and more excited!

More and more impulsive!

List of Buddha statues:

The first place: Tianque, there are 70 monuments to enlightened people!

Second place: Talha, there are five monuments of enlightened people!

The third place: Ouyang Tu, a monument to the enlightened person!

Talha realized the five human monuments in an instant! The nouns on the list are also rising like crazy!

For a time, the atmosphere of the audience instantly rose to the limit!

One by one, they are beginning to doubt life!


what's up?



Everyone is so strong! When it comes to labor and capital, it becomes a mess of loose sand?

Who can bear this?

Sometimes the tolerance is poor, and the blood starts to vomit in an instant!

A mouthful of blood was vomited on the Buddha statue, and was immediately absorbed by the Buddha statue…

Then these jealous people began to scatter golden light!

The audience was stunned.

This is not quite right!

It feels like a sand sculpture invisibly!

Stream of consciousness doesn't work either!

What a mess! It's totally messed up!

Not one or two people, but a dozen or so people began to shine!

And the people who were braved by the golden light, without exception, all vomited blood just now, and even vomited blood on the Buddha statue!

There are no fools here!

Everyone is alive!

Seeing something wrong at this moment, one by one, they all swarmed here!

That gesture, surging to the extreme!

"I see! As long as you vomit blood on the Buddha statue, you will understand!"

"I am Cao!"

"I see it too!"

"Spit blood! Spit up blood!"

"Is this Buddha statue so stubborn? Why should we sacrifice it with blood!"

"Dog stuff! It's all dog stuff!"

"I vomited! I vomited!"

"Damn it! What the hell!"

"Forget it! After all, it has shown us the way!"

"Enlightenment is the first, the rest doesn't matter!"

"Spit blood first and then talk about it!"

"The point is, I'm so good, why am I vomiting blood? Otherwise, will you be mad at me again?"

"Huh? It's a hoot! Do a few!"

"Forget it, punch me! Just vomit blood!"

"Brother, are you serious?"

"Who is joking with you!"

"Hurry up!"

"If there is more ink, there will be no chance!"

"I've told you so much, why can't you be enlightened!"

"Hey! Dog thing! I'll kill you!"


"You beat me to vomit blood first! Let me understand first! Then I beat you to vomit blood!"

For a time, the atmosphere of the audience was very sand sculpture.

One by one, they are all blindfolded.

It's so gimmicky, I don't know what I'm doing.

Hit it with a fist and vomit blood instantly!


Suddenly, a blast of thunder sounded, and the audience was stunned!

Lightning fell, and the scene at the moment was very shocking!

All eyes are on this.

Their consciousness is spinning wildly!

I wanted to say something, but couldn't express it.

The person who helped smash the fist just now has been split in half by this divine thunder!

Then a gust of wind blew and nothing was left.

Everything is over!


Just so dead!

In the place where the Buddha statue is located, how can you beat people with your fists?

This involves more things.

For a time, all kinds of sand sculptures felt in place.

The thoughts are messy in the heart, and the rest, but also a few words.

"There are too many rules in this ghost place, so don't mess around."

"Be careful!"

"Don't waver! This Divine Thunder is not just for fun."

"Grass! Fortunately, the labor and management didn't punch directly just now, otherwise, I would be a waste now!"

"It's useless! It's really useless!"

There were many sighs from the surrounding people.

Even if it saves a life.

This is the Buddha Palace!

In this kind of place, you have to be careful everywhere.

If you are not careful, you may be killed.

Being struck by this divine thunder, it will be cold in minutes!

Dead without a corpse!

But now, there is another problem.

That is, these people, only by vomiting blood on the Buddha statue, can they use this energy to understand the statue.

Now, if you can't vomit blood, don't you have no chance to enlighten?

Just thinking about it, how anxious do you feel in your heart?

Mentality, blood collapse!

"What should I do? You don't hit me, you don't get angry with me, why are you vomiting blood!"


"Isn't this forcing us to a dead end?"

"You can't play like this! I'm too hard!"


"Fuck it! If you can't stand it, it's just surging!"

"Beat yourself!"

"Give yourself a punch!"

"I can't do it!"

"Have a hard time now, and you'll be able to get the ladder later. Do you think you can get it down?"

"I...I'll brew it again."

"Bring a hammer! Go away! It'll be cool in minutes!"

"Fight! Self-mutilation!"

"You can't beat others, but you can't beat yourself?"

"Go! Go faster!"

For some reason, the wind of self-mutilation has begun to prevail again!

For a time, this atmosphere directly rose!

Everyone looked at each other, their eyes widened, their thoughts were bursting little by little!

The others have no meaning to say, and now they are all staring at the Buddha statue!

In the past, I felt quite desperate. I felt that this divine monument was too difficult to understand, so I liked to lie down.

But now, it's obviously impossible to lie flat. If you lie down now, isn't it inevitable? You have to be smashed out of your head!

You can comprehend the Buddha Monument by vomiting blood. How can you let go of such a good opportunity?

At this moment, one by one seems to have been beaten with blood, sprinting over with excitement, isn't it just to give himself a punch?

Isn't it just vomiting blood?

Not to die!

So, these are little questions!

It's not a problem if you suffer a little!

As long as the layout is big, anything is possible!

Opportunity is at hand!

You know, you can't come across such an opportunity to fight anytime, anywhere.

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