No expectations, no disappointments.

But now that the hope is in place, there must be no more disappointment!

It's a pity that the game ended after Tarha vomited next to the last human monument.

Basically, that's it.


Really cold.

Even if you don't want to admit it in your heart, it's a fact.


"You really can't… hold on any longer?"

Gusha was in great pain.

At this moment, he gritted his teeth fiercely, and there was still a last sense of hope in his heart.


Hearing the urging of the ancient temple, Talha's feeling that had just been relieved a little was suppressed in place in an instant.

Suddenly, the feeling of vomiting became stronger and stronger.

For a time, a sense of rejection came from the depths of my heart.

Immediately afterwards, he began to vomit frantically again.

The vomit on the ground gradually increased, and a foul smell was gradually emitted.

Talha felt weak all over.

At this moment, he was directly paralyzed in the vomit, and he didn't know it.

The whole person was dizzy, and the corners of the mouth twitched, as if the whole person's yang energy had been sucked dry by some goblin.

That extreme feeling swept over.

Immediately, self-control becomes completely difficult.

The cool moonlight is being fully felt at this moment.

Gradually, even the least sense of proportion is gone.

In the end, he could only roar in the depths of his heart.

It's a pity that, roaring and roaring, he still looks like a ghost.

It's cold and rude.

It's nothing, it's just a few blind shots.

This is an over-comprehension.

Talha collapsed in this piece of vomit is not enough, the whole body is still swaying frantically.

A pair of eyes kept trembling all over.

It looked like it seemed, inexplicably, giving people a sense of surprise.

Now it's not as simple as a sand sculpture.





Crazy vomiting, now in full practice.

For a time, his eyes trembled wildly.

In the end, I can only experience this unrestricted coolness.

Painful, yet seemingly unfocused.

The cool moonlight swept into place at this moment.

Very numb, more sand sculpture.


The first-class **** general in Tianlin City of the God Race, Gu Sha, couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva. At this moment, he didn't dare to urge him blindly, and now he felt a little bit of fear in his heart.

He even thought, this guy, won't he die soon?

If it's dead, get a hammer.

In the end, wasn't it directly contained?

Extreme pain swept through, what more could be said?

It's getting cold... but isn't it just getting colder?

The rest of them don't have it, talk too much, have a hammer?

It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make any sense at all.

"Don't get excited."

"You can throw up if you want."

"Take good care of your body..."

"Don't really vomit yourself to death!"

"At least if you are alive, there is still a little hope."

"If he really died, there would be nothing left."


"Don't be like this, I... can't control it!"

A series of shouts followed, and at this moment, I couldn't help but sigh.

As he spoke, his eyes flickered.

Even if the ancient temple is unwilling in this heart, at this moment, he can only stick to his teeth!

Don't be chaotic, and don't be anxious.

Destroy everything!

Anxiety ruins everything.

These are actually the same.

The whole heart is beating frantically, and the more I think about it, the more confused it becomes.

Mysterious situation, who can grasp it?


"Can you... stop talking?"

"I feel like throwing up when I hear your voice!"


"Leave far away!"

"Don't appear in my line of sight!"

"Go away!"

Talha wiped the vomit from the corner of his mouth, then his face condensed, and he scolded the ancient temple angrily.

The corner of Gu Sha's mouth cracked, and his face suddenly became unhappy.

Oh shit!

What are you talking about, boy?


Will you speak?

If you can't speak, shut up now, okay?

What are you talking about?

Make it seem like I owe you a lot!

Son of a bitch! hateful! bastard!

The more I thought about it, the more chaotic this thought became, and everything was silent.

The more you think about it, the more uncomfortable it becomes.

Anyway, from the beginning to the end, this feeling seems to be very appropriate invisibly.

The feeling is in place, the taste is there, and the rest, there is nothing to say.

Flapping to and fro, that's all.


Just playing!

Gu Sha clenched his fists and tried to teach Talha a lesson.

"Master Gucha!"

"Don't...don't get excited!"

"God Talha is now the hope of our Protoss."

"The future of our Protoss is tied to him."

"Can't... can't be careless, can't mess around!"

"Master Gucha, bear the calm for a while! Take a step back and see the sky!"

"Master Gusha, hold on, hold on!"


The shouting gradually came into place, the breathing gradually became rapid, and the eyes flickered, and the mood was surging to the extreme!

The more I say it, the more I feel uncomfortable!

The true meaning of this, and who else to tell!

The second-class **** general of the God Race Tianlin City, Kuide, hurried over to hold the ancient temple, so that he could not teach Talha in the past.


"Didn't you always deal with Talha?"

"What do you mean now?"



"Why am I not quite understanding?"

"What's the situation?"

"What are you going to do?"

Gu Sha looked at Kuid with a look of amazement. In his impression, Kuid and Talha had always been in a relationship of beating to death before, wishing to kill each other!

Why has it suddenly changed now?

Invisibly, it is very sand sculpture!

Not right! It's not right!



"This... Isn't this also a case-by-case basis?"

"Lord Gusha, what's the point of personal grudge between me and God General Tarha?"

"In front of the righteousness of the Protoss, I don't care!"

"It can even be said that now God Tarha will stab me a few times, and I can ignore it!"

"Because my heart is filled with the righteousness of the Protoss!"

"The righteousness of the Protoss comes first, even if I, Kuid, are a little wronged, what can I do?"

"Master Gusha, whether you can get the divine ladder, divine spirit, and divine liquid for those rewards now depends on Tarha."

"At least for now he's the best hope of all."

"If you kill him now, all hope will be gone."

"At that time, I'm afraid it's too late to regret it?"

"You should be able to understand what I said, Lord Gusha!"

"This is the end of the matter, it's useless to say more!"

"As it should be, as it should be!"

All kinds of shouting followed, and the picture in front of me was also swaying into place little by little, everything was silent!

To grasp, or to grasp.

No mess, absolutely no mess!

Thoughts come together in place, the rhythm is extremely clear!

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