Tarha, the first-class **** general in Tianlin City of the God Race, couldn't help roaring with excitement.

While talking at this moment, the consciousness of the whole person is about to collapse!

The louder, the more excited.

The mind is messy, and the consciousness is bursting.

Right now, it's totally unclear.

That's it, don't delay any longer!

Something went wrong! Can't see clearly?

At this moment, the number of Buddha statues that Fang Fan and Xiaoxiao comprehended continued to increase!

Following this trend, the mentality is really broken!

The point is, this doesn't work either!

From the depths of the soul, there was a feeling of crushing, and the whole body was covered with cold sweat.

The rest of the messy feelings gradually became numb and could not be expressed at all.

So embarrassing!

Finally, the Protoss has hope, and at this time, they must not fall into despair again!

Can not! Can not!

After thinking about it in place, the sound of breathing gradually became faster.

God Race Tianlin City first-class **** general Gu Sha looked into the distance with a sinister face, and his eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but see a trace of killing intent.

He felt he had to do something.

He even wanted to personally kill Fang Fan and the little girl who was pulling him, so that all dangers could be locked in the bud!

It's just that this is the Buddha Palace!

Someone made a move before and was beaten to death.

At the moment, he was sweating all over his body.

All kinds of messy thoughts scurried around in my mind. The more I thought about it, the more my eyes and consciousness trembled!

For a while, I couldn't grasp it at all!

The rhythm must be steady!

This is the top priority!

The rest are empty talk, and there is no need to think too much for the time being.


"In this Buddha Temple, I have limitations."

"I can't mess with it."

"As soon as you make a move, you are caught, and you are dead!"

"Steady... you have to hold on."

"Here, I am the only supreme demigod of the Protoss!"

"If I am bombarded to death by the divine monument that fell from the Buddha Palace, what hope and future do the Protoss talk about?"

"It will definitely be completely suppressed by then."

"Well! I can't be selfish!"

"I can't patronize myself, I still need to consider the overall situation of the Protoss!"

"Yes! Yes! That's right!"

"As for the rest of the matter... I don't need to think about it for the time being."

"Stability, there is a future!"

"Stability, there is hope!"

"Killing that Fang Fan and the little girl can also be done by other Protoss warriors."

"The Protoss can't live without me, but one or two demigods are less of a problem."

The first-class **** general of the God Race Tianlin City, Gu Sha's eyes flickered, thinking to himself in his heart, while his thoughts were flying, he couldn't help but licked his lips.

At the moment, I feel a sense of excitement.

This consciousness revolves wildly in my mind, and the picture in front of me is changing little by little!

Exciting yet realistic.

I want this feeling!

If you feel it, you have everything!

The ancient temple's eyes looked around in a circle.

He needs to send out a Protoss general.

This person's cultivation base and combat power cannot be too bad, and he must also ensure that he absolutely obeys his own words.

Gu Sha looked at him, and saw Kuid who was cheering up beside him.

Kuide, as the second-class **** general of the God Race Tianlin City, was a weak demigod before entering the ruins of the gods. After tossing around in the Buddha Palace for so long, he has now been promoted to the strong demigod realm.

The cultivation of the strong demigod is there, very real and appropriate.

The feeling gradually came, and the consciousness gradually became sober.

While the thoughts are flying, the body trembles to the extreme!

The stinging feeling is fully in place, and everything is said!

"God General Kuid!"

"You are the hero of my Protoss!"

Gu Sha stepped forward, patted Kuid on the shoulder, and then said solemnly.

Quide, who was walking around anxiously, felt a little guilty when he saw the old man of the ancient temple suddenly slapped his shoulder and showed such an amiable appearance.

Why... it doesn't feel right.

This guy... this guy's smile looks weird.

He... he doesn't have any special thoughts and thoughts, doesn't he?

This old man is not a good person!

Kuid is now a little bit more eye-catching, his body trembled slightly, and then he quickly stepped back.

I pondered it in my heart, but now I don't dare to run away directly, and I still have to do my best to be respectful to this ancient temple.

The first-level official crushed people to death!

The same is true for the cultivation base.

People are now demigods, and the cultivation realm is different.

From time to time, it is natural to follow a wave of flattery.

At the very least, it can't be messed up!

"Lord Gucha is wrong."

"I'm far worse."

"In front of you, I am nothing."

"How dare I be called a hero of the Protoss in the face of the heat of the ancient temple."

"If you want to talk about the heroes of the Protoss, I think the ancient temple is a well-deserved hero."

"I also ask Lord Gusha not to laugh at his subordinates."

"The subordinates are also under the overall leadership of the ancient temple adults, in order to contribute their own strength to the Protoss."

"Master Gusha is the reborn parents of his subordinates! The popularity of Gusha is the guiding light of his subordinates!"

"It is a great honor to be able to follow Lord Gucha in this life!"

Flattery is also a skill.

Kuid's method of flattering is very simple, which is to elevate the ancient temple by constantly devaluing himself.

It's like the ancient temple is a saint, and he Kuid is not even the same shit.

The more I talked about it, the more excited it became, the more surging it became, and all kinds of chaotic rhythms were swept into place.

For a while, it felt very relevant and real.

Invisibly, there is an extremely strong sense of oppression.

At least Gu Sha felt very comfortable when he heard the words in his ears, and felt a little fluttering for a while.

"Hey, if only you could talk like this before, then I might really want to keep your talent."

"It's useless to crawl."

Gu Sha pouted, thinking to himself.

Immediately afterward, the first-class **** general of the God Race Tianlin City, Gu Sha, looked at Kuide with a solemn expression.

"I know that you are eager to serve the Protoss!"

"So, I specially arranged an excellent opportunity for you!"

"It's time for the life and death of the Protoss, and God Kuid is needed to sacrifice a Protoss warrior like you!"


"Go and unleash your thunderous fire! Kill that foreigner Fang Fan and that little girl!"

"In this way, you will leave Qing Shi's name!"

"I can assure you that your name must be on the monument of the Protoss!"

"The descendants of the Protoss will remember you for all generations!"

"God General Kuid!"


"My ancient temple doesn't ask for help easily, but I'm begging you today!"

The ancient temple said it righteously and with a clear rhythm.

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