Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 4144: Xiaoxiao's double eye attack

"Whirring whirring!"

"Almost... almost forgot about this stubble!"

"Magic Heavenly Saint, thank you very much."

"Even if I owe you my life."

"Thank you for your help!"

Ouyang Tu, the first-class saint of the Temple of the Light Alliance, took a deep breath, and at this moment, his face couldn't help showing a look of joy.

Almost... almost fell over.

Fortunately... Fortunately, it stabilized at the last moment.

Otherwise, it's a dead end now.

"Humph! There's nothing to be thankful for, this saint is too lazy to save you, if it wasn't for the fact that I had to deal with it like this, I would have liked to kill you!"

The first-class saint of the Dark Temple, Mo Tian, ​​snorted coldly and said with a displeased expression.

Although I was extremely unhappy in my heart, there was nothing I could do in the end, and relatively speaking, I could only stand still.

Even if he wanted to punish Fang Fan, he had no chance. Another first-class saint in the Dark Temple, Killing Shura, had been staring at his movements.

As long as he does something, this guy is like a dog-skin plaster, and it swept over in an instant.

Sometimes, it really sucks!

But in the end, he could only bear it numbly, and silently experience this extreme sand sculpture feeling.

Anyway, the more I think about it, the more uncomfortable it becomes.

Until the end, everything followed the full end.

In cool moments, let's talk to someone.

In the end, that's all there is to it.

"Magic Heavenly Saint, this kid is our common enemy!"

"We still have to cooperate more after that!"

"You mustn't let this kid come out on top!"

"Otherwise, we'll all be in trouble!"

Aside, Ouyang Tu couldn't help frowning, not hiding the disgust in his eyes.

Completely bored at the moment.

It's normal to be upset.

"I want to work with you."

"But what can I do with such a tow bottle? I'm desperate too!"

"If only you could help me dispose of this drag oil bottle."

Mo Tian's face was dark, and he looked at Killing Shura with disgust.

Everyone is from the Temple of Darkness, not to mention that you came to follow my instructions to help me, you can't always control me, keep suppressing me!

Is this embarrassing for me?

The brain is buzzing and shaking, and the numbness and discomfort have always been so strong.

It was impossible to escape in the end.

Difficult...difficult to ascend to the sky!

It's boring, it doesn't make any sense at all.

"Drag bottle?"

"Oh, you said him."

"This is the first-class saint of your dark temple, what can I do?"

"Speaking of which, everything in your dark temple is good, but the people's hearts are too unbalanced. From time to time, you will encounter a few strange things."

Ouyang Tu shook his head and couldn't help but follow with contempt.

"How do you think your Light Alliance Temple can be any better?"

"Can't you see it yourself?"

"It's already torn apart now!"

"That Fang Fan is still from the Temple of the Light Alliance."

The first-class saint of the Dark Temple, Mo Tian, ​​pouted, and then followed back.

No matter what, this mouth is definitely not forgiving.

Otherwise, aren't you slapping your face? How boring is that?

The sense of sand sculpture is still so strong.

Real and clear.

The two people who used to be friendly, now started to fight again.


Fang Fan and Yun Xiaoxiao were still the core of the audience.

At this moment, everyone's attention is basically on the two of them.

"Good guy, that big boss Fang Fan is not very authentic! This... This is all the bathing of divine favors exclusively? There is no share for that little girl at all?"

"This Fang Fan's cultivation level has skyrocketed, and the seven-star high-level sanctuary can skyrocket to the eight-star peak sanctuary..."

"Although this cultivation level is still very low, it is undeniable that they are really awesome! Awesome Klass! Immediately invincible! So exciting! It directly guarantees five levels, if you rely on your own cultivation. , can't you cultivate to the year of the monkey and the month of the horse?"

"666! Too tough!"

"Hey! It's just that I didn't share a shower of divine grace with that little girl. It's really too much..."

"Shh... Stop talking nonsense, let people hear it, and kill you in minutes. How many times do you dare to be blind in the matter of the boss?"

"Uh... I don't dare, how can I have the courage, I'm afraid of death..."


There were bursts of exclamations around.

All kinds of words gradually came into place, and the picture in front of him was also fluttering little by little.

The thoughts are in place, and everything is silent.

The feeling is there, the consciousness is clear, and everything is fully expanded in place.

At this moment, everyone from Guangming Academy also came over to celebrate Fang Fan!

"Good boy, I knew you could do it!"

"Before, my courage was lifted to my throat! Fortunately... Fortunately, I finally stabilized!"

"Huh... Otherwise, something really happened."

Xue Wanren, the vice-president of Guangming Academy, took a deep breath, and his eyes flashed quickly as he spoke. Isn't this feeling followed?

"My apprentice, he is amazing, there is no way!"

Tai Shujie shrugged with a proud look on his face.

"Uh... Boy Fang Fan, honestly, is it all because of Xiaoxiao that you can take off this time?"

"Good guy, you shameless guy, Xiaoxiao took you off to take off. With the benefits, you took it all?"

"It doesn't matter if the **** ladder is put away, and all the godly grace baths are all greedy?"

"I even put Xiaoxiao under your body to cover it up!"

"Boy Fang Fan, you... when did you become so wretched?"

"I don't even know you very well, kid!"

"Is this really your kid?"

Bai Piao's eyes widened, and then he began to degrade all around Fang Fan.

If it was someone else, Fang Fan might have smashed it with a fist.

This nonsense is not a little bit too much, it is really a lot! Too much!

But this is Bai Piao, Fang Fan glanced at it and calmed down.

"You dare to attack Brother Fan?"

"You are a bad person!"

Xiaoxiao gritted her little tiger teeth and stared at Bai Piao with her eyes wide open.


"I am Cao!"

"It hurts... it hurts!"

Bai Piao's abdomen was suddenly burned with two small holes, and the skin looked very black at this moment.

"You girl, why don't you distinguish between good people!"

"I... I'm fighting for you!"

"Hey! Why can't you see it!"

"Still... still targeting me like this!"

"You girl, you have no heart!"

"You girl is really good, you can still hurt me..."

Bai Piao's broken thoughts began to play.

At this moment, Fang Fan's expression froze, and he hurriedly took Xiaoxiao into his arms, ready to stuff him into the small world of Chutian Pavilion at any time.

Fang Fan looked up at the ceiling with a solemn look on his face.

Seeing that Fang Fan was suddenly so serious, everyone seemed a little stunned.

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