
"If you don't have the guts to come up, just get out."

Fang Fan waved his hand with disgust on his face.

After so long, I was blind.

At this moment, Fang Fan's eyes have already turned to the monument on the eighth floor of the Buddha Palace!

On the seventh floor of the Buddha Palace, there are 100 human monuments!

There are ten monuments on the eighth floor of the Buddha Palace!

On the ninth floor of the Buddha Palace, there is a monument!

The first person to comprehend the 100 human monuments will be rewarded with a divine ladder! Give God's grace to bathe in great creation!

The first person to comprehend the ten monuments will be rewarded with two divine ladders and the supreme divine liquid!

The first person to comprehend the only stele will be rewarded with four divine ladders and a divine spirit!

This is something people know from the beginning.

At this moment, all kinds of chaos are still in full swing.

A little carelessness can completely devour you.

That taste, that feeling, makes people feel surging and exciting invisibly.

Gradually, the whole person fell into that kind of panic and anxiety.

I couldn't say what I wanted to say, so I could only stare numbly at all this in front of me, and then I was completely ignorant.

Consciousness drifted, thoughts were chaotic, and finally became such a ghost.

It's piercing, and it's shocking!

it is more than words.

In the end, all behaviors come to an end.

In cool moments, let's talk to someone!

"Xiaoxiao, let's go up together."

Fang Fan took Xiaoxiao's hand and said softly.


"Okay, Brother Fan."

Xiaoxiao rubbed her little head in Fang Fan's arms, and then said sweetly.

This little girl has always been very dependent on Fang Fan.

Stepping on the eighth floor of the Buddha Temple, and looking at the ten monuments, Fang Fan couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration.


When he looked at the monuments of people before, he had no idea, and when he saw these monuments, his mind was a mess.

Looking at it at a glance, I don't know what it means at all.

This land monument is more advanced than the human monument.

At least it looks like it is twice the size of the human monument.

"Xiaoxiao, do you feel it?"

Fang Fan can only hang out with Xiaoxiao now.

Let him comprehend this monument, I am afraid that he really has to comprehend that the world is old.

In the end, there really is no talent for this.

This thing really can't be forced.

You really need to have some self-awareness about yourself.

You can't just blindly follow and rush forward, right?

At that time, I didn't know how the face was swollen. ,'

This seems pointless.


"I need to read all the text on the monument before I can successfully comprehend it."

Xiaoxiao tilted her head and blinked, then nodded.

When I was comprehending the human monument before, Xiaoxiao walked over, and those human monuments lit up on their own initiative.

Basically it won't take too long.

But when they got to the ground monument, the ground monument seemed to have a bit of a temper, and it didn't light up immediately, so Xiaoxiao needed to work hard.

But that's not a big problem.

Just wait a bit.

Fang Fan just came here to gain experience...

"They stopped!"

"When they were comprehending the Earth Monument, it was not so smooth!"

"They're stuck!"

"Their potential is exhausted!"

"My God Clan's chance has come!"


"You still have a chance!"

"Hurry up... hurry up and comprehend the 100th human monument!"

"Then you are also qualified to study the monument!"

"you can!"

"You're the best!"

"Talha! Don't give up hope!"

"If you have a chance, you must seize it!"

"Talha! The future and hope of my Protoss!"

"Talha, don't let me down again!"

"Talha! Get up! Get up! Stop lying there!"

"We haven't lost yet!"

"Temporary lag is nothing!"

"As long as... as long as you can stabilize your mentality, you can continue to charge!"

The first-class **** general of the God Race Tianlin City, Gu Sha blushed, and then excitedly cheered for Talha.

That face, that expression, was extremely excited!

Talha climbed up slowly, and then glanced behind him with extreme disgust.

Oh shit!

What the **** is this!

It looks like a headache!

Sand sculpture!

It's all sand sculptures!

"I beg you!"

"God general of the ancient temple, can you stop talking?"

"Can I kowtow to you?"

"Don't you know that I feel like throwing up when I see you?"

"The so-called encouragement you take for granted is disgusting to me, you know?"

"Please, stop talking nonsense, okay?"

"I can't take it, I can't take it, I'm tired of seeing you!"

"Can you get out of my sight and roll away?"

"That way I might be able to play a little better."

"If you speak again, I won't understand, that's all, I don't care anyway."

Talha, the third-class **** general in Tianlin City of the Protoss, shrugged his shoulders calmly as he spoke, with an indifferent gesture on his face.

When this pose is put on, it is clearly rotten.

He just wanted to express his dissatisfaction with the ancient temple in this way.

Gu Sha's excited look came to an abrupt end, and was replaced by full of resentment.

Oh shit!



damn thing!

Son of a bitch!


How dare you do this to yourself!

The anger in Gu Sha's heart burst to the extreme. At this moment, he was gnashing his teeth, wishing to completely obliterate everything in front of him!

Excited heart, trembling hands, only feel that kind of crazy anger.

For a while, it was about to be torn directly!

The pain is mixed with extreme resentment!

damn thing!

It's all dog stuff!

Son of a bitch! Son of a bitch!

Why not die? Why don't you die!

It's all assholes! It's all bullshit!

At this moment, I gradually had such thoughts in my mind, and I couldn't grasp it for a while.

Trembling all over!

That feeling, that taste, was completely numb on the spot!

Now among the Protoss, everyone seems to dare to attack him!

His ancient temple, don't you lose face?

There is one to calculate the other, and all of them have to settle accounts after the autumn!

Sooner or later, you will regret it!

Such an insult to me! make you pay!

Gu Sha clenched his fists tightly, his fingernails gradually penetrated into the flesh and blood, and then a drop of blood flowed down little by little, dripping on the ground.

He wanted to kill Talha if he could! Kill everyone in the Protoss who opposes him!

His ancient temple, the supreme demigod! How can you be so humiliated?



"The big picture matters!"


"Fights are not allowed here."

"If I break the rules, I have to die."

"This **** Talha wants me to die right away."

"So, he used this despicable and shameless way to anger me?"


"I understand! I understand it all!"

"I just can't be fooled!"

Gu Sha snorted coldly, secretly thinking in his heart.

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