Ouyang Tu licked his lips, then glanced around the surroundings, and quickly found a corner and got up.

Who is not afraid of death!

After being suppressed every minute, is there really no feeling in my heart?

Whenever there is a chance, he is not willing to put his life and death aside!

Something will really happen.

Slightly inadvertently, fully pull the hip.

The rhythm must be steady.


Everyone in Guangming Academy couldn't help but look at each other.

At this moment, the tension in the depths of my heart gradually gathered, and my hands trembled slightly in place.

"what's the situation?"

"This girl... how can she become a false god?"


"And the phantom that looks exactly like her, what's the situation?"

"Why do I feel like I don't understand?"

"These are all messed up!"

"what is this!"

"Is it so confusing?"

Xue Wanren spoke incoherently.

He was also confused by the current situation.

During the tremors in my heart, my consciousness is also shrinking little by little.

The more I thought about it, the more my consciousness became more and more wrong.


"I've already seen that something is wrong with this girl doll, but I didn't expect it to be so wrong."

"It seems that the predecessor of this girl doll is also a true god!"


"I don't know which true **** of the gods came into the world."

"As for that phantom, maybe it's an avatar or something?"

"Who knows what the true God is about."

"But one thing is certain, that is that this kid Fang Fan is not easy!"

"This kid is the most powerful being."

"This kid must have seen the unusualness of the girl long ago, and then took care of it so carefully."

"I'll just say it! When has this boy been so gentle to a girl doll?"

"This love beast has always been a direct rampage to women."

Bai Piao's eyes rose slightly, and while talking, he couldn't help but jiji crookedly.

The words gradually increased.

As his eyes flickered, his consciousness gradually floated.

All kinds of rhythms are also in a little bit of disorder and surging.

Taking advantage of Fang Fan's absence, this guy just wants to make a good rant.

This guy is quite an asshole.

Facing Xiaoxiao's sudden changes, Fang Fan was also a little stunned.

At the moment, the phantom also disappeared.

Before disappearing, there was still a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth.

Xiaoxiao gradually returned to normal, but there were too many things in those eyes.


Fang Fan subconsciously wanted to walk over and hug Xiaoxiao.

Xiaoxiao's body trembled slightly, and her heart seemed to be struggling, but soon, this sense of struggle disappeared, replaced by Fang Fan's infinite dependence.

"I've regained some of my memory."

Xiaoxiaoyu is not astonishing to die endlessly.

After saying a word, Fang Fan was in a cold sweat behind his back.

restore memory?

what's the situation?

"My mind is a mess... a mess."

"I used to hate men touching me the most."

"But you, I don't hate you."

"Brother Fan."

Xiaoxiao called out warmly, and then looked up at the sky.

"I'm going to fly!"

Xiaoxiao spoke, and immediately volleyed into the air.

"This is the Buddha Temple."

"Don't mess around."

Fang Fan followed up and reminded that he was afraid of what would happen to Xiaoxiao.

After all, the situation is serious.

"Buddha Temple?"

"It can't hold me."

"Oh yes, this last monument... Let me help Brother Fan to understand it."

"This thing... still has a little use."

"Brother Fan, I hope to meet you in God's Domain in the future."

"Or... never see you again."

Xiaoxiao bit her red lips, and then a red light beam popped from her fingers.

The red beam hit Fang Fan, and for a moment, Fang Fan seemed to have endless insights swept up in his heart.

feeling, getting stronger

Consciousness is also surging without limit.

it is more than words.

Gradually become stable, gradually become comfortable, that's all.


Just as Fang Fan was thinking about it, Xiaoxiao had already rushed out.

It broke through the top of the Buddha Temple, and broke a big hole there, which looked direct and rough.

For a time, directly invincible.

Invisibly trembling.

I can't say anything I want to say right now.

Fang Fan's eyes flickered, and he looked at the monument beside him. He could actually recognize the strangely shaped words on it.



Suddenly, a bright light flickered, and the stele flickered violently with golden light!

Immediately, everything is set!

Rhythm, steady the moment!

Consciousness, surging to the extreme!

If you feel it, the rest will naturally be ignored.

Small problems, all small problems.

"Heaven Monument has been enlightened!"

"Reward the first person who comprehends the Heaven Monument with four divine ladders and a divine spirit!"


There was a buzzing sound in the ear, and then the picture in front of him spun again.

When spinning, the whole person's brain is about to split.

At this point, the nine-section divine ladder has already arrived in Fang Fan's hands!

And there is also a bottle of supreme **** liquid and a complete godhead!



After the stele was enlightened that day, the entire Buddha Temple seemed to be unable to support it, and it was about to collapse.

At first glance, I felt a little strange for no reason.

My heart gradually became more and more uneasy.

The thoughts drifted, and the whole person was overwhelmed! Shocking!

What I wanted to say right now, I couldn't say it.

A completely messy mind is breaking out little by little!

Exciting yet realistic.

Stepping forward without stopping, everything is silent!


"go out!"

Fang Fan looked at everyone in Guangming Academy and shouted quickly.

Seeing that this Buddha Temple is about to collapse, running away must be the first.


At this moment, outside the Buddha Shrine, the bright pope Yuwen Hanlin, the dark pope Motu, and the goddess Tianlin City Lord Cassius all looked at Yun Xiaoxiao's rising figure with dazed expressions.

They were completely bewildered.

"what's the situation?"

"This is a sign of ascension!"



"There are still people here who have been promoted to the pseudo-god realm?"

"This... is so terrifying!"

"It's incredible!"

"This... these are actually true?"


Excited shouts swarmed all round, and while talking at the moment, consciousness burst out.

The eyes of the bright pope Yuwen Hanlin showed envy, jealousy and greed.

Now he can't wait to rush directly into the Buddha Temple.

Among those who entered the Buddha God before, there was not a single supreme demigod, because the supreme demigod powerhouse was excluded.

But the cultivator who wasn't even a supreme demigod before has actually... actually ascended directly?

Frightened, yet surging!

Such an opportunity, of course, must be fully grasped!

Promote false gods, you can be promoted!

There is indeed a short step between the absolute demigod and the pseudo-god realm.

But that step is eternity!

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