Fang Fan thought to himself, and immediately began to select the legions that were going to be promoted to the strong demigod realm.

"The Yellow Turban Sanctuary Warlock Legion! Weak Demigod Realm!"

"Goth Destroyer Gatling Legion! Weak Demigod Realm!"

"The Law Extinguishing God Artillery Corps! Weak Demigod Realm!"

"Sanctuary Silver Dragon Knights! Weak Demigod Realm!"

"Six-winged war angel army! Weak demigod realm!"

"Abyss Demon King Legion! Weak Demigod Realm!"

"Judgment on the Unicorn Sacred Beast Legion! Weak Demigod Realm!"

"Titan Warriors! Weak Demigod Realm!"

"Dragon Knight Legion! Weak Demigod Realm!"

"Blood Asura Legion, Weak Demigod Realm!"

Fang Fan's eyes swept around in a circle, and a thoughtful look appeared on his face.

Choosing seven legions to advance to the strong demigod realm is not so entangled.

"Temporarily stranded and promoted the Heavenly Dragon Knight Army, the Judgment Unicorn Sacred Beast Army, and the Abyss Demon King Army."

"The remaining seven legions are all promoted!"

Fang Fan licked his lips, and a strange look flashed in his eyes.

"Ding! Consumed 860,000 Divine Stones to successfully purchase 86 trillion Saint-level exclusive promotion cards, and seven weak demigod legions are being promoted..."

"Ding! The Yellow Turban Sanctuary Warlock Legion and the Sanctuary Silver Dragon Knight Legion are in the process of upgrading the direction of the legion..."

"Ding! Do you consume two Legion Upgrade Cards to advance to the Legion direction?"


"Ding! The Yellow Turban Sanctuary Warlock Legion can be upgraded to the [Yellow Turban Magician Legion] and the [Yellow Turban God Summoner Legion]!"

"Ding! Please choose the host."

There are only two directions to choose.

The Yellow Turban Magician Legion and the Yellow Turban God Summoner Legion.

The strong should be strengthened to a certain extent on the basis of the Yellow Turban Sanctuary Warlock, or the Warlock is the main one, mainly to help the legion to add some auxiliary gains, and to add some negative effects to the enemy, similar to the curse, corruption, mental chaos, etc. .

As for the Yellow Turban Summoner Legion, it is not difficult to understand, that is, they can summon some special creatures to fight.

Fang Fan narrowed his eyes, thinking a thousand times in his heart.

Different directions represent different needs.

"The Yellow Turban Sanctuary Warlock Legion has not played much recently."

"Maybe it's really time to consider a new direction."

"Development in an all-round way in this new direction?"

"Maybe there will be some new gains?"

"Choose the promotion direction: Yellow Turban Summoner Legion!"

"Ding! The Yellow Turban Sanctuary Warlock Legion of the Weak Demigod Realm was successfully promoted to the Yellow Turban God Summoner Legion!"


"Ding! The Sanctuary Silver Dragon Knight Legion can be promoted to [Dragon Man Legion], [Dragon God Knight Legion], [Undead Dragon Knight Legion]!"

These three promotion directions are somewhat ambiguous.

The Dragon Army? People and dragons in one? Become a dragon man? Then fight?

The Dragon God Knight Legion should be similar to the Sanctuary Silver Dragon Knight Legion, which is an upgraded version.

As for the undead dragon knight army, it is more inclined to develop towards the undead system.

After thinking about it again and again, Fang Fan's eyes turned to the [Shenlongren Legion].

In this direction, he is very optimistic.

"Promoted to Shenlongren Legion!"

"Ding! Weak Half-God Realm Silver Dragon Knight Army was successfully promoted to Shenlongren Army!"

The Shenlongren Legion was promoted from the Silver Dragon Knight Legion. The predecessor of the Silver Dragon Knight Legion was the Black Dragon Knight Legion, and the Black Dragon Knight Legion should have been the Bone Dragon Knight Legion at the beginning.

And the number of people in this legion is the largest, with 18 people!

At this moment, the Shenlongren Legion has completely changed its clothes!

"Dragon Legion (Evolvable

"Level: Strong Demigod Realm"

"Number: Eighteen"

"Commander: Dragon Scale"

"Skills: Dragon Bloodline, Desperate Thrust, Dragon Roar in the Wild"

"Exclusive skill [Unity of Man and Dragon]: After the Unity of Man and Dragon is used, the combat power can be increased by one level, with a duration of one hour and a cooldown of 24 hours."

"Loyalty: One Hundred"


The biggest advantage of the Shenlongren Legion lies in this exclusive skill [Human-Dragon Unity].

At first glance, it is really equivalent to a bug.

And it's still an invincible bug.

Looking at it, the whole person will be immersed in it and unable to extricate itself.

This time, his thoughts drifted, his consciousness was surging, and his breathing gradually became faster.

At this moment, that kind of nervousness is flying in an all-round way!

Invincible now, and who to talk to!

Consciousness is disturbed, thoughts are surging, and the more I think about it, the more excited I become.

Gradually, it's really hard to control yourself.

"After using the exclusive skill of [Man-Dragon Unity], all the dragon knights can be combined into one, and then the combat power can be improved by one level!"

"Now they are in the strong demigod realm, can they exert the combat power of the supreme demigod?"


"And it lasts for an hour, which is long enough for a long fight."

"The cooling off period is only twenty-four hours."

"This skill is completely prepared for the current battle situation."

"The [Human-Dragon Unity] exclusive skill of the Shenlongren Legion is similar to the [Asura Unity] legion of the Blood Shura Legion, but [Asura Unity] requires seven blood asuras to gather into one ultimate body! One legion It can only be regarded as a combat force.”

"And the [Man-Dragon Unity] exclusive skill only needs a knight and a dragon to successfully match and unite!"

"When the [Shenlongmen Legion] fully erupts, it will instantly increase the combat power of the eighteen dragonmen by one level, from a strong demigod realm to an absolute demigod realm?"

"According to the theory, it is indeed the case."

"In this way, isn't it directly invincible?"

"After all, there are only a few supreme demigods present."

"Is this crisis resolved so easily?"

The corners of Fang Fan's mouth rose slightly, and he seemed very indifferent at the moment. From beginning to end, there was no pressure at all.

At this moment, he has already taken control of the whole situation!

Let them go together, and there is a high probability that they will not be the opponents of the Shenlongren Legion who have used the [Man-Dragon Unity] exclusive legion skill. "

"Except for the name that is a little bit sloppy, this Shenlongren Legion is in perfect shape in every other aspect!"

"This wave of luck really has nothing to say."

Fang Fan thought to himself, he couldn't help nodding silently at this moment.

The excitement in the depths of the heart gradually came closer, and everything was silent.

Such a taste, felt very comfortable for a while.

At this moment, the divine stone in Fang Fan's hand also declared that the land was almost empty.

In exchange, seven strong demigod legions and three weak demigod legions were obtained.

This lineup is absolutely luxurious!

At the moment, the Protoss and the Temple of the Light Alliance have been fighting with each other for a long time, but there is no movement in the Temple of Darkness for the time being.

After all, the Pope of the Dark Temple and the first-class saint of the Dark Temple, Motian, are brothers.

You can't just meet and fight, right?

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