Fang Fan said this very frankly.

This shows that he has enough confidence!

You must know that the demigod powerhouses belonging to the light camp, the dark camp, and even the God Race Tianlin City basically came to this so-called relic of the gods.

Now there are only a few left in front of me who are dead.

If these few are killed again, the major forces will fall into a period of emptiness in the demigod realm.

The strong demigods and the supreme demigods were wiped out!

Weak demigods are basically invisible at first glance.

Quasi-God Realm may also be able to dominate one side.

Fang Fan shook his head, he didn't think too much about these.


"You don't have a single supreme demigod, how dare you mock the existence of a supreme demigod?"


"Really a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers!"

"The point is, you don't know anything!"

"The ultimate demigod, that's a whole new level!"

"It's not that you can stop it by relying on a group of strong demigods!"

The first-class saint of the Dark Temple, Mo Tian, ​​looked at Fang Fandao with contempt.

He immediately rushed over.

Several other supreme demigods also heard the wind, and all of them were madly pressed down at the moment!

For a time, Sen Ran's killing intent swept around frantically, as if to completely crush everything in front of him!

That feeling, that feeling, swept through the whole body, and for a while, the whole body felt cold to the bone!

As if in a sea of ​​ice, numb the whole person's consciousness.

Immediately, even the most basic movements slowly followed the depression.

Excited heart, trembling hands, only after experiencing it personally can I understand the true feeling!

"The ultimate demigod combat power?"

"Is it rare?"

"Shenlongmen Legion, it's your turn to appear!"

"Completely kill!"

"Quick fight!"

Fang Fan squinted his eyes and snorted coldly, and then the infinite battle power around him showed and gathered little by little.

The sense of oppression gradually became stronger.

Crazy consciousness is madly attacking in my mind, and for a while, I don't know what it means.

There are a total of 18 dragon knights and true dragons in the strong demigod **** dragon army!

When they use the legion's exclusive skill [Unity of Human and Dragon], their combat power will be unrestrictedly released, and then there will be a strong sense of oppression, which will completely oppress you to the extreme, and then even the most minimal flutter will disappear. Without a trace.

In the end, at the end of the day, there is nothing to say at all.

The feeling is there, the consciousness is sober, and the rest, slowly followed by a comprehensive end.

That's basically it, very real and very clear.

In the state of unity of man and dragon, these dragon knights have the head of a man, the body of a dragon, but their hands are not claws...

At first glance, I feel inexplicably a feeling of four dissimilarities.

It does look a bit strange in appearance, but the key point now is naturally not here, what is needed now is combat power! Crazy combat power!

"What kind of monsters are these?"

"Do you know what kind of creature this is? A dragon? Or a human? A dragon man? There is no such monster in the dragon family!"

Ouyang Tu frowned, couldn't help but complained, and immediately made a gesture to kill the Shenlong Man in front of him.


There was no response to his attack. On the contrary, because the attack strength he released was not too strong, his body actually took a few steps backwards.

Ouyang Tu's body suddenly trembled wildly.

What other thoughts are there this time?

An endless sense of fear swept through my heart!

For a while, he gasped frantically, and then his consciousness was completely suppressed to the end!


It's a hammer!

This is so special, it's completely cold, you know?

At the moment, how do you want to follow the waves?


bells and whistles?

Does that feel cool?


That's it?

The **** is home, you know?

"I am a supreme demigod..."

"They can take my attack so easily, don't...don't tell me they all...have the ultimate demigod combat power?"

"My Cao..."

Ouyang Tu's body trembled, and he glanced at the eighteen Shenlong people with resolute faces in front of him, and immediately became confused.

This is so special, and hit a hammer!

Six to eighteen?

One hit three?

"I don't believe that these are all supreme demigod combat powers!"

"When did the supreme demigod become so worthless!"

"Impossible! Impossible!"

"In any case, the supreme demigod is also the supreme existence. In this world, there is no match at all!"

"If he had already owned more than a dozen supreme demigods, how could he have been suppressed by us before?"

"Fake! It must be fake!"


"I definitely won't believe it anyway!"

"To fool me with this fake news!"

"Oh! Do you really think I'm so deceitful?"

"Damn! Damn!"


The gnashing of teeth around him was fully displayed, and his eyelids jumped little by little while he was talking.

For a while, the eyes trembled, and the momentum of the whole body swept into place directly, and for a time, there was an extremely strong sense of oppression, as if everything in front of him would be completely crushed to the extreme!

For these supreme demigods, they naturally do not believe that there are more than a dozen supreme demigods following Fang Fan!

The supreme demigod powerhouse has become a bad street existence?

Then their advantages will be gone, and the chance of winning the divine ladder will instantly drop to ninety-nine to freezing point!

For a while, he couldn't say a word, his eyes trembled, and his thoughts continued to be messy in his mind.

it is more than words.

With such a rhythm and awareness, slowly, he pulled his hips.

But when these gods and dragons fought with them, the six supreme demigods could not help but start to retreat.

At this moment, the Shenlongren Legion showed the most powerful attack power.

Even if they don't want to admit it, they can only acquiesce.

"I'm fine! I'm really fine!"

"Missed! No chance!"

"I've said it a long time ago! I've said it a long time ago! You must kill Fang Fan as soon as possible, if you don't listen, you will even have civil strife!"

"It's alright now, now it's completely manipulated, we have no chance! There is no chance at all!"

"Now before our eyes, there is only a dead end! A dead end!"

"Ah! Ah ah ah! I don't believe in evil! I don't believe in evil!"

Ouyang Tu, the first-class saint of the Temple of Light, gritted his teeth fiercely. At this moment, the endless breath all over his body erupted frantically!

For a time, the surrounding air was cracking or even bursting little by little!

Under the light of the sun, everything on the ground floor was illuminated.

"Fang Fan!"



"Our grievances cannot be resolved!"

"One must die!"

"And the one who died must be you!"

"I'm going to take you! I'm going to take you!"

"Even if it's self-destruction!"

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