The face of the bright pope Yuwen Hanlin was completely soaked into red.

It's so hard to control yourself right now!



The mentality gradually collapsed.

In the end, what else do you want to make?

Can you recycle your actions a little bit?


Are you purely trying to do something for me?

If you want to do something, just say it!

Pope Guangming's face turned blue and white.

I almost vomited blood at the moment!

Right now it's on the verge of breaking out.

Yuan Jiuxiang, the first-class saint of the Temple of the Bright Alliance, was surprised, and the secret was not good.

But don't get emotional!

If you don’t break out your emotions, speak well, and treat yourself as a licking dog, there may still be a chance.

But if you feel unhappy and your emotions are completely out, then today's matter is completely cold, and there is no hope at all.

Yuan Jiuxiang swallowed a mouthful of saliva and wanted to say a few words at this moment.


Suddenly, there was a muffled sound, which startled Yuan Jiuxiang.

He glanced at it, shocked.

The Pope of Light, Yuwen Hanlin, actually knelt down?

He knelt down to Fang Fan!

I am Cao!

Is it that big?

Is it all... so direct now?

You... are you sure you don't think about it anymore?

Before... Didn't you still look arrogant before?

This... how long has it been?

You arrogant... how did you get discounted?

Looking at it at a glance, isn't it a bit bad?

It's a bit big!

"Lord Fang Fan, please accept me!"

"I! Yuwen Hanlin, I am willing to be loyal to you and never betray!"

"At the moment of the enemy, relying on my own strength, I will definitely not be able to resist the attack of the God of Destruction!"

"In the face of life and death, I chose to be greedy for life and fear death!"

"I need your protection, Lord Fang Fan! I am willing to exchange my loyalty for it!"

"Lord Fang Fan, I... I'm sincere!"

"Lord Fang Fan, please believe me!"

"Why is it too urgent to cook with the same root!"

"After all... After all, we are all from the bright camp!"

"Before us, our love was as deep as the sea!"

"Even if... even if the bones are broken, we... this is still connected to the tendons!"

"Master Fang Fan..."

The face of the bright pope Yuwen Hanlin is not as stiff as before.

Nodding again and again at this moment, that flattering gesture is extraordinarily real.

At a glance, it's really great.

For a time, Fang Fan's eyes and everyone's eyes converged.

At this moment, the confused face is fully contagious.

More and more intense.

It's getting more and more unreal.

"Is this the Pope of Light?"

"Just this thing?"

"My Cao..."


Tai Shujie's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but complained first.

"I didn't expect it to be so determined."

"This...this is too much beyond my expectations."

"Just kneel down...this..."

Xue Wanren, the vice-president of Guangming Academy, took a deep breath, feeling inexplicably dizzy and dizzy.

He had to admit that the era that belonged to him had quietly passed away at this moment!

Now is the era of Fang Fan!

Pope of Light, how noble and powerful is that?

In their consciousness, that has always represented irresistible and incomparably powerful!

But what about now?

This incomparably powerful is cooling down a little at the moment.

Feeling silently in my heart, I feel extremely embarrassed for no reason!

I wanted to say something at the moment, but I felt that many words blocked my mouth.

So I can't speak right now.

Or rather, it's hard to speak!

"Uncle Tai, your really right!"

"You disciple, you really want to stand shoulder to shoulder with the sky!"

"I want to compete with the gods!"

"Uncle Tai, you are really lucky!"

"Hey! Why did you pick up such a good apprentice!"

Xue Wanren couldn't help but sighed with emotion.

"That's my apprentice, isn't he also your son-in-law?"

"What's sour?"

"Don't you have to take off with you in the future?"

Uncle Tai held his head high, and seemed very excited at the moment when he spoke.

As my thoughts trembled, the picture in front of me was flickering little by little!

Stimulate! Really!

Graceful and fun!

"Boy Fang Fan, stop sticking it!"

"Everyone has already knelt down."

"It's the first time I've seen the Pope kneel!"

"Since it's already like this, you have an idea! This family is saying whether you want to accept it or not!"

"So many people are watching!"

"Boy Fang Fan, it would be good for me to accept a pope as a subordinate, I can pretend to be a force."

Bai Piao was as talkative as ever.

At this moment, he was talking, and then he was chattering excitedly.

There seems to be a lot of interest in the current situation.

As his eyes fluttered, his breathing gradually became more rapid.

This wave is really exciting!


Isn't that the feeling?

Graceful with a touch of elegance.

A wave of direct cool home!

If you are happy, you will be satisfied.

Fang Fan looked at Pope Guangming Yuwen Hanlin, but did not speak for a while, but his face gradually showed a scrutiny.

He was not so easily deceived.

It's still a bit difficult to deceive him.

He was wondering how true or false this guy's words were.

"It's probably true that you want to seek shelter from me. It's human nature to want to live."

"As for allegiance...that's bullshit."

"Just now you looked so high and mighty, but now you're so humble?"

"Unless it's a neurosis, the mood swings can't be this big."

"That is to say, there are indeed some false situations."

"In this case, you can gradually choose to hit hard."

Fang Fan raised his eyebrows with a faint smile on his face.

"Are you sure you want to surrender to me? Are you willing to be a slave and a maid? Never betray?"

Fang Fan asked.

"Of course!"

"Lord Fang Fan! I am sincere!"

"If I can, I can even dig out my heart for you to see!"

"Absolutely...absolutely bright red!"

"Lord Fang Fan, I beg you... I beg you, trust me!"

Pope Guangming Yuwen Hanlin showed a flattering smile on his face, the more he spoke, the more flattering he became.

As for the heart, it is naturally overwhelming.


"He's hooked! He's hooked!"

"The Pope's acting skills are still very online."

"As long as you let me shelter this round, it will basically be stable."

"Others, naturally there will be no surprises."

"My chance is here!"

"Cool! Really cool!"

"I can also slowly stay by his side, gradually gain his trust, and take the opportunity to find out about the God Ladder."

"This move is wonderful!"

"Maybe change my future!"

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