As Bai Piao shouted, the scene changed completely again.

At the moment, the dust is flying, the lightning is thundering, and it is quite apocalyptic!

"what happened?"

"Not quite right!"

"Boy Fang Fan, what do you mean, run away... run away!"

"This game... this game is messed up!"

"Boy Fang Fan!"

Bai Piao couldn't help but panic, his eyes widened for a while, and his thoughts completely collapsed in his mind!

The eager rhythm sprinted to the extreme for a while!

Exciting and crazy!

"This guy seems to want to send us into the realm of the gods..."

"The door to the realm of the gods... was forcibly opened by him!"

Fang Fan frowned, a look of emotion on his face.

This thing has a very strong sense of urging.

There is a problem, a big problem.


"What do you mean?"

"Then aren't we having fun?"

"A wave of whoring enters the realm of the gods?"

"Tsk! Good guy, is there such a good thing?"

"It's taking off!"

Bai Piao's eyes lit up, thinking that this thing is clearly a good thing!

If you can grasp this wave of opportunities, you will definitely be able to take advantage of the trend!

Isn't this wave cool enough?

Thoughts were instantly agitated in my mind, and the stream of consciousness was fully in place.

The sense of refreshment is strengthened again!



"It's not that simple, is it?"

"This God of Destruction can't wait to kill us all, how could it give us so many opportunities?"

"There must be something tricky in this!"

"I just don't know what's going on here."

Xue Wanren, the deputy head of Guangming Academy, raised his eyebrows, and a strange expression appeared on his face.

The rhythm is very obvious.

"He wants to take us all to the realm of the gods!"

"God's Domain is his territory!"

"Once there, he can do whatever he wants with us."

"It's a good plan."

Fang Fan's eyes narrowed slightly, and a thoughtful look appeared on his face.

He was thinking about his next move.

Next, what should we do?

This is the end, you can't do nothing at all!

Something has to be done.

Otherwise, it will really pull the crotch.


"Speaking of which, this is clearly a conspiracy!"

"That won't work!"

"Since it's all a conspiracy, then... let's forget it!"

"Stop getting caught!"

"Let's go quickly!"

Bai Piao's risk awareness is still very strong, and he is about to escape.

"I'm afraid it's a bit difficult to leave now."

"He wants to leave this piece of vegetation with him."

"Even if we hide in the small world of Chutian Pavilion, I am afraid that we will be coerced into the realm of the gods!"

"This wave is inevitable!"

"Of course, there is really no need to continue to avoid it."

"Isn't our ultimate goal to enter the realm of the gods?"

"It just happens to be a hitchhiker."

Fang Fan seemed very cheerful, while talking, he nodded silently, his thoughts revolved in his mind, and he felt that he gradually followed.

The rhythm is clear, the consciousness is clear, and that's basically it.

Only when you are stable can you have hope, and only when you are stable can you be qualified to dream!

This wave seems so sincere!

Feel the bit, all without words!

At the moment when the thoughts burst out, the picture in front of me is also distorted a little bit!

Exciting, surging and extremely exciting!

It should come, it will always come!

"It's just that this is the conspiracy of the God of Destruction after all."

"After all, this is not the God's Domain we went to by ourselves."

"This is clearly a conspiracy, we still have to go?"

"This...isn't this too dangerous?"

"As for... as for this?"

"Fang Fan, although we yearn for God's Domain, we didn't die in the past."

Xue Wanren let out a breath of turbid air, and immediately followed.

"Yeah, disciple, in the lower realm, the God of Destruction can't make a full effort, but if it reaches the God's Domain, the God of Destruction can move at will!"

"At that time... will we be able to resist it at that time?"

"In case... if we can't resist, aren't we dead?"

"It's too dangerous."

"This... this can't be done!"

"Teacher! Even if you risk your life as a teacher, you will be sent out."

"No matter what, I can't let you go to God's Domain to die!"

"Damn God of Destruction!"

"Come if you can! Come at me!"

"Grandpa is not afraid!"

Tai Shujie's temper has always been very irritable.

At this moment, he gritted his teeth and couldn't help roaring along.

As he spoke, his face was gradually twisted, and his gnashing of teeth was displayed in place, and his crazy consciousness was about to fill his entire brain.

At this moment, I was talking, and my thoughts followed a little bit of turmoil!

it is more than words!

The thoughts are in place, the consciousness is squeezed.

In the end, follow Liang Bo on the spot!

It still feels more real.

Basically that's it.

"Master, now is not a question of whether to sacrifice or not."

"But now we can't resist at all!"

"This power... is too strong."

"We don't have a chance to fight right now."

"So... I can only choose to stop here."

"That's basically it."

"They come, the security."

"Let's talk about what will happen after going to God's Domain."

"When it comes to the enemy, our operations can become more."

"As for now, just lie down."

Fang Fan shrugged, while talking, his eyes flashed with a different kind of brilliance.

As his thoughts fluttered, the corners of his mouth were still smiling.

Now, follow the established pace and practice the established path.

What should come, will come.

Steady as Mount Tai!

Everyone in Guangming Academy looked at each other and couldn't help but start looking at each other.

Although they still wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, they felt that what Fang Fan said was indeed very reasonable.

Where are the facts, what else is there to say.

All the situation has basically stabilized.

It's already like this, there's too much to say, and it doesn't make much sense.

At the end, it gradually became numb.



"True God Soul!"

"Why is it gone!"


"All turned into the purest energy!"

"Damn! Damn!"

"My ancient sacrifice, there is no chance!"

The God Race Tianlin City Lord Cassius started his incompetent fury! d

In this wave of hearts, I feel extremely uncomfortable.

What the **** did this make!

It's so painful!

Life is so boring.

The ancient temple, the first-class **** general in Tianlin City of the God Race, was already used to the sand sculpture of this Cassius City Lord, so he didn't bother to show any more expressions.

This time the whole person seemed very indifferent.

But gradually, the change in his expression became obvious.

"I heard!"

"I really heard it!"

"This... This God of Destruction is going to take us to the God's Domain!"

"I earned it!"

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