Gu Sha is like a madman at the moment, and the editor is talking, and the whole person seems to be in a trance.

When the corners of the mouth twitched, consciousness was being suppressed frantically!

The expression is indifferent, the mentality explodes!

The desire to live has been completely lost at the moment!

Die! Just die!

It doesn't doesn't matter anymore!

"What a lunatic!"

"And said I was crazy... It's obviously yourself."

Cassius, the lord of the God Race Tianlin City, shook his head and said silently in his heart.

It's just that at this time, your calculations are crazy and crazy, so what can you do?

How much can you change the consequences?

In the end, I still have to surrender to this big world!

Finally, follow Liang Bo on the spot!

Such a fate has been fully locked at this moment!

The rest, don't care much at all.

Gradually calm down mentally, that's about it.

True and clear!

Yuan Jiuxiang, the first-class saint of the Temple of the Light Alliance, and the Pope of Light, Yuwen Hanlin, who were fighting, also stopped fighting at this moment.

Something happened after all.

Relatively speaking, this is not a small thing.

If you are not careful, you will be completely suppressed.

The rhythm is exceptionally clear and distinct.

That's basically it.

Deep in my heart, I couldn't help but feel a sense of panic sweeping my whole body, and when my thoughts were messy, I couldn't say a word.

At the moment, it was directly overwhelmed.

Feeling, repressed to death.

The rhythm is clear, the consciousness gathers, and the feeling sweeps the whole body!

The more you think about it, the more intense your feelings become!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"The God of Destruction... The God of Destruction has not disappeared!"

"The God of Destruction is still here!"

"Ha! Hahaha! I knew... I knew the God of Destruction wouldn't be killed so easily!"

" good!"

"It' solved one of my worries!"

"Whirring whirring!"

"Good! Good! Good!"

Excitement swept through the whole body, and the picture in the eyes was locked little by little.

The more I thought about it, the more intense my feelings became.

Exciting and crazy!

take off! take off!

Just in time!

At this moment, Yuan Jiuxiang has a feeling that the pain has come to an end!

After being suppressed for too long, suddenly enjoying that sweet moment, the whole person is about to cry!

too difficult! It's really hard!

This ghost and beast man, suppressing the whole person will not live or die.


"What are you proud of?"

"What do you think you are?"

"Do you think you are a loyal and good general in the eyes of the God of Destruction?"

"'re a clown! You're a big clown!"

"Haha! It's just that you haven't noticed yet, and you think you are so precious!"

"If you really go to God's Domain, do you think the God of Destruction will care about you, such a little bastard?"

"At that time, it's just to kill you easily."

"For the God of Destruction, you are not even qualified to appear in front of him!"

"= All this is just your imagination!"

"Joke! A big joke!"

"Until now, I was still thinking about these unrealistic things in my heart."

"You said, this is not funny!"


Bright Pope Yuwen Hanlin sneered.

It's really not very pleasant to say, but if you taste it carefully, you can find that these are all real! Do with the real status quo!

You want to curry favor with the true God, and you want to dedicate everything you have to the true God.

But compared to the true God, does he care about you? It doesn't look like that.

In this way, isn't it all just your own imagination?

What's the point of living in your own world?

After all, don't you want to wake up?

When I wake up, I am afraid there will be more unwillingness and anger in my heart!

It's just that at that point, none of this will make any sense!

Because it's all set! Completely shaped!

that is it.

Yuan Jiuxiang was stunned.

He listened to Yuwen Hanlin's analysis of him in a daze, and his face gradually showed a hideous color.


It's all bullshit!


"go away!"

"not like this!"

"The God of Destruction remembers me! Remember me!"

"I am the first person to serve under the crown of the God of Destruction!"

"And... and I also contributed news of the godhead and divine liquid to the God of Destruction."

"The God of Destruction will definitely think of my credit when he gets the Godhead Good Divine Liquid!"

"When the time comes... then I will be credited! I will be credited!"

"Don't tell me your nonsense!"


"I don't listen! I don't want to listen!"

"Anyway, I don't care!"

The sound of gnashing teeth gathered together, and the picture in front of him was being torn apart little by little.

The more I think about it, the more appropriate this feeling becomes, and for a while, it seems to tear everything apart!

Excited heart, when trembling, invincible!

Yuan Jiuxiang is now living in his own world.

He has his own set of ideas.

Then went crazy self-hypnosis.

"I have merit for the God of Destruction!"

"When I arrive in the God's Domain, I will soar to the sky and become the supreme existence under the crown of the God of Destruction!"

"Haha! Don't expect my future!"

"And you! You all have to die!"

"You are rebels!"

"You dare to rebel against the God of Destruction!"

"This is your greatest original sin!"

"Then...then all will die! All will die!"

"The moment when all destiny is completely final, that's it...that's how it is!"


"Yuwen Hanlin! You are so ridiculous!"

"You actually... you are still here to comfort me?"

"You might as well comfort and comfort yourself!"

"Your destiny is ended! It's ended, you know?"

"You have a dead end, a dead end!"

The frantic roar followed, and in the piercing of consciousness, the wild smile on Yuan Jiuxiang's face showed itself.

Right now, everyone has a different thought in their hearts.

Anyway, the idea is very messy.

But in any case, the final outcome is certain.

That is to be swept up to the entrance of the passage, which is also suitable for the so-called Shinto!

This piece of land has been tossed away!

Pack and take away now!

"Give up resistance."

"I can't fight anyway."

"When you can't resist it, it's actually a good feeling to choose to lie down and enjoy it properly."

"We are going to God's Domain now!"

"I'll be able to arrive at God's Domain soon to see something brand new, shouldn't I feel excited and surging?"

Fang Fan shrugged, while talking, his eyes flickered, his thoughts fluttered, and the rhythm swept across the board!

"Um...that's what I said, but...but the road ahead is unknown!"

"Hey! If you reach God's Domain, you will be in ambush from all sides, and you will even play with a hammer."

Bai Piao shrugged helplessly.

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