"Boy Fang Fan, you are cheating on me again!"

"I knew... I knew you didn't have a good heart!"

"I've already seen through you boy!"


"I'm so smart and confused for a while!"

"Why did I get caught by your kid!"

"Forget it, that's it!"

"I can bear it! Can't I bear it?"

"Even if you were pitted by your kid today!"

The sound of muttering followed, and the gnashing of teeth was fully displayed, and when the eyeballs were rolling, consciousness was a little collapsed!

The sense of bells and whistles is being comprehensively strengthened!

In the moment of numbness, let's talk to someone.

This wave is completely the state of a hammer.

Although this guy Bai Piao has a lot of things, he is basically not ambiguous in major matters.

How it should be.

There is basically no problem in terms of execution.

This should be the biggest advantage.

Who can stand it if it's really blind?

Didn't this mentality collapse in an instant?

In this divine way, a stream of spatial turbulence is frantically restless!

If it wasn't for Bai Piao to keep blocking it, Fang Fan couldn't stand it.

This wave, that kind of extreme pressure is still relatively strong.

If you can't stand still, you will be instantly suppressed.

That feeling is still very real in experience.

Fang Fan narrowed his eyes, thinking to himself, his thoughts gradually exploded in his mind!

Looking at it, I immediately entered the realm of the gods!

At this moment, there seems to be a special energy in this Divine Dao that guides Fang Fan to walk in a given direction.

"It can't go on like this forever."

"Otherwise, there may really be no chance later."

"The more you are in this kind of thing, the more you have to stabilize your thoughts."

"Once it's messy, it's a big deal!"

"This wave must be stable, it must be stable!"

The murmuring voice followed, and Fang Fan couldn't help showing a hesitant look on his face.

Make up your mind early!

If you miss it, it's really frustrating!

Then it becomes messy, who can stand it?

"If you follow the given direction, you will definitely go to the place reserved by the God of Destruction."

"That God of Destruction hates me so much, and he will not give up."

"If I met him as soon as I entered the realm of the gods, I would definitely be dead."

"There's no way to escape then."

"So... choose another direction."

Fang Fan resolutely gave up the easier passage, and then his body was full of energy, and he immediately evacuated to the side.

In this way, it enters into another dimension of turbulent flow.

"What is this Fang Fan doing?"

"Is he stupid?"

"Leave a good road and don't take it, why go to the thorn bush over there?"

"It's obviously easier to walk with the Shinto on the left!"

"The Shinto on the right is full of thorns."

"Is he not afraid of pain?"


"Dude, what do you think about this?"

"Huh? Does this make you brainy?"

"The brain is a good thing, but it's a pity he doesn't have it!"

"Hey! That's a pity!"

The murmuring sound followed, and the light in the eyes flickered a little bit.

The more I thought about it, the more obvious the sense of madness of destruction.

It seemed as if everything was going to be wiped out for a while!

God Race Tianlin City first-class **** general Gu Sha complained aside.

"Let's go to the right too!"

"Let's walk through the bushes too!"

The God Race Tianlin City City Lord Cassius snorted secretly, and then walked to the Shinto on the right.

Ancient Temple: "???"

Dude, what the **** is going on here?

What's wrong?

One by one, have your brains followed Watt?

The brain is really a good thing, but if you don't have a brain, you can say it twice!

This is too shabby, isn't it?

This wave has absolutely no idea what to say!

Crazy thoughts are being crushed without limit.

Nothing, just kidding?


This? That's it?


"What medicine did you all take wrong?"

Gucha said helplessly.

"You just took the wrong medicine!"

"The Shinto on the left is easy to go, but you haven't thought about it, why is it easy to go?"

"Why did we come to this divine way?"

"Everyone wants to take this comfortable road!"

Cassius said leisurely.

Before Cassius finished speaking, the ancient temple on the side suddenly lit up!

Then he couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, and the whole person fell into extreme shock and couldn't extricate himself.

My thoughts drifted, and I couldn't say a word.

This wave is too exciting!

That kind of extreme oppression is about to completely suppress him!

Too painful and crazy!

I don't know how to express it at all!

chaos! chaos! chaos!

"Lord City Lord, do you mean that the relatively relaxed Shinto on the left was specially prepared for us by the God of Destruction?"

"If we follow this path, we will encounter the God of Destruction?"

"It will be a dead end then?"


"There are so many doorways in here!"

"That Fang Fan... that Fang Fan is really witty!"

"This guy... This guy must have known it long ago, and then chose to leave this way!"

"Treachery! Greed! Shameless!"


"This wave is a complete experience!"

The whispering voice followed, and the thoughts were so beautiful that I couldn't say a word.

The more I thought about it, the more my feelings became trembling.

After the first-class **** of the God Race Tianlin City figured out the ancient temple, he quickly avoided the Shinto on the right.

Even if the resistance here is stronger and the sense of oppression is stronger, at least it is safer!

"Master summoned me over!"

"Yuan Jiuxiang, have you been there?"

"Don't go to die."

"The master said that the Shinto on the left must have been arranged by the God of Destruction."

"If you go there, you will definitely be suppressed."

"It's time to meet the God of Destruction."

"Although the Shinto on the right is a little more difficult, it represents freedom."

Pope Guangming Yuwen Hanlin glanced at Yuan Jiuxiang, and then couldn't help reminding him.

Although there are indeed some contradictions between each other, for the bright pope Yuwen Hanlin, he and Yuan Jiuxiang are still very familiar with each other.

He is the Pope of Light, and Yuwen Hanlin is a first-class saint under his command. They have worked together for thousands of years.

Although there have been conflicts before, even fighting and killing, but this kind of thing can't be cared about now.

After all, we are about to arrive at God’s Domain, a whole new world!

Everything here is unfamiliar.

In a place like this, it would be a fortunate thing to have a familiar person huddled together for warmth!

In my heart, I thought to myself, the picture in front of me couldn't help but unfold in full swing!

Excited and excited!

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