Fang Fan's mind couldn't help but turn wildly.

I encountered some strange things, and now I naturally want to try my best to figure it out.

You can't be so sloppy all the time.

Fang Fan licked his lips, and his expression changed, feeling a little excited for no reason.

Directly skyrocketed a big level!

The gap between the eight-star peak sanctuary realm and the absolute peak sanctuary realm is still very large.

If one force is ten thousand, the other is one.

The boundary gap is too big.

"My cultivation has skyrocketed, so didn't the six heroes under my command also take off?"

"Their cultivation base cannot exceed my three levels at most."

"Three levels above the Supreme Holy Venerable Realm... that is the strong demigod realm?"

A smile appeared on Fang Fan's mouth, and he still felt very satisfied at the moment.

Fang Fan was secretly happy, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and his eyes gradually became brighter.

His hands groped for himself, and his expression changed immediately.

The storage ring on him is gone.

Some of the treasures that were always worn are gone.

It must have been taken while he was in a coma.

"This guy... thin skin and tender meat!"

"I didn't realize it when I was in a coma before."

"Tsk! It feels quite tasty."

"I like this!"

"Little white face! In this black forest, the labor and management are about to fade out! Today the labor and management will fight their teeth!"

"Hehe, maybe there is something good about this kid!"

"Everyone has a share, let's go together!"

Suddenly, the style of painting changed.

Gradually become creepy!

In this wave, I couldn't say a word, and the cold sweat on the forehead followed the rust, and the mentality was also in complete collapse.


Instantly numb!

Fang Fan's face turned dark, and he was about to get up immediately, but he really didn't have much energy on his body.

A good man does not suffer immediate losses.

Fang Fan took a deep breath, ready to hide.


"Don't do those disgusting things in front of labor and management!"


At this time, a burly man with red hair came over, his red hair and beard were very eye-catching.

The bearded man glared at each other, and the cultivators with malicious intentions looked at each other. Although they were upset, they did not dare to step forward.

"Xiao Nanshan! This has nothing to do with you!"

"I advise you not to interfere!"

"We didn't bother you again!"

The leader of the cultivator gritted his teeth, still feeling particularly unhappy in his heart.


"Shut up the labor!"

"Are you teaching labor and capital to do things?"

"If you're not happy, do you have a fight?"

The bearded man Xiao Nanshan snorted coldly, and the muscles on his body couldn't help but move, appearing to be very oppressive.

Balluff, who had a scar on his face, gritted his teeth. Although he wanted to regain his face, he finally retreated.

Can't beat it.

Not on a level.

This is what it means to be hanged.

This wave really doesn't seem necessary.

Not much else to say, at this moment this state of mind is gradually calming down.

The rest of them are not, needless to say.

"Thank you."

Fang Fan looked at Xiao Nanshan, the big man with qiu beard, and immediately thanked him.

It's not easy to be able to pull you in in times of crisis.

Naturally you need to know how to be grateful.

"Don't thank me."

"I just don't like that disgusting thing happening right in front of my eyes."

"If they drag you outside to toss, I won't care."

The bearded man Xiao Nanshan said coldly, as if he was not willing to accept this thank you.

Fang Fan opened his mouth, his expression a bit complicated.


"Master, are you awake?"


"How are you feeling now, Master?"

"Are you still suffering?"

"Master, this is obsidian, you can use it!"

At this time, a middle-aged man with blown-out hair came over from a distance, his body was dirty, and his eyes looked very blood red.

"Yuwen Hanlin?"

"How did you do it like this?"

Fang Fan looked at it carefully, and then said with a shocked expression.

"Master, we just came out of Shinto when we met the foreman of this mining area."

"We were knocked unconscious with a few miners and brought to this ghost place.

"I saw that the situation was not good, and I surrendered immediately, so I didn't fall into a coma."

"Master, you were the first to rush out and were knocked out by them."


"Fortunately...fortunately, master, you are all right."

"Otherwise I'll be cold too."

Yuwen Hanlin took a deep breath and sighed.

When he was in the lower realm, he was the Pope of the Light Alliance Temple!

In the lower realm, it can be said to be the supreme existence.

It was only when he was in the ruins of the gods and around the Buddha Shrine, because of the coercion of the God of Destruction, in order to escape, he made a so-called war slave contract with Fang Fan, which is the contract of the wild god.

Yuwen Hanlin was naturally unwilling to sign this contract at first. He simply wanted to fool Fang Fan. The wishful thinking in his heart had already been made. Sign the contract first, and then talk about it later. Small problems, the kind that don't matter at all.

But then some changes followed.

Because this [Aragami Contract] can't find any loopholes at all, that is to say, there is no chance to unlock it at all!

Yuwen Hanlin was dumbfounded.

Immediately stopped.

I originally wanted to go to the routine Fang Fan, but I didn't expect that Fang Fan did not give the routine, but buried himself.

Just thinking about it for a while to know how anxious that was at the time.

All kinds of messy hearts are about to burst out!

Almost got hit without a head!

Fortunately, I finally stabilized the rhythm, stabilized the consciousness, and did not directly cool down!

Over time, I don't know if it was the subtle influence of [Aragami's Contract], or Yuwen Hanlin just thought about it, but he became more and more loyal to Fangfan.

At one point, Yuan Jiuxiang was even drawn to Fang Fan's side.

At this moment, Yuwen Hanlin and Fang Fan can be said to be a community of destiny.

Both glory and humiliation.

Fang Fan, the master, died, and according to the iron-blooded rules of the [Arrogant Contract], Yuwen Hanlin, the war slave, must also die.

Based on this major premise, Yuwen Hanlin naturally hopes that Fang Fan can live forever.

"What about Bai Piao?"

"What about the rest?"

"We're together... but there are six of us."

Fang Fan said in a deep voice.

Bai Piao, Yuan Jiuxiang, God Clan Ancient Temple, God Clan Cassius.

Plus Fang Fan and Yuwen Hanlin, there are indeed six people.

Now Fang Fan and Yuwen Hanlin are left, and the other four are gone.

"I don't know where they got caught."

"Master, I saw this mining area, just the two of us."

Yuwen Hanlin replied.

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