As for the lady who let their merchant ship, she didn't show up either.

"What a beautiful woman."

Xiao Nanshan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he couldn't help but exclaim.

Following Xiao Nanshan's gaze, he saw a glamorous lady in a gorgeous robe walking on the deck of the ship, with a slender figure that could not be described.

Full of intellectual beauty.

Just looking at it like this, the whole person seems to be immersed in it and can't extricate himself.

Slowly, consciousness is gathering frantically.

His expression changed, and he didn't know what to say.

Rao is Fang Fan, who has read countless women, and couldn't help nodding when he saw this lady.

Seemingly noticing the gazes of Fang Fan and the others, the lady couldn't help but raised her head and glanced at Fang Fan and the others.

At this moment, seeing Xiao Nanshan, the big man with qiu beard, was startled for a while, and when he saw Yuwen Hanlin's withered face, he couldn't help but take a step back.

When her eyes shifted to Fang Fan, the lady's heart moved secretly, and there seemed to be a flow of energy in her beautiful eyes.

"What a handsome man!"

The lady couldn't help but glanced at Fang Fan a few more times, she suddenly seemed to think of something, and immediately turned her head away with a shy face.

Fang Fan touched his nose, slightly embarrassed.

For the next few days, Fang Fan and others stayed in this treasure ship.

Food is delivered every day.

I don't know why, after entering the realm of the gods, Fang Fan seems to be unable to fast, and he has to eat something every day, otherwise he will feel very uncomfortable.

It is really surprising that one side of the water and soil supports one person.

I haven't seen that lady in the past few days, and I don't know what happened to her.

During the sailing of the boat, Fang Fan did not delay, and has been hurrying to cultivate.

When he woke up from the big dream, Fang Fan's eyes flickered with extreme brilliance.


"The breakthrough of the supreme saint brought a quasi-demi-god realm?"

"Although the quasi-demi-god realm can only be regarded as the lowest level in this god's realm, but for me, it is a great fortune! A great surprise!"

Fang Fan took a deep breath, and at the same time, a look of doubt appeared on his face.

"Isn't there supposed to be a demigod thunder calamity when you are promoted to the demigod realm?"

"You can only be promoted after passing the thunder tribulation."

"Just this thunder robbery, where is it now?"

Fang Fan's eyes swept around the surroundings, his face stunned.

"That's right, this thunder calamity originally came from the realm of the gods to the lower realm."

"Now that I am in the realm of the gods, who can come to me with thunder tribulation?"

"Perhaps there is no thunder tribulation in the realm of the gods."

"Or in the realm of the gods, promotion to the demigod realm is just a small achievement that everyone can achieve."

"Such a small achievement is simply not worth mentioning."

"It's natural, and no one cares."

Fang Fan narrowed his eyes, thinking to himself, his eyes fluttering slightly.

Although it's just speculation right now, it should be true.

Judging according to the established thinking, it should be like this.

"Brother Fang Fan... promoted?"

Xiao Nanshan came over, and felt Fang Fan's body changes at this moment, and his face showed surprise.

You must know that the promotion of cultivation bases often takes a century and a thousand years as a span.

So every promotion is worth celebrating!

In addition, to be promoted from the mortal realm to the quasi-demi-god realm, even if it is separated from the physical mortal fetus at the beginning!

At this time, in the realm of the gods, it can be regarded as a certain place to stand.

Facing Xiao Nanshan's question, Fang Fan did not hide it, and nodded indifferently.

For him, this is normal.

It's not a big deal.

There's really no need to make a fuss.

For the next few days, Fang Fan was consolidating his cultivation and didn't go out much.

And the treasure ship is still sailing at full speed.

How vast is this sea?

Fang Fan didn't know it before, but now, he has a preliminary understanding.

"Pirates! There are pirates!"

"Everyone get up! Get up quickly!"

"Don't sleep!"

"The pirates are coming!"

"Get up and kill the pirates!"

"Get up!"

For a time, the sound of anxiety swept across the board.

Everyone woke up from their sleep.

Fang Fan, who was meditating, suddenly lit up with murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

Immediately, Fang Fan and Yuwen Hanlin went out of the house and saw that seven or eight smaller pirate ships had already surrounded the big pirate ship.

At the moment, these pirates are frantically hooking iron hooks on the railings of the big ship, then frantically climbing the ropes, and then flying to the ship.

These pirates are very fierce, and they will kill anyone they see.

"They're all mortals."

"There is no cultivation base in the body."

Xiao Nanshan came over from a distance, and while talking, he shrugged indifferently.

From Xiao Nanshan's point of view, people below the demigod realm are mortals.

Although these islands are all below the demigod realm, their combat power is obviously much stronger than those of the sailors on the ship.

It was a one-sided massacre.

Blood swept across the sky.

At first glance, the smell of blood rushes into place, making people feel numb and crazy.

For a time, my thoughts drifted, and I couldn't say a word.

At the moment when consciousness collapsed, the rhythm was completely deviated!

This wave is completely unknown!

"It's time to repay after eating so much food."

"Hanlin, go up and help me."

Fang Fan looked at Yuwen Hanlin and immediately ordered.

At the same time, Fang Fan himself waved the Heaven Slaying Sword and went straight up to kill the Quartet.

He has now been promoted to the quasi-demi-god realm, and the cultivation realm is all in place.

In the face of a group of practitioners below the demigod realm, it is indeed as simple and casual as cutting melons and vegetables.

There is no pressure at all in this kind of battle.

At first glance, the whole person seemed very relaxed.

All over the body, the faint feeling gathered in his heart, and the smile on the corner of his mouth remained the same.

It feels wonderful.

Fang Fan licked his lips, thinking to himself, his thoughts suddenly exploded in his mind!

At this moment, when fighting against these pirates, it is still unmanned!

"The wind is screaming!"

"There are gods here!"

"Can't fight it!"

Pirates are not all fools. Seeing that they can't beat them, they naturally know how to escape. They can't go all the way to the black, right?

One by one, they were all greedy for life and fear of death.

Death avoidance is taking shape at this moment.

This wave is basically stable as before.

After the pirates retreated, the people on the ship rejoiced as they were reborn.

At the moment, the identities of the three Fang Fans were also revealed.

The crowd left one sentence and another sentence of praise.

There were many people who knelt down and prayed directly in front of Fang Fan.

"Thank you three for your help."

"If it wasn't for the help of the three, my concubine would definitely die!"

"Are all three of them godlike like my cousin?"

The lady tidied up her clothes and walked over with her plump body twisted.

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