Fang Fan pondered, and then expressed his doubts.

Relatively speaking, this is quite true.

It's basically what it's showing.


"What to do? What's there to do?"

"Isn't it all about killing and competition?"

"For those divine envoys, there will always be no shortage of Faith Beads contributed to them anyway."

"No matter who occupied which company's site, only 10% can be left, and the rest must be turned over."

"There are so many Faith Beads left."

"Who doesn't like having more faith beads on hand?"

"When the heart of greed bursts out completely, it will naturally appear to have no scruples."

"It's like this, I can't wait to completely obliterate these!"

The murmuring voice followed, and Liu Dalong looked very tired.

"Forget it, what are you talking about!"

"Say too much!"

"So be it!"

"Talking to you too much will affect your mood, so it's unnecessary."


"Feilong Village is on that hillside."

Liu Dalong pointed to the undulating mountain road in the distance.

"Building on top of a mountain?"

Fang Fan was stunned for a while, feeling that this position was a bit strange.

"Of course."

"That position is easy to defend and difficult to attack."

"In general, there is still a little bit of an advantage."

"And with a wide field of vision, if you encounter an enemy invasion, you can immediately know the situation."

"By the way, I'll take you to see the Zhaizhu later, no matter what the Zhaizhu says, you should just do it."

"The village owner's temper is not very good, you must not provoke him."

"If you have any dissatisfaction, just tell me after you come out."

Liu Dalong warned on the side.

This wave is worried that Fang Fan will do something wrong.

If something goes wrong, just let it go!

Fang Fan nodded, expressing his understanding.

He's not that stupid yet.

If you want to enter this system, you must dig into it!

How to offend the boss of this piece at the beginning?

This Feilong Village is quite large.

At a glance, there are many buildings around.

The perimeter is fenced off.

There are many maids walking through.

From time to time, when I meet a few people, I will greet Liu Dalong very politely.

"Leader Liu!"

"Good leader!"

"Dragon is back!"

"Brother Long..."

It can be seen that Liu Dalong's popularity in Feilong Village is not bad.

This is not difficult to understand. From all aspects, Liu Dalong looks very cheerful, has a good personality, and has no pretence, so it is understandable that people are willing to associate with him.

Liu Dalong took Fang Fan into the most luxurious house in the core area of ​​Feilong Village.

Someone was standing guard at the door.

Even if Liu Dalong came, he could not let him go directly.

"Go to inform the Zhaizhu and say that I want to recommend a new member to him."

Liu Dalong said very directly.

It didn't take long before it was released.

Soon Fang Fan entered this luxurious building.

As soon as you get to the door, you can hear bursts of laughter.

"Ah! Don't… don't!"

"Lord Zhaizhu, how are you?"

"Ah! Aaaah! Lord Zhaizhu, please, don't... don't torture me, I was wrong, I was wrong, I don't dare anymore!"


All kinds of shouting sounded messy and anxious.

For a time, the brains were buzzing with tremors.

The whole person couldn't say a word, and his thoughts were being completely suppressed.

This wave, I don't know how to speak at all.

Mentality, it is very messy.

For a time, it was followed by a full push.

The feeling and taste here are indeed somewhat uncontrollable.

"Go in later, don't look around."

"Well! The master of the village really likes women, and he likes to treat women with some special means."

"Don't look too much at the woman of Lord Zhaizhu."

"Before, there was a guy who looked at the woman of Lord Zhaizhu for a while, and his eyes were gouged out by Lord Zhaizhu."

"There is another guy who thinks those women are pitiful, so he delivered them some food in the past, and he was slapped to death by the master of the village."

"Anyway... Anyway, no matter what, just don't mess around."

Liu Dalong followed the warning again.

Fang Fan is unfamiliar with everything here, so naturally he doesn't have too many ideas for himself.

What Liu Dalong said, he just followed suit.

Anyway, they should still be rotating in this area.

As long as that's the case, it's not a big problem.

The rhythm is steady, the mentality collapses, this is the top priority!

Fang Fan couldn't help but sigh that there are people in the DPRK who are good officials!

If it wasn't for Liu Dalong to lead the way, the taboos and rules that were not there would be enough for Fang Fan to drink a pot.

It's really not that easy to get into this physique.

"Lord Zhaizhu, Dalong asks to see you."

Liu Dalong stood at the door of the hall and said softly.


"It's a dragon!"

"come in!"

"I heard you brought someone here?"

"What is it!"

A lazy and feeble voice came from inside, accompanied by a woman's painful wailing.

go inside.

Fang Fan didn't look at it, just glanced at it casually, and saw three or four women who had been stripped of their clothes crawling there, and their backs were basically **** at this moment.

Seems like there's another woman tied to the post?

Because only one glance, so some things are not very real.

"Is that him?"

"Quasi Demigod Realm?"

"young bird?"

"Dalong! You are becoming less and less particular now!"

Ma Yiliang, the master of Feilongzhai Village, frowned and looked very dissatisfied.

While speaking, he took out a dagger, and then stabbed the woman in front of him viciously, stabbing it in his thigh, and it would bleed all the time, but it wouldn't die.


The woman's miserable hissing sound followed, and then she rolled wildly on the ground.



"that's it!"

"Move! Move me!"

"It's long overdue!"

"How exciting!"

"Good! I like it!"

Excited shouts followed, Ma Yiliang licked his lips, and then he actually licked the blood on the dagger, with a look of enjoyment on his face.


"When I got the knife, the muscles in her legs shrank instantly."

"This first bite of blood from the head of the knife is the most delicious."

Ma Yiliang, the master of Feilongzhai Village, explained to himself.

Liu Dalong hurriedly followed: "Lord Zhaizhu, although this brother Fang Fan is not very cultivated, he is still young and has great potential in the future! Moreover, he has just arrived and has helped me. I also hope that the Zhaizhu can do it for me. take him,"

Liu Dalong is selling his favor.

Bring Fang Fan in with his own face.

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