The seeds of resentment have now taken root in Ma Yiliang's heart.

It's just that now he doesn't have enough strength to agitate the overall situation.

So in this case, he can only forbear.

Wait for the opportunity, wait for a suitable opportunity, and wipe out these people!

All this damned!

One counts as one, and they all have to die!

It must be completely wiped out!

At the same time, Snow Eagle Fort.

Snow Eagle Fort Lord Lei Hai is currently studying the combat map.

At the moment, his expression was very solemn.

He himself didn't look mighty at all, and he wasn't that burly one.

At first glance, he looks like a refined scholar.

But it was such a scholar who single-handedly contributed to the full-scale rebellion of Snow Eagle Castle!

Let the entire Changling Mansion be in full swing!

At this moment, he is fully preparing.

For a time, a bright light of goodbye flashed in his eyes.

The thoughts are messy in place, and the consciousness is completely destroyed!

"East and south push is good."

"There are already two forts willing to work with me now."

"In addition, the attitudes of the other two castles are ambiguous. Although it is impossible to help me directly, there is a high probability that they are not willing to help that Palace Master Lu Hong!"

"Humph! In this way, that Lu Hong's subordinates have at most five fortresses, plus the personal soldiers under his subordinates."

"As long as we can find an opportunity to fight him decisively, we can completely destroy him!"

"When the time comes, Changling Mansion... is mine Lei Hai's!"

"Lu Hong, this waste, it's time to go out!"

"He's been the Palace Master for too long!"

Snow Eagle Fort Lord Lei Hai licked his lips, feeling inexplicably excited.

Suddenly, a heavy feeling flashed in his heart.

"The situation...not quite right."

"What's so noisy outside!"

Lei Hai frowned, and then shouted coldly.

He is a man who likes to be quiet.

Encountering such a messy scene, he subconsciously felt irritable.

As he spoke at this moment, the displeased expression on his face was evident.

It may be possible to express such a state of mind.

Invisibly manifested is still relatively real.

This wave is being fully admired.

"Fort... Lord Fort Lord, yes... It is Gao An and Dong Ping who are back."

The guard standing at the door groaned, and then followed.

It's just that at the moment, his expression is more or less solemn.

As his eyes turned, even the expression on his face changed.

At a glance, you can always see something strange.


"Has the Feilong Village in the west been taken?"

"In terms of time, it's not too much."

"Let them come over."

"Even if all three-sided wars have achieved staged victories."

"Then we can continue to make steady progress!"

"If you continue like this, you will be able to hit Changling Mansion in less than a month!"

"Haha! Old man Lu Hong, are you ready to accept the wrath of this castle lord?"

"The lord of the castle is just a little faster in cultivation, you **** will wantonly suppress the lord of the castle!"

"The previous oppression of this castle lord has also suffered, who made you the palace lord!"

"This time I actually want to cut off all my military power, and want to imprison the lord of this castle in Changling Fufu City!"


"You can do the first year of the first year, and the lord of the castle can do the fifteenth!"

"It depends on who can be faster."

"Since you choose to court death, then it will fulfill you! I will spare no effort to fulfill you!"

The murmur of words followed, the light in the eyes flickered wildly, thoughts drifted, and all consciousness was being fully contained!

The more I think about it, the more excited I become, and the more I think about it, the more excited I become. For a time, I can't control my excitement.

Can't grasp it, this time it's a full thrust!

It should come, it will always come!


The guard opened his mouth, but he wanted to remind him, but seeing that the castle owner was so excited, it was not easy to interrupt.

According to the experience of the guards, the situation is not very stable.

The mystery in this is probably also very big.

A little careless, it is necessary to follow the full containment.

Once the situation collapses, everything will be lonely.

Thinking of this, I feel inexplicably panic and numb.

All in all, that's all.

Soon, the village owners Gao An and Dong Ping came in in despair.

Both looked dejected.

The smile on the face of the Snow Eagle Fort Lord Lei Hai stopped abruptly, and was replaced by a solemn expression.

This situation... is not right!

It looks like there is a big problem.

"Have you been ambushed?"

"How's the battle going?"

"Where's Ling Xiao?"

"Let him come to see me!"

"Report the battle situation to the lord of this castle!"


"say something!"

"Don't you two talk a lot on weekdays?"

"What's going on now?"


"Tell me! Tell me!"

Lei Hai, the owner of Xueying Castle, had a gloomy face.

That feeling seemed so real.

At the moment, it is being inexplicably contained.

Right now this feeling is extremely strong.


"Lord Castle, Lord Lingxiao... Probably... should have died in battle."

"We... we also got a life back."

"Lord Castle, we did encounter an ambush!"

"The Feilong Village has already prepared the Tianluodi net, and then we are waiting for us to drill into it!"

"They... they already have an extraordinarily powerful weapon, capable of long-range firing, and only one person can withstand the attacks of hundreds of us."

"We only participated in the battle for a few minutes at the time, and a large number of villagers under our command were killed and injured."

"Lord Castle Lord, it's too... too cruel!"

"At that time... that scene at that time... can't be repeated at all."

"Now that I think about it, my heart is still shaking."

"If you can't stabilize, your mentality will collapse."

"Lord Castle Lord! You have to avenge your brothers! Avenge the Lord Lingxiao!"

"We saw that the situation was not right, and wanted to bring Lingxiao Village Master along, but because his younger brother died on the spot, Lingxiao Village Master had to find the enemy to kill you."


"Lord Castle, we are innocent!"

The owners of the village, Gao An and Dong Ping, expressed this sense of sadness to the extreme.

As he spoke, his whole body trembled.

At a glance, he looked very stubborn.

The sand sculpture consciousness inexplicably became far-fetched.

This? That's it? bells and whistles!

How many times are you still here?

"To shut up!"


"You said that Feilongzhai has a special weapon that can be fired remotely? Can one be worth a hundred?"

"Are you sure you didn't make it up?"

"What the lord of this castle needs is the latest news!"

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