Fang Fan narrowed his eyes, and his eyes gradually flickered.

Gradually, some clear cognitions came into my mind.

In accordance with the established direction, full rampant!

What should be, will follow.

The corners of Fang Fan's mouth rose slightly, and various thoughts gradually followed.


"The village owner and deputy village owner! The envoy of Xue Yingbao asks to see you!"

At this time, there was a sound of reporting from outside.

Fang Fan and Liu Dalong looked at each other, stunned at the moment.

"Are you sure it wasn't the army of Xue Yingbao who attacked?"

Liu Dalong stood up immediately and was ready for battle.

"No, they said that they were envoys from Snow Eagle Castle, and they said that they wanted to discuss with the village owner."

The messenger hurriedly said.

"Brother Fang Fan, what should we do?"

"Could this be Snow Eagle Castle's conspiracy?"

"First find some messenger to restrain us, and then they suddenly lead the army to kill us!"

"I think this is very possible!"

"It has long been seen that something is wrong with them."

"It won't really go wrong, will it?"

"If this is really Snow Eagle Castle's conspiracy, we have to find a way out now."

Liu Dalong looks very simple and honest on the surface, but his mind is very careful, and he has a natural sensitivity to these things.

Especially after the incident of being trapped last time, Liu Dalong became more sensitive.

"They shouldn't use this kind of trickery."

"If they really wanted to attack us, they would have killed them long ago."

"It's been a long time since the last battle, but they have not moved their troops. Instead of attacking us directly, they dispatched messengers, which shows that the malice is not as big as imagined."

"Let's go and see first."

"After all, I haven't touched it yet."

"Brother Liu, let's go over and have a look together."

Fang Fan shrugged and smiled slightly.


"no problem."

Liu Dalong nodded, and immediately came to the hall with Fang Fan.

This time, there were two people who came over from Xue Yingbao. At first glance, they were all one-star pseudo-god realms, obviously they were all at the level of village masters.

And at a glance, it looks a little familiar.

"Last time it was you who led troops to ambush us!"

"Yes! It's you!"

"I remember!"

"There were three village owners at that time, one was killed, and the rest are you!"

Qin Yong's eyes were sharper, and after seeing the two Xue Ying Fort practitioners, he immediately followed.


"This little brother really has good eyesight."

"Lei Hai, the master of Xueying Castle, is under the command of Gao An, the master of Beichuan Village."

"Dong Ping, the owner of Yezhai Village, under the command of Lei Hai, the owner of Xueying Castle."

Both of them started talking.

This is even an introduction.

"This should be the new Liu Dalong Liuzhai master of Feilongzhai, right?"

"This should be Fang Fan's deputy village owner?"

"I saw you two."

Dong Ping, the owner of Xiaye Village, hurriedly said with a smile.

The feelings between each other are still relatively real.

All kinds of mentalities are gathering in place, and consciousness is sweeping across the board.

This is probably the feeling, appropriate and true.

"What's your business with us?"

Liu Dalong asked straight to the point.

"Haha! Zhaizhu Liu is really quick to talk. Since Zhaizhu Liu asked directly, then I won't hide it."

"After the last battle, our Leihai Fort Lord has a lot of respect for Liu Dalong and Fang Fan."

"Our castle master said that both of them are heroes of the world!"

"Since you are a hero, you should be the same as the enemy!"

"But don't do the kind of thing that the relatives hurt the enemy!"

"Our Castle Lord means that we are willing to discuss important matters with you!"

"In the future, if Mansion Master Lu Hong of Changling Mansion is taken down, Liu Dalong Village Master and Fang Fan Deputy Village Master can each serve as the castle master!"

"Both of them will become the castle masters of Changling Mansion! They are the real castle masters!"

Dong Ping, the owner of Xiaye Village, directly released a big move!

This condition is not unfavorable.

For a time, there was an extremely strong sense of temptation.

Liu Dalong's eyes widened in shock.

Let them be the castle owners directly?

How is this possible!

"Are you kidding me?"

"Even if Leihai Castle Master really becomes the Palace Master of Changling Mansion, there are only ten castle masters under his command."

"There are so many people who follow Lei Hai to keep things safe, and there is even more respect for the castle master!"

"Leihai Fort Lord will give this rare Fort Lord position to the two of us?"

"Huh? Is that possible?"

"You follow Fort Leihai to fight in the Quartet. If it really happens, Fort Leihai should promote you first."

After a brief shock, Liu Dalong immediately regained his consciousness.

Anyway, it's just a meaning now, the designation is unbelievable.

This thing, it feels too empty-headed, doesn't it?

This? That's it? What about a liar?


Dong Ping's mouth twitched, and he got angry when he mentioned this!

Oh shit!


They followed the Lord of the Castle to rise up, and they were the first to respond and follow, and they directly pinned their heads to the belt of their trousers. Can you imagine how much risk this took?

It was suppressed back to the original point in minutes!

That kind of taste, that kind of feeling, quite a splitting headache!

Thinking of this, my mind instantly collapsed with blood!

When I thought about it, everything went numb.

Nothing. Anyway, just a few flutters?

Um? That's it? That's it? It really doesn't make sense.

From the perspective of Dong Ping, the owner of Xiaye Village, he really didn't see anything surprising about Liu Dalong and Fang Fan.

Doesn't this look unremarkable?

Is the Castle Lord too optimistic about them?

They are just relying on the power of those weapons!

If the cultivators who went down to Yezhai could also get those weapons, they would also become extraordinarily powerful!

"The two of you, I'm just a messenger, and I don't know how our castle master thought about it."

"But there is one thing I can assure the two of you. Our Lord of the Castle has always made a promise. Since we have given a promise, it must be true."

"Our castle master knows that the two of you must have doubts, so we have brought the guarantees."

"As long as Feilongzhai is willing to belong to our Snow Eagle Fort, after the success of the future, the two Fort Lords will be offered with both hands!"

Dong Ping held his head high, and immediately took out two pieces of paper.

It is written exactly that Fang Fan and Liu Dalong can be guaranteed to become the masters of a castle!

And it also used the private imprint of Lei Hai, the owner of Snow Eagle Castle!

"Brother Fang Fan, this... doesn't look like a fake."

Liu Dalong looked at Fang Fandao.

Although Liu Dalong did not directly express his attitude, Fang Fan could tell from his eager eyes that he was moved.

This is a normal reaction.

Normal people are unable to grasp this temptation.

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