Above the battlefield of gods and demons...

Seeing those examiners in the bright camp attack Fang Fan like locusts, the face of the holy emperor Zi Ling of the Holy Heaven Alliance became extremely difficult to look.

This group of **** still want to receive the reward of the dark camp?

"Holy Emperor's Order!"

"The holy emperor Zi Ling of the Holy Heaven Alliance swears here: Those who are evaluated by the bright camp, those who innocently hurt Fang Fan, the heavens and the earth, the ends of the world, the holy emperor will chase to the end!

"If you break this oath, this holy emperor is willing to judge himself here!"


Thunder is rolling! The Holy Emperor swears!

One by one, golden characters suddenly appeared in the sky above the battlefield of the gods and demons, and the oath of the holy emperor was enough to alarm the sky!

The expressions of the examiners of the bright camp suddenly changed, and the raging blood that originally wanted to rush forward was directly poured cold at this moment...

No one is not afraid of death...

Being watched by a holy emperor, will they have a good life?

They are afraid! They are afraid! It is normal for them to breed such emotions!

From their own perspective, the sense of fear has completely eroded their minds!

"Oh...how can the Fang Fang Hu De! The Holy Emperor of the Holy Heaven Alliance is willing to protect him!"

"Grass! Not reconciled! Ten thousand devil fruits, the position of the devil..."

"What? What can you do if you are not reconciled? Do you dare to rush up? Really not afraid of death..."

"Yes! This is not our wealth, so don't think too much..."

"Let's go, let's go... Don't be stared at by Lord Saint Emperor, otherwise we will really get cold..."

"I am not reconciled! I am not reconciled! I killed Fang Fan and got a reward. I am the devil of the Motian Pavilion. When I am hiding in the Motian Pavilion, this Purple Ling Sage Emperor can still rush to the Motian. Are you going to kill me in the cabinet?"

"Hehe...I don't want to give up such a good opportunity!"

"It's just... this group of counselors counseled ourselves, we can't counsel!"

"Go on..."


Facts have proved that there has never been a lack of gamblers in this world!

The key is whether you have an eye that is good at discovering...

However, being so threatened by the Purple Ling Sage Emperor, most of the bright camp examiners still retreated obediently, they dare not bet...

Under the holy emperor, all ants...

Being stared at by the holy emperor, even the true king would not escape death, let alone these little people?

Demon God is indeed good! The position of the Demon of the Seven-Rank Power Demon Pavilion is also very tempting, but the premise is to enjoy it! Otherwise it will be nothing!

"Fang Fan, this Purple Ling Sage seems to take good care of you!"

"Between you... won't you know each other long ago?"

Yun Yun's eyes suddenly glanced over Fang Fan's body, revealing a touch of temptation...

Fang Fan was stunned for a moment... Then he looked confused...

A few hours ago, he didn't even know who the Purple Ling Saint Emperor was... would he know? Isn't this really bullshit...

"I don't know, maybe...she didn't want to save me, but didn't want Xiaoxiao to be hurt?"

Fang Fan speculated in a low voice, after all, the former Purple Ling Saint Emperor admired Xiaoxiao...and wanted to bring Xiaoxiao into her training...

If you think so. It makes sense!

The reason why the Purple Ling Sage emperor is so fanciful, he even threatened the examiners of the entire bright camp, in order to protect Xiaoxiao...

"Really? Maybe... but this Purple Ling Sage Emperor is so beautiful! Noble! Plump! Feminine!"

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