Above the battlefield of gods and demons, patches of black fog began to gather.

The dark camp examiners and a small group of desperate light camp examiners who participated in the battle of the siege of the fang demon seemed a little curious at the moment...

Well, how has the weather changed?

"How do I feel a little familiar..."

"Just now when our Dainichi faction was besieging the cube demon, there was such a black mist, and then...then tens of thousands of people died...and I was the only one left..."

"Hiss... the black mist before it seems to cover a small area, but this time it looks a bit... um... how to say it, it feels very weird, just that kind of feeling, some don't understand..."

"I'm Cao...Don't scare me, I'm afraid..."

"You're afraid of a chicken! You didn't participate in the siege of the cube, but it's always right to stay away. If you get hurt by mistake... it's too bad for you!"

"Withdraw...Hurry up! Withdraw! Don't ink!"

"Hi... horrible!"

"The black mist is getting more and more..."


The dark camp examiner team.

"Boss, there seems to be something wrong? Why don't we retreat? I heard that this Fang Fan is quite wicked, let's stop his way..."

"Haha, San, you are a trash! Are you scared? We are 700,000 elite in the dark camp, and there are only a few people around the Fang Mo? If you are counseled, get out! Don't even want to divide the devil with us! "

"It's just... the Lord God and Demon Envoy promised 10,000 Demon Fruits, this time I sent it! Really!"

"Tsk...If you are lucky enough to make up the knife, I will be the demon of the Motian Pavilion! Please call me Lord Demon!"

"Hey hey... rush! rush!"

A handful of desperate examiners in the bright camp...

At the moment they also seem a little nervous...

At this time, it must be false to say that there is no feeling at all.

The Purple Ling Saint Emperor of the Holy Heaven Alliance has already issued the Saint Emperor Oath. He killed Fang Fan and received the reward of the Demon Envoy of the Demon Heaven Pavilion. Everything is fine!

If they were defeated, their performance at the moment would have been seen by the Purple Ling Saint Emperor. Will they still be able to mix in the bright camp in the future?

"Although this black fog is weird, it should be just a blinding method released by the cube demon! The purpose is to prevent us from launching an attack!"

"Hehehe...This just shows that the Fang Mo is already out of skill! As long as we work hard, the Fang Mo will definitely die!"

"Brothers! Such a great opportunity is in front of you, if you don't cherish it, isn't it a pity? Follow me... together! Kill him!"

"Our brothers are united, and the profit is broken! No matter who kills the cube, we will share the wealth!"

"Go rich, don't forget each other!"


In the end, still did not escape the temptation of interest.

Millions of examiners flooded from all directions!

Among them, nearly 700,000 dark camp examiners! Almost the whole army is dispatched!

There are about two to three hundred thousand candidates in the bright camp...

At this moment, the crowd of millions, Hao Hao Tangtang Tangtang rushed over, and the situation seemed very grand for a moment!

Almost no one thought that Fang Fan could survive.

How can he be strong? What if the guards under his command are all nine-star king-level quasi-true king powerhouses?

Can he resist the elite of millions of examiners?

One hundred against one million...


If the quantity changes to a certain level, a qualitative change will occur!

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