Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 828: It feels so cool to be taken away

It's fake to say that there is no feeling...

Facing a genius of this level, Fang Fan could only sigh with excitement! too strong!

"Xiaoxiao, how do you feel now? Is it still uncomfortable?"

Fang Fan sighed, then began to pay attention to Xiaoxiao's physical condition.

"Well, it's not uncomfortable! Thank you Brother Fan for caring!"

"Brother Fan... will you let go of your defenses..."

Xiaoxiao smiled at Fang Fan suddenly...

Fang Fan was taken aback, but he didn't care too much, and then released his defense...

Of course, how about his cultivation realm even if he doesn't let go of defense?

Yun Xiaoxiao, who has been promoted to the realm of the ten-star king-level strong true king, can completely slap him to death...

"The Law of the Spirit!"


Whoosh whoosh...

With Yun Xiaoxiao's soft drink, the surrounding spirits suddenly began to gather quickly...

Soon, the surrounding aura reached a terrible concentration, and there was gradually a tendency to liquefy...

In Fang Fan's startled eyes, Yun Xiaoxiao suddenly chuckled, and then manipulated those spiritual powers directly into Fang Fan's body...


Fang Fan suddenly took a breath and felt his body swell rapidly...

There was some cold sweat on his forehead...

"What did you do to the Lord!"

Caitlin on the side saw Fang Fan's appearance, and hurriedly held a sniper rifle and stared at Yun Xiaoxiao with an uncomfortable expression...

"No...nothing, I'm fine... Xiaoxiao is helping me..."

Fang Fan gritted his teeth and waved his hand to make Caitlin leave for the time being. Then Fang Fan's face gradually showed surprise...

"Eight Star King Realm!"

"Unexpectedly, I was directly promoted to a level!"

"Although I have the foundation accumulated before, it is also amazing!"

"Xiaoxiao, can you actually manipulate these auras to help others get promoted?"

Fang Fan's eyes focused on Yun Xiaoxiao, and the shocking color in his eyes was obvious.

If Xiaoxiao really had such an ability, it would be terrible!

"Huh... Brother Fan... indeed, but there are restrictions..."

"Show it once... I'll be weak for a long time!"

"Sister, when I recover, I will help you again!"

"This time... I will thank Brother Fan first..."


Yun Xiaoxiao let out a simple and hearty laugh, looking at her slightly pale face, Fang Fan's eyes were filled with infinite love...

"No random use in the future! Brother Fan's cultivation level can be improved by himself!"

Fang Fan stroked Yun Xiaoxiao's Lolita's head, feeling particularly moved at this moment.

However, Fang Fan was promoted to the Eight-Star King Realm this time, and he even brought Galen and other heroes to the next level... from the original Ten-Star King-level weak real king realm to strong real king realm...

"Lord... there is weirdness here, our realm has clearly improved, but... but our strength cannot be displayed here..."

"Probably...probably can only exert the strength of the nine-star king-level peak..."

Galen waved the big sword in his hand, then said seriously.

"Nine-star king-level peak combat power?"


"There is actually a limit on cultivation in this relic of the gods?"

Fang Fan frowned suddenly, this is not a trivial matter...

Before entering the ruins of the gods, his purpose in raising all the eight legions under his command to the strong true king level was not to be able to maintain cutting-edge combat power in the ruins of the gods!

And now... it seems a bit unexpected!

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