Because of the existence of the power of the rules of the ruins of the gods, all the biological combat powers in it are restricted to the nine-star king level and below...

Most of those who possess the highest nine-star king-level combat power are themselves ten-star king-level weak real kings or even stronger existences.

Although his combat power was temporarily suppressed, his own foundation was still there, and his physical defenses were much stronger than ordinary nine-star king-level cultivators!

And those ordinary nine-star king-level combat the name suggests, they are the realm of the nine-star king-level...

"Under my command, the five heroes and the eight major legions have all been promoted to the realm of the ten-star strong true king... Although the combat power is suppressed at this moment, it is also the peak nine-star king-level combat power!"

"So this wave... doesn't panic at all!"

"Four Winged Angel Legion! Abyss Demon General Legion! Black Dragon Knight Legion! Ruling Unicorn Legion! Barbarian King Legion! Otherwise, you will directly charge and kill the more than 30 peak nine-star king-level monsters!"

"Golden Super Sharpshooter Legion! Dragon Lion Knight Legion! Responsible for directly attacking other monsters..."

"Yellow Turban Warlock Legion, otherwise add support skills to the major legions!"

"Five heroes! Four favorites! Then fight!"

"The Dark Little Mage Legion, release dark magic..."

Fang Fan gave an order, and his subordinates moved randomly!

The storm of battle has been completely set off!

Fang Fan's eyes became sharper and sharper, and his breath became more and more rushing!

fighting! Crazy battle! Bathing in the flames of war can make him feel this kind of pleasure deeply!

Maybe... he was born on the battlefield!

Holding a saber in hand, Fang Fan rushed forward directly.

Eight-star king-level cultivation is not too high, but there are also some seven-star and eight-star king-level monsters in this group of monsters...

These are Fang Fan's goals for attacking alone!

"Emperor Burning Demon Sword!"

Fang Fan gave a secret cry and directly used a king-level combat technique...


The head of an eight-star king-level monster beheaded down!

The aftermath of the beheading took another seven-star king-level monster by the way!

"Although I did not take the initiative to activate the skill [The Fury of the Wild God], it is obvious that my combat power has also improved a lot..."

"Probably because I have manipulated the Law of Desolation and the Law of Hori before..."

"Although it was a buff bonus state with the magical skill [Arabic God's Fury], after the buff bonus state ended, I actually retained some insights about the laws of desolation and the laws of 堙 in my subconscious!"

"Does this mean that if I regularly perform magical skills [Arabic Fury], maybe I can quickly grasp the essence and profound meaning of these two laws?"

Fang Fan’s eyes flickered...

Although it is just a speculation, it is not impossible!

"The Law of Desolation!"

"The law of 堙!"



Fang Fan once again killed an eight-star king-level monster...

Although the power of these two laws has not been displayed, but more or less... still has some influence.

Otherwise, Fang Fan wouldn't be able to kill monsters of the same rank like this!

On the battlefield, a mess!

Under the suppression of the absolute lineup, this seemingly not weak group of monsters gradually went to extinction.

"Lord, completely wipe out the monster group!"

"Slay thirty-seven peak nine-star king-level monsters! One hundred and thirty-two normal nine-star king-level monsters, and 543 monsters of other levels..."

"This is the captured crystal and card..."

Galen offered the spoils directly.

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