Fang Fan also had his brain hurt at this moment. In fact, to put it bluntly, the source of God's power is too little, and it is not enough to toss.

"A silver quality hero promotion card is the power of a hundred threads of gods at every turn, too much!"

"Kill all the stone monsters, and gain a total of thirty-six silk gods..."

"But... it's not that you can choose to buy a silver quality hero summoning card first..."

"Silver quality hero promotion cards often require the power of a hundred pieces of faith, but silver quality hero summoning cards only need ten pieces..."

Fang Fan squinted his eyes and felt that this wave of operation was still feasible!

"First redeem a silver quality hero summoning card!"

Fang Fan squinted his eyes and screamed, as if he could only take a step to see now.

"Ding! A silver-quality hero summoning card has arrived at the expense of ten silks of faith!"

"Choose to call!"

"Ding! The call is successful!"

"Master, what does fetters mean..."

A delicate female voice reached Fang Fan's ears, Fang Fan opened his mouth, and his eyes revealed a touch of surprise...

This dress... is a little different from the previous style...


Fang Fan tried to ask, from the bottom of his heart, he did feel an unreal feeling.

Even... there is a sense of awkwardness...

"Daji, I have always loved my master!"

The peerless beauty in front of me started to speak slowly again...

At this moment, Fang Fan is completely sure that this special modi is Daji!

"Brother Fan! Who is this woman!"

Yun Xiaoxiao looked at Daji with a vigilant face, and a questioning look appeared in her eyes.

Fang Fan waved his hand to signal Yun Xiaoxiao not to be too nervous.

"It's just a hero I summoned..."

"Everyone know this is Daji..."

As Fang Fan spoke, he began to check Da Ji's attribute information...

"Name: Daji"

"Level: Ten-Star King Level Strong True King Realm (under seal) (not higher than the host's third level

"Quality: Silver Level"

"Common skills: disheartened, soul impact, queen worship!"

"Exclusive Skill: Idol Charm"

"Loyalty: 100"

"Idol Charm: Use exclusive skills, as long as you do not exceed three levels of heroes, you can forcibly control the opponent for 1.5 seconds!"

A glance at the attribute panel looks similar to other heroes...

It’s just that this exclusive skill seems a little...

"Idol charm? So strong?"

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, and there was a flash of light in them.

Forcibly control the opponent for 1.5 seconds? Can be used on existences that do not exceed three levels of heroes!

The current Daji is in the realm of the strong true king, that is to say, she can be effective against the general two-star emperor realm powerhouse!

Don't underestimate the control time of this point and five seconds, it is very likely that this point and five seconds will determine life and death!

Fang Fan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his eyes twinkling...

Don't get excited at all... that must be nonsense!

"If this skill can be used with Vigar's powerful and extraordinary evil power... it will have an explosive effect!"

Fang Fan took a breath and stared at Daji with scorching eyes, an expression of extreme excitement.

"Master... is Daji good-looking?"

"Master, Daji has always loved Master..."

As Daji spoke, he leaned over and stuck to Fang Fan.

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