Fang Fan glanced at the battle, then subconsciously stretched out...

This battle is almost settled.

Looking at the overall situation, victory is a matter of time.

Fang Fan squinted his eyes and took a breath...

Now that the victory is affirmed, it is better to make this victory come more quickly...

"Vega! Legion of Dark Wizards! It's up to you!"

Fang Fan snorted and smiled indifferently.

At the moment of the battle, the sense of suspense has all disappeared.


Fang Fan is naturally not the only one who is concerned about this battle.

Qian Hao, the chief disciple of Xingluo Academy, looked particularly ugly at the moment.

"Waste! All waste! A bunch of waste!"

"Why is it so spicy? How did it make it so spicy..."

"Go! Kill them! There are only a hundred of them, and you have five thousand!"

"Aren't you always bragging to me about how strong and strong you are on weekdays? It's really going to be a critical moment when it's cold? It's cold!

"It's a husky! Go! Go straight!"

Qian Hao blushed, directing the battle himself.

But the situation on the battlefield made him feel extremely angry!

This bunch of waste! It broke his heart!

But the key to the end is that Te Modi hasn't beaten anyone yet? This is embarrassing...

"Senior Brother Qian Hao, it's not that we don't care, but the people under Fang Mo's hands are too strong!"

"Moreover, they don't want to fight! They seem to have infinite energy, they are not tired at all!"

"Brothers have tried their best, but still can't hold it!"

"Moreover, these things under Fang Mo's hands are all elite!"

"Isn't it normal that we can't hold on to such an elite?"

"Senior Brother Qian Hao, otherwise we'd better withdraw, if we don't withdraw... it will be really cold!"

The disciples who belonged to Xingluo Academy seemed particularly nervous at this moment, and their exhalation sounded particularly real.

Under the control of this situation, what they can do is likely to only persist.


"This is the divine vein! The divine vein is in front, don't you want it?"

"You deserve to be impoverished for a lifetime! You can't be promoted for a lifetime! It's a waste of you to look at it!"

"I'm telling you! I just held it up for me, if anyone dares to slack off, I will kill you now!"

"Give me an order! Let other cultivators from the surrounding forces give me reinforcements!"

"As long as it is the forces that come to support, my Starfall Academy will promise them ten places for admission!"

Qian Hao was already making a wish at will at this moment, anyway, he had made up his mind to leave this ghost place after he got the veins.

What god's remains, what god's source power, what starfall college, what bright camp... all these have nothing to do with him!

Isn't it fragrant to be happy and comfortable with the gods?

"Senior Brother Qian Hao... look at it..."


Hearing the whistling and crooked voice of this disciple of Xingluo Academy again, Qian Hao couldn't hold back for a moment, and slapped it directly.

"Grass! A trash! Let you stop talking nonsense! Go call someone! Go call someone..."

"This...what is this..."

"How do you feel... so familiar..."

Qian Hao's body trembled slightly, his eye sockets tightened...

Above the sky, black mists are condensing crazily!

If he remembers correctly, it seems that there have been two scenes like this on the battlefield of gods and demons.

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