Yun Yun's worry is not unreasonable.

Fang Fan is not so arrogant that he can directly use his own power to fight against the Holy Heaven Alliance, Motian Pavilion, and many more forces...

If it is only a family, the problem is not big.

But if there are too many hostile forces...some problems may arise.

"Hehe... there must be dangers, but because of the dangers, it is impossible for me to give up this opportunity!"

"Holy Heaven Alliance... Devil Heaven Pavilion... Soul Chasing Pavilion... There is also a Starfall Academy. If I can not take the initiative to cause trouble, I cannot take the initiative to attack them."

"But if they broke the rules at first, then I can't blame me for being cruel!"

Fang Fan shook his hands, and there was a dash of killing light in his eyes. At this time, it seemed necessary to maintain his mind!

Yun Yun looked at Fang Fan with a serious face, and knew that he had made up his mind in his heart. Even if he tried to persuade him at this moment, the probability would be useless.

"Since I must go, can I choose to unite several forces?"

"Anyway, our Human Imperial Pavilion belongs to the light camp. If we continue to fight against the dark camp to draw a wave of forces from the light camp, I don't know if it is feasible or not..."

Yun Yun raised her eyebrows and made a suggestion.

Of course, she was kindly reminded, but from Fang Fan's point of view, there is no practical significance...

"Hehe... why do you think these forces choose to move closer to us?"

"What can we promise them?"

"Spirit of Divine Veins?"

"Even if I share the spirit of the divine veins, they will only ask for more!"

"At that time, you may want all kinds of magic cards... God crystals?"

"They are like moths, they will never know that they are satisfied!"

"Unless... I completely beat them to submission!"

Fang Fan screamed, his eyes twinkling...

While talking, Fang Fan and the others have gradually approached the Miracle Tower!

"Unexpectedly... no one attacked?"

Fang Fan said in surprise, rushing all the way, in fact, many cultivators of major forces chose to launch an attack on the opponent Fan and his party because of greed.

It can only be said that it is much less than before.

However, the closer to the tower of miracles, this kind of hunting... actually became less.

When the tower of miracles was completely approached, no one was willing to attack.

Even people from the four major forces...have no desire to do anything.

"Does it really hurt them last time? Did they give in completely?"

Fang Fan narrowed his eyes and glanced, thinking to himself in his heart.

At the moment, this situation is naturally a good thing for him, at least...the controllability will become stronger!

"The Fang Mo! The Fang Mo is here!"

"Let! Hurry and are really looking for death! This is a cube demon. Even the cultivators of the Starfall Academy want to slaughter and slaughter them. How many lives do you have enough to kill?"

"No, what are we afraid of staying around the Tower of Miracles? He dare not attack!"

" seems to be the reason, fighting around the Tower of Miracles is prohibited..."

"Be careful, don't be obliterated! Mad! The eighth level of the Miracle Tower is really too strong! It's not at our level that can kill it!"

"Hey...what can I do?"

"Hehe, it sounds like you can pass the seventh level. Since the seventh level, ten-star king-level monsters have appeared...It is not something we small forces can handle..."

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