Fang Fan is now considered a celebrity face anyway, and a wave of celebrity effects are not covered.

Coupled with the picture of the Saint Child of the Holy Heaven Alliance just now, everyone gathered around at this moment, looking excited.

"The Fang Mo wants to break through the tower of miracles?"

"Hehe... Even though Fang Mo has his own power, the guards under his command are still fine, otherwise it would be impossible to kill the Starfall Academy!"

"This is true, but the benefits of the previous levels have been robbed by the major forces. It is useful for him to run up now?"

"It's just a fool! I'm afraid I'm not reconciled yet!"

"Hey! If you pass every level, even if you don't have the first kill bonus, there are some consolation prizes!"

"It makes sense, do you think that Fang Mo can break through to which level?"

"What level? Level 7 at most... Level 7 has already begun to appear ten-star king-level weak true king-level monsters! The general eighth rank forces can't get through, and they may not do it!"

"Hey... it seems like a witty fang demon on weekdays, but I didn't expect it to be a dead brain today..."

"Who knows! Stare at the joke!"


Those rumors outside had almost zero influence on Fang Fan...

There will always be people in this world who are too busy to eat.

If you really care about these people, this day... really hard to live!

"The first level of the Miracle Tower!"

"An eight-star king-level monster..."

"It's not that difficult."

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, and thought to himself.

"The appearance of this monster... actually resembles those demonized beasts on the human plane."

"There must be some connection between this miraculous tower and the tower of the sky!"

"It's just that I haven't clearly learned the key to it yet!"

Fang Fan took a breath, his eyes flickered, and the thoughts in his heart gradually rose crazy...

"Go through the barrier first..."

Fang Fan waved his hand, and Galen had already rushed out, beheading this eight-star king-level monster.

"Continue to break through!"

Fang Fan's thoughts moved, and his figure twisted again...

It appears directly on the second floor of the Tower of Miracles.

"The second level of the Tower of Miracles..."

"Ten eight-star king-level demonized beasts..."

"Sure enough... exactly the same as I thought!"

"Then the third level of the Miracle Tower should be a hundred eight-star king-level demonized beasts..."

"In the fourth level, there should be a nine-star king-level quasi-true king-level demonized beast..."

Go all the way without difficulty!

"Level 6: One hundred nine-star king-level demonized beasts..."

"In the Tower of Miracles, there is the suppression of the power of rules, and the combat power of all cultivators is suppressed at the nine-star king level or below... This level should be difficult..."

Fang Fan murmured. After all, there were only ten people in the team, and there were a hundred nine-star king-level demonized beasts...

"Lord, in the Tower of Miracles, our cultivation base... has been unlocked and has not been suppressed!"

With a look of surprise on Galen's face, he immediately punched out and directly killed two nine-star king-level demonized beasts.

"So that's it..."

Fang Fan's eyes condensed, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"If this is the case, then there is no problem at all!"

"Several heroes and legion leaders are all in the strong true king state, and Xiaoxiao is also in the strong true king state... It is not impossible to sling everything!"

Fang Fan's mouth raised slightly, and he thought to himself.

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