"By the way... the cube has been in for a long time, he won't really be able to pass the eighth level and then break into the ninth level?"

"Hi...This is not necessarily true!"

"After all... that's a ruthless person who can kill even Xingluo Academy!"

"That said, Xingluo Academy is also considered the eighth rank of the light camp, and even they can be killed, indicating that their cutting-edge combat power is much stronger than Xingluo Academy..."

"That's the truth indeed!"

"It seems that even Xingluo Academy can pass the seventh level, and Fang Mo's eighth level doesn't seem to be a big deal, right?"

"It's reasonable! It's reasonable!"

"Hey... Today's Xingluo Academy is really inferior to one generation! Now it is actually being crushed and beaten by a Ninth-Rank force?"

"Before the Starfall Academy was named Starfall, it was hoped that the students of Starfall Academy could even shoot down the planets in the starry sky! But now... they have turned themselves into Starfall!"

"I said that Starfall Academy is a bunch of trash, don't you have any comments?"

"Hush hush... the chief disciple of Starfall Academy is still here..."

"The chief disciple of the shit! A trash! Afraid of him? As far as the lineup of the Star Fall Academy is now, it can't even compare to an average Rank 8 power..."


Qian Hao, the chief disciple of Xingluo Academy, clasped his hands tightly, and his eyes had already turned blood red.

shame! This is his moment of shame!

Dignified Xingluo Academy was so tarnished by this group of people!

Can you stand it? Naturally can't stand it! I wanted to kill a wave, but when I was approaching, I was worried...

It's so difficult!

Who can withstand this situation right now!

"Shut up to the true story!"

"Fang Fan can't pass the eighth level!"

"My Starfall Academy cannot pass the level, what qualifications does he have?"

"If he passes the eighth level, I will now be hit to death under the Tower of Miracles!"

Qian Hao took a breath, then shouted!

At this moment, the madness in my heart has been thoroughly revealed.

"Miracle notice!"

"The eighth level of the Tower of Miracles was perfectly passed by Fang Fan of the Imperial Palace! Received the first kill reward for the first perfect pass, rewarding 128 Silk God's source power!


Slaps are always so timely!

Just now Qian Hao stood proudly here, swearing a bet, and the next moment, it will be fulfilled!

"My Cao! 666! Chief Qian Hao truly prophesied!"

"I passed it as soon as I finished talking, hahahaha...I'm Cao...I'm going to laugh at labor and capital!"

"What did the Chief Qian Hao tell you just now? He said that if Fang Fan passed the eighth level, he would be killed under the miraculous tower?"

"Crowd! Let's watch together!"

"A spectacular scene that is rare in a thousand years! If you don't watch it at this moment, there will be no chance!"

"Everyone who has money will take a money market, and those who have no money will take a personal one! Let's move with me!"

"Explosion level 666!"

"Onlookers commit suicide by hitting the tower!"

"Onlookers +1..."


Being so surrounded and stared at by the crowd, Qian Hao really wanted to hit him to death. It was too shameful.

But seeing this cold miraculous tower, Qian Hao subconsciously swallowed again.

He is the chief true disciple of Starfall Academy, and he has a bright future! It is even possible to inherit the position of the dean of the Starfall Academy and directly become one of the final people in the power of the sun galaxy...

Is it too wasteful to commit suicide at this time?

Haven't enjoyed a great life...

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