Outside the Tower of Miracles.

"Divine Land? What is this? And this level actually rewards more than five hundred threads of God's Origin Power... It must be obtained!"

Shangguantian took a few breaths quickly, the greedy light flashing in his eyes.

Treasures...too many!

One by one, he was caught off guard!

From the bottom of my heart...will produce a sense of greed, in fact...it's normal!


Motian Pavilion cultivator gathering place.

"The Fang Mo must win! This is a cornucopia! With this vote, I think anyone dares to compete with me for the position of the first demon!"

The corners of Situ Zhan's mouth raised slightly, but a greedy word left and right!


The gathering place for the cultivators of Soul Chase Pavilion.

"The opportunity for my Soul Chasing Pavilion to be promoted to the seventh rank has arrived!"

"If you can capture these treasures from the Fang Mo, you can even directly surpass the so-called dark camp's first power Mo Tian Pavilion! Ha ha... By then, the Solar System will be the world of our Soul Chaser Pavilion! Must get it! Must!"

Gu Lin, the young master of the soul-seeking pavilion, narrowed his eyes, with excitement in his eyes.

The will of each other is actually quite similar. To put it bluntly, interests come first, and everything else... then they are all bullshit!


Starfall Academy...

"You look down on my Starfall Academy? You want to suppress my Starfall Academy?"

"A bunch of bastards! I want you to fully understand the fate of offending Starfall Academy!"

"The Fang Mo... is mine!"


Fang Fan, who was in the Tower of Miracles at this moment, naturally couldn't feel that countless pairs of eyes were staring at him outside the tower...

In fact, to put it plainly, after all, it is just greed and attractive!


"Miracle notice!"

"Because the twelfth level of the Tower of Miracles has been passed by the passers, we will be rewarded with a group miracle blessing!"

Another miracle announcement sounded, and everyone's eyes looked a little dull...

What kind of operation is this special? Why don’t they understand?

What is miraculous blessing?

But soon, everyone will be able to deeply understand the true meaning of the so-called miraculous blessing...

"My Cao! My cultivation base... My cultivation base has skyrocketed! I was originally...I was only an eight-star king, but now I'm promoted to a nine-star king! This is too cool!"

"I...I understand a trace of the power of the law! I...I understand the power of the law! I am promoted to the ten-star king state! Hahahaha! I am a weak true king state strong! I am a real true king state!"

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what!"

"Speaking of which, I would also like to thank Fang Mo. If he had not passed the twelfth level of the Miracle Tower, I would not have taken this opportunity to advance to the Ten-Star King Realm!"

"Hey! I said I want to thank them, so what's wrong with calling Palace Master Fang Fan? Anyway, I owe people a favor!"

"Yes, right, right! It's okay for Palace Master Fang Fan...a wave of flying us, those four major forces, all special nonsense, even if they encounter benefits, they will all be in their own pockets! , Don’t you have any points for us? Some unwanted tatters stay there, when we are collecting tatters?"

"Hush...Don't talk nonsense, you can talk about the four major forces? Just talk about the bald chief, there are also the holy sons of the holy heaven alliance and the demon son of the Motian Pavilion..."

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