The blessing of the miracle of the group, the refreshing feeling is too much!

At this moment, these passers-by couldn't help but feel grateful for Fang Fan.

Of course, there is no shortage of people who have become more greedy.

After all, Fang Fan's various encounters in the Tower of Miracles are very enviable!

Royal weapon? Is it a matter? People started with various fetishes!


The 13th floor of the Miracle Tower!

"Another wave of miraculous blessings!"

"My cultivation base has been promoted from the nine-star king realm to the ten-star king real weak true king level!"

"Understood a trace of the law of desolation..."

Fang Fan took a breath, his eyes flickered...

That's great!

This feeling...especially exciting!

When he entered the ruins of the gods, Fang Fan was only at the seven-star king level. In just a few days, he was promoted one after another...

The remains of the gods are indeed a piece of heaven and earth!

"Brother Fan! Xiaoxiao has also been promoted to a level!"

Xiaoxiao waved her little hand excitedly.

Absolutely true king state! Xiaoxiao's talent in cultivation is really too high!

"Lord, I have unlocked the one-star emperor realm!"

"Master! Me too!"

Caitlin and Kyle rushed over with surprise expressions on their faces.

Caitlin is a hero of gold quality, and the maximum potential is the peak of the emperor...

Kyle is a platinum hero, and his potential is naturally higher...

As for Galen, Jax, Vega, and Daji...because they are all silver-quality heroes, and the upper limit of their potential is only in the realm of True Kings...

At this moment, seeing Caitlin and Kyle have been promoted one after another, the faces of heroes such as Galen also showed envy.

"Redeem four silver quality hero promotion cards!"

Fang Fan said directly with a thought.

"Ding! After deducting the source power of four hundred silk gods, four silver quality hero promotion cards have been successfully exchanged!"

Fang Fan nodded secretly with system sound coming from his ear.

After passing the previous levels, the first kill reward for a perfect pass is generally God's Origin Power.

After several levels hit, Fang Fan is now a rich man with more than a thousand gods!

"Gailen, Jax, Vega, Daji! Use promotion cards! Improve quality!"

Fang Fan directly delivered the four silver quality promotion cards in his hand, with a smile on his face.

"Thank you Lord!"

The four heroes immediately looked happy, and quickly began to promote.

In a short time, the quality has been promoted to gold quality!

"The six one-star heroes of the emperor realm... can be regarded as holding Shangfang swords! At least temporarily, they are very secure!"

Fang Fan squinted his eyes and thought to himself.

"It's a pity...there is no reward for the power of God in the last level."

"Otherwise, the source of God's power in hand should be more at this moment!"

"The last level is the most difficult, just got a list of gods?"

Fang Fan sighed lightly, then looked at the Conferred God List in his hand...

The whole is golden, about fifty centimeters long and twenty centimeters wide.

It really looks like an imperial list. From the overall point of view, it looks very common, except for the texture that looks good to the touch...

"Bonus of Gods: Has the function of edict and deprivation of gods!"

A brief introduction, Zhai Yu and others, one word as the title.

Fang Fan squinted his eyes and started looking again, but he couldn't find any special place in it.

"Ding! An artifact is detected, do you want to recognize the master?"

There was a system sound in his ear, Fang Fan nodded, naturally would not refuse...

It’s just a little strange that today the dog system actually took the initiative to offer courtesy.

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