As for the power of five million silks of faith... it was only obtained after he saved for a full month...

This is due to the fact that 1,500 believers of the Wild Clan joined...

After all, the believers of the desert tribe are all tenth-level mad believers starting!

Even so, I saved for a full month!

Now I'll appoint a god, all is gone? Can this be willing?

Fang Fan twitched the corners of his mouth... Isn't this really kidding him?

"Ding! This is the necessary consumption for the edict to the gods! This is only the cost for the nine gods of the edict. If it is for the higher gods, the cost will be more..."

Fang Fan curled his lips, one lesson is enough, the next time he remembers he will be pitted?

"Since it's all over... then go out..."

Fang Fan stretched his waist, he has already cleared the level, and it’s useless to stay here...


"Jie Jie Jie..."

"I didn't expect it! I didn't expect it! Someone could make the Fengshen Bang recognize the master!"

"Boy! You are the one who has been waiting for so many years!"

"As long as you hold the list of conferred gods, all gods will surrender under my feet!"

"I control my own life!"

"I will use your body to return to the Supreme Avenue!"

Suddenly a frantic voice came, and he looked extremely excited. Before Fang Fan could react, a blue spirit body rushed towards Fang Fan frantically.

"The Law of the Spirit!"

Yun Xiaoxiao sighed secretly and directly displayed his strongest method...

I saw an aura shield suddenly appeared in front of Fang Fan...



"Damn it! What the hell! I can control the aura for my own use!"

"Interesting! So interesting!"

"It seems that this is another special spirit body!"

"Today is so lucky! Waves of surprises..."

"Well... I'd better choose to seize this kid, after all, it can make the Fengshen Bang recognize the master..."

The blue spirit said a few words to himself, and then rushed towards Fang Fan again.


Yun Xiaoxiao's face suddenly turned pale, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Brother Fan, that... that thing is so strong! Brother Fan, are you okay!"

"I... I cast a spell to force him out!"

Yun Xiaoxiao looked at Fang Fan anxiously.

Fang Fan has a different color...

"Xiaoxiao, take care of your injuries, I'm fine..."

Fang Fan gave Yun Xiaoxiao a king-level healing card, and immediately began to spy on his body...

The blue spirit body rammed straight into the sea of ​​consciousness...

"Ding! An unknown toxin has been detected..."

"Ding! The system starts antivirus mode..."

"Ding! Antivirus mode is on!"


In Fang Fan's sea of ​​consciousness, the blue spirit body was walking around excitedly.

"Tsk tusk tusk...deserves to be the chosen son of the Conferred God List to recognize the Lord, the knowledge of the sea is so vast!"

"Although it seems that the cultivation base is a bit low now, the future is limitless!"

"Earned! Earn blood!"

The blue spirit body said with an excited smile...

It's just that before he could move, a red light suddenly fell...

The red light gradually condenses into the appearance of a blood dragon...


"So hot……"

"Go away! Go away!"

The blue spirit body was scared and ran away!

It's just how he can run over eight feet with two legs...

Soon, the blood dragon turned into a red light caught up with the blue spirit body, and slapped it with one claw, and the surrounding space trembled...

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