The Saint Son of the Holy Heaven Alliance, Shang Guantian took a deep breath, his eyes scanned around him, and thousands of cultivators belonging to the Holy Heaven Alliance had been killed...

At this speed, I am afraid that they will all be planted here before they escape the control of the Miracle Tower!

Fear began to breed in each other's hearts!

"You idiots! You actually believed the Fang Mo's words?"

"Don't you know how many people the Fang Mo killed? He said that just to deceive you!"

" stupid things! They were all deceived by the Fang Mo!"

"Don't run away now, when will you stay? If you wait like this, you will be swarmed with dumplings!"

"Everyone, follow behind my Holy Heaven Alliance, and run together!"

Shangguantian was thrilling with the crowd with a look of excitement. Only by playing with more fools and escorting them can their losses be smaller.

"Shangguantian Shengzi is right!"

"Support Shangguan Tian Shengzi!"

"Shangguantian Saint Child can't deceive us!"

In the crowd, a few disciples who belonged to the Holy Sky Alliance hid among them and began a journey of cheering.

Of course, judging from the overall situation, the support does have a certain effect.

For example, at the moment, everyone's posture seems very real.

"Brother, how about... let's run behind the Holy Heaven Alliance? Running a section is a section, so I can't wait for death here!"

", brother actually means the same thing, I don't want to die yet!"

"Heh! What are you waiting for! Brother! Let's rush out together!"

"it is good!"


"We copy the side way, so that the ghost claws may not find us! You must protect your dog's life, and don't be killed... The little life is the most important!"

"Evacuate! Evacuate! Evacuate quickly!"

"I,'s so terrible! I'm going to be killed at every turn, who can stand it! Let's run faster, die dao friends and not die poor, as long as we run faster than them, we can live !"

"Ha ha... Fang Fan really feels that we are being massacred in an all-round way? He doesn't want to establish a foothold in the Solar System?"

"It's just... he's just pretending to be two to eighty thousand, labor and capital are here, who dares to do it..."


The head and body of the person who was still surging and talking about it just now has been completely separated!

"My Cao! Run! If you don't run, you will die!"

The emotions of the people appear to be very real, and most of their reactions to death are very different.


Fang Fan glanced around the battlefield, still noisy as always...

"I've said everything!"

"Stop it, I won't attack!"

"But those who are still fleeing frantically, whether they are practitioners of the four major forces or other forces, can only carry out the final slaughter!"

Fang Fan's voice gradually became angry, and he wanted to make sure that everyone could hear it.

"Endless ghost claws! Have an indiscriminate feast of killing!"

"At this moment, as long as the cultivators who are still evacuating extremely fast, kill me!"

Fang Fan snorted coldly, his eyes flickering.

What should be said, said it!

What should not be said, also said!

Obviously there is a chance to survive, but some people... just want to die...

If this is the case, then Fang Fan has nothing to say! There can only be a wave of desperate battles!

The countless ghost claws originating from the tower of miracles are once again born!

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