This is so special, they are all talents! It's a pity not to mine.

The weather in the Shengtian League Saint Son Shangguan turned red...

This group of Japanese dog things, the more they talk about it, the more they are lost!

When he was in power before, the son of the son was the son of the son, now he is in trouble, and all of them are flying in disaster!

Shameless! lowly! Bastard!

" wait for me! When I return to the Holy Sky Alliance, I will kill you!"

The holy son of the Shengtian League, Shangguantian looked threatening.

As for those cultivators of the Holy Heaven Alliance, it didn't matter if they had their faces full.

Can you live through today is hard to say, still thinking about packing us? Who gave you the big face? Do you really think you are a person?

Before you were the Son of God, what you said was what you said.

As for now...

Say you are a shit, do you have an opinion?

This situation does not just happen in one place.

Most of the situations in Motian Pavilion, Soul Chasing Pavilion, and Starfall Academy are very similar.

They all know that they must be punished if they stand up now. If they don't do it well, they will lose their lives.

In the current situation, relying on a little so-called affection, want them to die? Obviously not realistic.

Seeing that the situation froze, Fang Fan laughed enough, and then stood up silently.

When Shangguantian and the others saw Fang Fan's complexion, they were suddenly nervous.

Isn't it... you want to attack them?

They will be sanctioned soon?

Don't panic, it must be nonsense!

With death in front of you, can you understatement that it doesn't matter?

"The cultivators of the four major forces, stand up and live! Keep hiding and die!"

"Report to each other, and those who report ten people will be released unconditionally!"

"Those who are reported, kill them on the spot!"

"If you make a random report, once it is verified, it will be killed!"

"Of course, you can also choose to remain silent!"

"I will kill someone every ten seconds from now on!"

"Well... you can kill so many people for a few hours!"

"I'm not in a hurry, I can stay with you here!"

Fang Fan smiled, purely.

Sometimes, just to be so indifferent!

When he said this, the cultivators underneath suddenly panicked...

"I'm Cao! I'm really not a member of the four major forces, don't kill me by mistake then!"

"You short-lived ghosts, Palace Master Fang Fan asked you to go up! What about the ink! Aren't the cultivators of the four major forces all crazy? Why are they all dumb now? Go up! Keep going up! !"

"Made! By doing this, you have cheated us cultivators who are not the four major forces!"

"Hall Master Fang Fan, I am not a cultivator of the four major forces, but I want to report a few of the four major forces cultivators I know by my real name... can it be done!"

"I also report! Palace Master Fang Fan, I can report a hundred and save my life!"

"I remember many of the four major forces! I can also report it!"

People's eyes are sharp.

After a wave of temptation, the cultivators who were not the four major forces collapsed! Can't hold it anymore!

Even if the four major forces are dead on their own, why do you have to drag them?

Now that you have committed something, why do you want to take them to the funeral together?

In the end, the cultivators who belonged to the four major forces and those iron affiliated forces were picked out one by one.

Of course, some small twists and turns will naturally appear in the middle.

For example... life and death do not admit that they are the four extraordinary forces...

In this case, verify a wave, confirm that it is correct, and kill it directly!

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