Fang Fan was not discouraged if he could not get the divine veins for the time being.

The future can be expected...

Most of the top-grade magic crystals that had fallen all over the ground were used to shape spiritual veins and upgrade the temple...only a small part remained.

But even this small part is a huge number!

"Master, preliminary investigation, there are a total of 13,957 top-grade spirit crystals left..."

Galen came over and took out all the **** crystals he had harvested.

The surrounding people took a breath, and there was endless shock in their eyes...

More than 13,000 superb spirit crystals? This is... this is too strong!

You know, this is the best spirit crystal!

A top-grade spiritual crystal is worth a million low-grade spiritual crystals...

More than 13,000 pieces... equivalent to more than 10 billion lower-grade spirit crystals...

In the former Palace of Humans, I couldn’t even get ten thousand spirit crystals...

This is a million times difference!

Fang Fan nodded secretly, this wave of gains was really good...

The **** bestowed after being promoted to the eighth rank power is actually the best spirit crystal! Who is so extravagant!

"Weird! Too weird!"

"The difficulty of promotion to Rank 8 is comparable to promotion to Rank 6..."

"And the ultimate gift is actually the best spirit crystal..."

"As far as I know, when you are promoted to the Ninth-Rank power, the **** bestows the Lingjing..."

"Promote to the eighth rank power, the **** bestows the middle rank spirit crystal!"

"Promote to the Seventh-Rank power, God bestows the high-grade Lingjing!"

"Promote to the sixth rank power, only then will God bestow the best spirit crystal..."

"You... all came according to the specifications of the Sixth Rank..."

The formation master on the side was stunned...

He had never seen the current scene.

He does not mean that.

Fang Fan squinted his eyes and looked inwardly.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

Perhaps there is really a pair of eyes staring at him in those nine heavens? As long as he moves slightly, he will usher in a hundredfold or even a thousandfold block?

Fang Fan waved his head, and then stopped thinking about these things.

there is always a solution to a problem.

He doesn't want to cause trouble, but he is not afraid of it.

If he is really bullied, it is absolutely impossible!

Some bottom lines must be adhered to!

"Congratulations, Palace Master Fang Fan, for being promoted to the master of the eighth rank! At this speed, I am afraid that it will not be long before our solar galaxy will usher in the third seventh rank!"

"The hero was born a boy, and he was right!"

"Hall Master Fang Fan is that kind of handsome young genius!"

In the distance, there was a woman's voice suddenly. The voice was delicate and gentle. At first it sounded, there was a feeling of blood boiling over the whole body.

Fang Fan's gaze was deflected, and he saw a woman in a black outfit.

All the areas that can save fabric on the whole body are omitted, and a large area of ​​white skin is exposed, giving people an extremely strong feeling.

It's so beautiful and enchanting, I want to embrace it...This is the most intuitive feeling for everyone right now.

"Hu Meizi! Don't seduce people here! Put away your disgusting routine!"

In the distance, there was another female voice, and this female voice seemed resolute, and Fang Fan was quite familiar with it.

"Purple Ling Saint Emperor?"

Fang Fan yelled in surprise, and the color of surprise in his eyes became more obvious.

As the holy emperor of the Holy Heaven Alliance, under normal circumstances, he will not run around casually. Since he is here, it means that there must be something...

And looking at the appearance of these two women, it seems a little bit uncomfortable...

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