The evolution of Chutian Pavilion's small world has naturally made the creation points that Chutian Pavilion can create more and more every day.

There are more creation points, and they can be used to transform and upgrade the entire Chutian Pavilion small world...

This is a virtuous circle.

Fang Fan has already set the stage for the previous things, but for the latter, you only need to deal with it step by step.

"Go, go down and take a look?"

Fang Fan chuckled, then used a creation point to dress both him and Ye Mei'er in disguise, and then they went directly to the ground.

It just happened that the Orcs were fighting with the Human Seas!

Where there are creatures, there will be battles competing for the survival of the fittest... This truth is too profound!

No matter how you avoid it, you still can't escape the sanctions of this law!

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, his expression changed slightly.

He naturally understands these principles.

This kind of war, he could completely show up for a while, and then he could stop it directly.

In the name of the creation god, these ethnic groups naturally dare not have any hindrance.

But in the end, Fang Fan did not choose to do so.

If he intervenes forcibly, it will destroy the laws of this small world. If he intervenes too much, these ferocious races will also lose their motivation to make progress!

And because these weak races are free from natural enemies and wars, they will gradually become numb, and gradually become ignorant...

In the end, this world will eventually collapse completely!

Appropriate competition and pressure are the best starter for evolution.

In the small world of Chutian Pavilion, those golden blooded orc races are the first to be born and have the longest development time, so they are also the most majestic!

The entire ethnic group has thousands of men, women and children!

The human race and the sea race are the subsequent races, each with hundreds of combat power, and the single combat power is not the opponent of these orcs.

Therefore, they chose the joint!

On the land, the human race is fighting the orc race, and the sea race is on the side to help!

On the plane of the lake that is still drifting, those orcs who want to catch fish and shrimps in the lake for food will be overturned by the sea people from time to time...

The orcs are brave, but they also have their flaws, that is, their brains are not enough...

Although the human race's combat power is inherently insufficient, their brains are extremely clever.

They will use stones to make all kinds of stone tools, and even...have started the first wave of smelting...

Use weapons to protect yourself and guard the race!

Three **** battles, each with damage.

Fang Fan was secretly happy...It was really interesting just watching.

"There are people there!"

"Kill! Kill these wicked human races!"

"That human woman is so beautiful!"

"Grab it and dedicate it to the chief!"

In the distance, a few orc warriors saw Fang Fan and Yun Yun, threw their faces excitedly, and they wanted to attack Fang Fan directly.

Fang Fan frowned, as he was about to take a shot, several human races suddenly ran over from a distance.

"There, there are our companions!"

"Brothers! Run with me! Destroy these orcs and rescue your companions!"

Whoosh whoosh... Then one after another stone and bone arrows were shot from a distance, directly hitting several orc warriors in front of them, severely wounding them.

During this process, Fang Fan never intervened...

Just watching everything in front of me quietly.

"That's right... even the bones and arrows have been made... It may be entering the Bronze Age soon..."

Fang Fan secretly said in his heart.

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